January 01, 2019 - A Geofencing-Based Adaptive Messaging System to Support Patient Self-Management of a Low-Sodium Diet in Hypertension - Final Report
5/3/2016 to 4/30/2019, with one-year no-cost extension
A Geofencing-Based Adaptive Messaging System to …
January 01, 2017 - The effectiveness of these IBS management strategies was
equivalent when conducted over the phone or … People increasingly turn to smart phone applications and other devices for collecting and tracking … We conducted an hour-long semi-structured phone interview with each participant. … We interviewed 10
participants in person and 11 by phone. … For example, some participants had no-phone-at-the table rules for family meals or dinners.
January 01, 2007 - He
probably has to look up the phone number. … Bell had a government issue
presentation, I have a government issue phone and it’s state government
July 01, 2015 - As a result, we mail reminders or make phone contact with
the patients based on the reports.” … As a result, we mail reminders or make phone contact with the patients based on the reports.”
January 01, 2015 - Patient Characteristics Medical Record Number
Phone … auto-population errors, did not appear in the registry
despite being active patients who had recent visits (phone
January 17, 2013 - (HIE) | 7
The team tried to make the focus groups as convenient as possible and have offered phone
January 01, 2012 - This baseline data on
needs was collected through a series of phone interviews with a sample of providers
January 01, 2007 - Any questions needing clarification for order entry are requested via phone, fax or
through MEDITECH
January 01, 2009 - Content was derived from phone interviews conducted with key members
of selected grantee implementation
January 01, 2014 - Access to Pediatric Voice Therapy: A Telehealth Solution - Final Report
Access to Pediatric Voice Therapy: A Telehealth Solution
January 01, 2009 - Content was derived from phone interviews conducted with key members
of selected grantee implementation
January 25, 2018 - A National Web Conference on Reducing Provider Burden through Better Health IT Design - Slides
AHRQ National Web Conference on
Reducing Provider Burden Through Better
Health IT Design
Presented by:
Pascale Carayon, PhD
Zia Agha, MD
Lukasz Mazur, PhD
Moderated by:
Bryan Kim,…
January 01, 2023 - Content was derived from phone interviews conducted with key members of selected grantee implementation
January 01, 2019 - Only 11 comments were positive, applauding improved accuracy, mobile phone
integration, and increased
October 31, 2013 - One copy is for you to keep; it has
phone numbers to call in case you have questions afterwards. … This means that your names, addresses, and
phone numbers will not be used in any of our reporting.
January 01, 2009 - charged for the incoming prescription order, which is
free when it arrives via any other route such as phone … At the time of the patient visit, you can review all phone calls made to the patient and specialist referrals … and verbal transcription errors where somebody
can't understand the voice on the other end of the phone … It could be a detriment however if the question is urgent, so there will still be a reason for phone … and if the
system is easier and you don't need to get the physicians or the physician’s staff on the phone
October 01, 2009 - serves as the project officer for
several large grant programs including, [and many of you on the phone … Patty, do you have a phone connection?
October 01, 2009 - serves as the project officer for
several large grant programs including, [and many of you on the phone … Patty, do you have a phone connection?
November 15, 2005 - process is broken, and if you start to understand that the
PDR, that a number of you who are on the phone … want to make data more legible so that we don’t have errors at the pharmacy, or spend all day on the
January 01, 2013 - cellular telephone for
the six-month duration of the study; (4) unwilling to accept calls to their phone