January 01, 2007 - Methods: A 12-item survey with mostly open-ended questions was administered by phone to
MTM benefit … interpreted and further elucidated by CMS.2 Provision of the
services could occur via mailed letters, phone … ensure completeness, the questionnaire contained mostly open-ended
questions and was administered by phone … an MTM program, the benefits were
equally variable with some programs offering mailings or limited phone
July 24, 2015 - with interviews of
Key Informants (KIs), both individually as well as in a small group setting via phone
January 01, 2023 - peer group/
14 exp social support/
15 exp Telemedicine/
16 telephone/ or exp cell phone … non-pharma*).ti,ab.
18 ("alternative medicine" or acupuncture or "animal assist*" or art or "cell phone … .ti,ab. (577990)
10 ("alternative medicine" or acupuncture or "animal assist*" or art or "cell phone
July 08, 2014 - technology in treatment for depression (e.g. internet-based
therapies, web-camera counseling, mobile phone … particularly based on the mobility of the US population and
the ubiquity of the Internet and mobile phone … interventions using
technology such as internet-based therapies, web-camera
counseling, and mobile phone … consideration of growing practice surrounding
adjunct therapies (i.e. internet-based therapies, mobile-
phone … interventions using technology
such as internet-based therapies, web-camera counseling, and
mobile phone
January 01, 2023 - interventions will not be included if they occur only in one direction or if they are not personalized (e.g., phone … 1 Telemedicine/ 2 Mobile Applications/ 3 (telemedicine or telemedical or telehealth or telephone or phone … or (cell adj2 (phone or device)) or (cellular adj2 (phone or device)) or (text adj2 messag*) or "texting
June 21, 2021 - interventions will not be included if they occur only in one direction or if
they are not personalized (e.g., phone … Telemedicine/
2 Mobile Applications/
3 (telemedicine or telemedical or telehealth or telephone or phone … or (cell adj2 (phone or
device)) or (cellular adj2 (phone or device)) or (text adj2 messag*) or "texting
January 01, 2018 - OR mobile device [mh] OR tablets [mh] OR mobile
applications [mh] OR “smartphone” [mh] OR mobile phone … ] OR “mobile
device”[tiab] OR tablet[tiab] OR “mobile app*”[tiab] OR smartphone [tiab]
OR “mobile phone
September 01, 2011 - (3) Women were likewise not approved to have a daily contact with a
nurse by phone, nor did they have … The basal rate was
kept constant…”
(3) Seems like patients had phone contact
with nurse
“Patients … in all three groups made phone calls
to the research nurse with equal frequency.”
October 01, 2011 - aggregating information or
understanding what is going on in a community. mHealth uses simple cell phone
November 01, 2020 - The program may be done in person, on the phone, or online.
December 01, 2018 - Roles and responsibilities:
• Reaching out to patients via mail,
phone, or face contacts
• Up to … outcomes
• Perception of provider’s role
Interventions ranged from transcription of
encounter to phone … Volunteer lay navigators contacted patients by phone, provided a tour of
the cancer center, followed … Introduction phone
2. Meet patient for tour
of cancer center and
3. … Closure phone call
after visit with
January 01, 2012 - preparation materials, having an advocate or family/friend with them on the
phone, a personal call in … If the meeting occurs via
phone or web conference, electronic web-based virtual meeting tools or shared
June 30, 2016 - Reviewer #3-
Mobile Phone … [Cluster-
Randomized Trial of a Mobile
Phone Personalized Behavioral
Intervention for Blood Glucose … Response
Reviewer #3-
Mobile Phone … patients
"There was a trend toward
increased prescription refill rates
with the use of the Pill Phone … titled:
"Medication Adherence and
mHealth: The George
Washington University and
Wireless Reach Pill Phone
January 01, 2012 - The personal monitor transmits collected patient data to the patient’s
Bluetooth-enabled cell phone … patient accepts the referral, appointments are
scheduled either immediately or during a followup phone … an adhesive bandage, is designed to be worn for 7 days.
The third component is the mobile phone … The data is sent
securely to either a mobile phone or to a Web-based platform, where it can be viewed … the patient accepts the referral, appointments are scheduled either immediately or via a
followup phone
May 01, 2019 - The MTM provider contacted the prescriber by phone if the identified drug related problem was considered … patient’s primary care physician in a reasonable time frame, the physician’s office was contacted by phone … or when the drug related problem resolution is urgent, the MTM provider may contact the physician by phone … not obtained from the patient’s primary care physician, the physician’s office should be contacted by phone … In some patients, Likert scales are difficult to administer over the phone.
January 01, 2012 - The personal monitor transmits collected patient data to the patient’s
Bluetooth-enabled cell phone … the patient
accepts the referral, appointments are scheduled either immediately or via a followup
phone … The personal monitor transmits collected
patient data to the patient’s Bluetooth-enabled cell phone … the patient accepts the referral, appointments are scheduled either immediately or via a followup
phone … infrastructure of rural primary care offices, including “internet access, telephone services, fax, speaker
January 01, 2023 - mh] OR mobile device [mh] OR tablets [mh] OR mobile applications [mh] OR "smartphone" [mh] OR mobile phone … tiab] OR "mobile device"[tiab] OR tablet[tiab] OR "mobile app*"[tiab] OR smartphone [tiab] OR "mobile phone
January 01, 2020 - with interviews of Key Informants (KIs), both individually as well as in a small group setting via phone
October 24, 2019 - 13. exp peer group/
14. exp social support/
15. exp Telemedicine/
16. telephone/ or exp cell phone … ("alternative medicine" or acupuncture or "animal assist*" or art or "cell phone" or "cognitive
January 01, 2024 - All alerts were written into the electronic medical record (EMR) and sent via phone text message to the … All alerts were written into the electronic medical record (EMR) and sent via phone text message to the … on vital signs scored on a scale of 0 to 3
Na, 2021 Arm 1 -Usual care/In person Pre-intervention (Phone … learning, communication cascades Physicians and nurses directly contacted the MET using a dedicated phone … Miles, 2023 Overall Overall 198 NR NR NR NR
Na, 2021 Arm 1 -Usual care/In person Pre-intervention (Phone