December 01, 2019 - Older people with diabetes are more likely to experience cognitive disorders, urinary incontinence, and physical … They are more likely to suffer cognitive decline and inadequate physical function than people in younger
June 01, 2021 - a A coordinated program with both physical and psychosocial treatment components provided by professionals … not allowed to undergo diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
†† A coordinated program with both physical … Pain
1 SR
[evidence low]
1 SR
[evidence low]
General exercise or physical … long-term)
2 SRs
+ to ++ (pain)
+ (function)
[evidence low] to [evidence medium]
You can help prevent injuries by
Getting a physical to make sure you are healthy before you start
August 28, 2024 - But chronic stress can cause both physical and mental harm.
August 02, 2024 - Health Topics
Children's Health
Your child's health includes physical
September 30, 2015 - administrative data Enrolled: NA
Analyzed: 53,187 (unmatched sample); 38,716 (matched sample) Visit counts for physical … geographic region, primary care provider availability, insurance coverage type, other medications, physical … region, need factors (comorbidities, depression, and anxiety), and personal health (smoking status, BMI, physical … C: aOR 0.84 (95% CI 0.61 to 1.17)
Patients with functional limitations at baseline (n=NR)
Physical limitations … C: aOR 1.07 (95% CI 0.61 to 1.85)
Physical limitations: A vs.
November 15, 2012 - Supportive care measures are disease
specific, depending on the organs involved and degree of physical … and psychosocial measurements, post-treatment
physical and psychosocial measurements, and adverse events … and psychosocial measurements, post-
treatment physical and psychosocial measurements, and adverse events … The physical symptoms may include the
same as the severe form, but are milder in nature. … Mental development is
usually normal, but psychomotor skills are affected
by the physical and visual
December 01, 2019 - social costs. 1-3 At the same time, modifiable risk factors for chronic diseases such as smoking, physical … practices" of integrative approaches that address health risk arising from both the work environment (physical … TWH interventions include, for example, strategies aimed to both increase physical activity and prevent … through work redesign. 15 For example, an intervention in a Dutch manufacturing plant incorporated physical … ; weight or body mass index (BMI); blood pressure; cholesterol; incidence of diabetes; frequency of physical
July 10, 2023 - syndrome of menopause (GSM) describes the spectrum of
vulvovaginal and urinary symptoms, as well as physical … Physical changes and signs are varied and include labial atrophy,
vaginal dryness, introital stenosis … vulvovaginal, urinary, or sexual) of symptoms needed to
diagnose GSM, nor a requirement for identifying physical … GSM is usually made based on the presence of symptoms in a post-
menopausal woman, with or without physical … Therapy/ or drugs, chinese herbal/ or Yoga/
or (acupuncture or herbal supplement* or pelvic floor physical
December 01, 2020 - with higher parity, obesity, comorbidities, and history of hysterectomy. 2 UI can affect a woman's physical … highlight four specific subpopulations of interest (women athletes and those engaging in high-impact physical … UI (as defined by authors)
Subpopulations :
Women athletes and those engaging in high-impact physical … Agents"[Mesh]
OR neuromuscular agents
OR ((pelvic floor or bladder) AND (train* or exercise or physical … therapy))
OR kegel
OR "Physical Therapy Modalities"[Mesh]
OR physiotherapy
OR biofeedback
March 26, 2012 - effectiveness of interventions that address child exposure to trauma in the form of maltreatment
(physical … These experiences included
emotional abuse (11%), physical abuse (28%), sexual abuse (21%), battered … Prevention or reduction in physical health conditions
or symptoms
4. … Co-occurring mental and
physical health conditions
Treatment Characteristics
1. … Prevention or reduction in co-occurring physical health
conditions or symptoms
September 08, 2023 - such as diabetes, AIDS, cancer, and kidney or liver disease
People suffering from a severe burn or physical
December 01, 2019 - diabetes-related topics (including the disease process, treatment options, nutritional management, physical … risk for complications) together with one or more additional components; or
A structured exercise or physical … Additional components for (b) and (c) above may include interventions related to: diet or physical activity
They include a physical exam, endoscopy, ultrasound, and biopsy.
Your doctor may use a physical exam and skin and blood tests to diagnose it.
Treatment includes physical therapy and, in some cases, surgery.
They include physical and speech therapy, orthopedic devices, surgery, and medications.
You can treat symptoms with medicines, braces, surgery, and physical therapy.
Treatment involves managing symptoms, often with medicines and physical therapy.
You can treat some of the symptoms with medicines, surgery, and physical and speech therapy.