
Total Results: 1,334 records

Showing results for "physical".

    January 01, 2021 - The damage may be either physical (e.g., liver damage from chronic drinking) or mental (e.g., depressive … exacerbated by the effects of alcohol (e.g., arguments with spouse about consequences of intoxication, physical … of alcohol use; or alcohol use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical … group of disorders with considerable variability in outcome and prognosis; (2) comorbidities: multiple physical … for alcohol dependence consisted only of disulfiram: an aversive deterrent that produces significant physical
    December 01, 2019 - psoriatic plaques may be triggered or exacerbated by environmental conditions, including infection, physical … symptoms, including major clinical response, inhibiting progression of structural disease and improving physical … symptoms, including major clinical response, inhibiting progression of structural disease, and improving physical … symptoms, including major clinical response, inhibiting progression of structural disease and improving physical … symptoms, including major clinical response, inhibiting progression of structural disease and improving physical
    June 01, 2021 - ) Other Treatments Structured aerobic exercise: Structured exercise is defined as regular physical … activity done with the intention of improving or maintaining physical fitness or health, or performed … activity done with the intention of improving or maintaining physical fitness or health, or performed … Depression in Adults with a Chronic Physical Health Problem: Treatment and Management. … A randomized clinical trial of Behavioral Activation (BA) therapy for improving psychological and physical
    January 01, 2009 - protein, anemia, fatigue, or renal dysfunction), including patients being ruled out during a routine physical
    January 01, 2009 - interested in the comparative effectiveness of therapies for autism including occupational, speech, and physical
    June 12, 2012 - 1) to severe head and trunk control limitations that require extensive use of assisted technology, physical … Requires extensive use of assisted technology and physical assistance; and transported in a manual … and family satisfaction and stress • Decreased time spent on feeding-related activities • Physical … societies (American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine and the American Academy of Physical … life, patient and family satisfaction and stress, decreased time spent on feeding-related activities, physical
    May 01, 2011 - Central Register of Controlled Trials; Embase; Global Health Library; MEDLINE; Pascal; PeDRO (The Physical … Rehabilitation One RCT (n = 37) evaluated physical therapy (stretching and strengthening of spinal … There was a significant difference in additional pain relief following physical therapy (MD ­1.39; … key outcomes for pain management following hip fracture (continued) Rehabilitation Acute pain Physical … therapy vs. standard Insufficient Significant effect in favor of physical care (1 RCT) therapy (MD
    December 01, 2019 - There were few direct comparisons of active interventions; effects on overall CVD risk, physical functioning
    January 01, 2023 - significant public health challenge in the United States, affecting millions of individuals and impacting physical
    March 01, 2022 - lasting ≥ 3 months or persisting past normal tissue healing time Leading cause of disability; impacts physical … Function Long-Term ES, SOE Pain Short-Term ES, SOE Pain Intermediate ES, SOE Pain Long-Term ES, SOE Physical … Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation slight ++ slight ++ none + slight ++ slight ++ none + “Passive” Physical
    January 10, 2012 - The Norton Scale, 1,8 developed in the United Kingdom, consists of five items: physical condition … 11,12 The underlying risks for pressure ulcers vary according to patient characteristics (e.g., physical … ‡Such as age, race or skin tone, physical impairment, body weight, or specific medical comorbidities … †Patient characteristics include age, race or skin tone, physical impairment, body weight, specific medical
    April 01, 2020 - associated with an annual cost conservatively estimated at $560 to $635 billion, can result in impaired physical … • Opioids were associated with a greater improvement than nonopioids in SF-36 measures of physical … morphine; effects on pain, SF-36 physical and mental health; adverse events were inconsistent, with … Effects on SF-36 physical health status were below the threshold for small and there was no effect on … Association of opioids with falls, fractures, and physical performance among older men with persistent
    November 01, 2020 - Fibromyalgia/ or fibromyalgia.ti,ab. 7. exp Exercise Therapy/ 8. exp Physical Therapy Modalities/ … (exercise or physical therapy or cognitive or behavioral or feedback or relaxation or acceptance or … (exercise or "physical therap*").ti,ab,kw 5. … Functional status, physical activity level, and exercise regularity in patients with fibromyalgia after … Yoga, physical therapy, or efor chronic low back pain: a randomized noninferiority trial.
    February 01, 2013 - Program 2 of interventions that address child exposure to trauma in the form of maltreatment (physical … in mental health conditions or symptoms (e.g., depression, anxiety) • Prevention of or reduction in physical … interventions targeting children exposed to trauma according to traumatic stress, mental health, physical … mental health conditions or symptoms (e.g., depression, anxiety) • Prevention of or reduction in physical … symptoms;18 and one study found no improvement in dissociative symptoms.21 Four studies evaluated physical
    March 01, 2012 - Exercise and physical activity should not be viewed purely as an alternative to the other modalities … Physical activity and exercise plays an important role in the multifactorial approach that should be … APTA General: Physical Activity Physical activity decreases fracture risk as shown by the Nurse’s … The role of physical activity is considered as one of the interventions. … NOF General: Calcium and physical activity Calcium and physical activity: NOF believes that the daily
    December 01, 2019 - with a lifetime risk of 13 percent. 2-4 Breast cancer is usually first detected by feeling a lump on physical … an individual basis. 6 After a possible abnormality is identified on screening mammography or on physical … women from the general population who have an abnormal finding as shown by screening mammography or a physical … purpose of primary diagnosis of a breast abnormality detected by routine screening (mammography or physical … for evaluation after discovery of a possible breast abnormality by screening mammography or routine physical
    February 22, 2012 - Disorders Research Protocol Archived March 2, 2011 Comparative Effectiveness of Physical
    March 26, 2013 - Knowledge Briefs: Public Deliberation Systematic Review Archived February 1, 2013 Physical
    January 01, 2009 -  Support”   o Development   o Implementation   Slide  4:  Impact  of  Cancer   • Physical
    January 10, 2012 - psoriatic plaques may be triggered or exacerbated by environmental conditions, including infection, physical … reducing signs and symptoms, inhibition of structural damage of active arthritis and improving physical … symptoms, including major clinical response, inhibiting progression of structural disease and improving physical … symptoms, including major clinical response, inhibiting progression of structural disease and improving physical … symptoms, including major clinical response, inhibiting progression of structural disease and improving physical

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