
Total Results: 273 records

Showing results for "phone".

    August 05, 2010 - Technical Brief: Use and Safety of Positional MRI in the Management of Patients with Musculoskeletal Pain Research Protocol Archived August 5, 2010 Patient Safety in Ambulatory Settings Technical Brief Archived October 19, 2016 Patient Safety in Ambulatory Settings Rese…
    June 01, 2014 - Audio for today’s presentation  will  be delivered to you  through the phone.   … You will then be prompted to either type in your phone number to have  WebEx call you or you can   … , would have its own tear sheet that, let’s say you don’t  have a tablet or yo don’t have a smart phone
    June 01, 2015 - We presented the CER results and the preliminary list to stakeholders via Webinars and phone discussions … Followup emails were sent as needed, and reminder phone calls were made in some cases. … After the completion of both Webinars and the phone conference, stakeholders were asked to respond first … Implementation 6 The frequency with which the contacts are made Implementation 7 Mode of contact (phone … e.g. two in-person visits for assessment and motivational interviewing with 5 intervening phone calls
    November 27, 2019 - informatics"[tiab] OR "mobile health" [tiab] OR "eHealth" [tiab] OR "digital health"[tiab] OR "smart phone … informatics"[tiab] OR "mobile health" [tiab] OR "eHealth" [tiab] OR "digital health"[tiab] OR "smart phone
    June 01, 2022 - specifically, simultaneous, two-way communication between providers and patients, primarily via internet or phone
    July 10, 2018 - 13. exp peer group/ 14. exp social support/ 15. exp Telemedicine/ 16. telephone/ or exp cell phone … ("alternative medicine" or acupuncture or "animal assist*" or art or "cell phone" or "cognitive behavior
    July 10, 2018 - 13. exp peer group/ 14. exp social support/ 15. exp Telemedicine/ 16. telephone/ or exp cell phone … ("alternative medicine" or acupuncture or "animal assist*" or art or "cell phone" or "cognitive behavior
    December 01, 2022 - transfers (3 studies; low strength of evidence [SOE]) compared to usual care, including in-person or phone
    December 31, 2019 - informatics"[tiab] OR "mobile health" [tiab] OR "eHealth" [tiab] OR "digital health"[tiab] OR "smart phone … informatics"[tiab] OR "mobile health" [tiab] OR "eHealth" [tiab] OR "digital health"[tiab] OR "smart phone
    January 01, 2013 - encounter, 4) self-administered by mail, 5) self-administered online, 6) interviewer administered by phone … , and 7) computer administered by phone.
    May 11, 2021 - Free text UK Digital Health Framew ork10 Company information Provide the key contact's phone … F-3 Logistics for App Download: Download the app from the App Store to your phone or tablet and … Reviewers will have to activate accessibility features on their phone under Settings in order to test … The iOS App Store can be accessed through a browser on your phone, tablet or computer. ____________ … The Google Play Store can be accessed through a browser on a computer, table or phone. ____________
    July 12, 2017 - we define mHealth as any website, program, or application delivered through a mobile device (i.e., phone
  14. WITHIN 3 (pdf file)
    January 06, 2017 - Other health care professionals, everybody, wants to be able to access from their smart phone so it's
    July 12, 2017 - we define mHealth as any website, program, or application delivered through a mobile device (i.e., phone
    August 01, 2020 - scope of IT to include electronic medical record interventions such as prescription drug monitoring, phone … Multicomponent mobile and computer-based program 1 fair-quality RCT26 n=1426 No difference Phone … or app or apps or application* or applet* or SMS or text or text-messag* or cellphone* or cell-phone … * or phone* or smartphone* or iphone* or ipad* or android* or email* or virtual* or game or gaming … assisted therapy" and opioid and mhealth, “MAT" and opioid and mhealth, “MAT" and opioid and smart phone
  17. #14 SUBSTANCE ABUSE (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - Other experts disagreed, suggesting that this intervention—which requires access to a cell phone and … Voxiva launches Text2Quit to help smokers quit with the help of their mobile phone. [internet].
    July 26, 2023 - The conference will be conducted according to KIs’ preferred method (i.e., over the phone or via video
  19. Arcia-notes-Teresa (pdf file)
    November 11, 2015 - Arcia-notes-Teresa First, I'd like to acknowledge my colleagues, Dr. Sue Bakken is my mentor and   is the PI of one of the major projects I'll be talking about today. 1 And  here you  can  also see our funding sources. 2 Today I'm going to talk about some of the opportunities that technology crea…
    July 31, 2012 - Any information delivered via phone and/or Web-based e-mail, text messages, or electronic programs such … as PDA (personal digital assistant) resources or phone apps Any information delivered via Internet-based … Information delivery via phone, Webinar, or in-person visits, including purposeful delivery of brochures

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