January 01, 2023 - : Journal Publication Research Method: Interview , Qualitative Technology: Mobile App , Mobile Phone … Methods , Qualitative , Quantitative , Structured/Semi-Structured Interview Technology: Mobile Phone … Document Type: Journal Publication Research Method: Focus Group , Qualitative Technology: Mobile Phone … Liss asks “If I can use Uber, bike sharing, and other apps that enable my phone to communicate my location
January 01, 2010 - It is theorized that individuals who use a mobile phone-based automated text message system will have … Specific Aims:
Utilize patient participant feedback in the development of a mobile phone text message
April 11, 2012 - Media, such as mobile phone texts and social networking sites, are familiar to patients, fit in with
September 30, 2009 - Person who takes phone orders
15. LMR
Codes for question 11 (Choose all that apply)
1. … Patient contacted provider (phone)
2. Patient contacted provider (email)
3. … Patient contacted RN (phone)
4. Patient contacted RN (email)
September 01, 2012 - It is theorized that individuals who use a mobile phone-based
automated text message system will have … Specific Aims:
• Utilize patient participant feedback in the development of a mobile phone text message
January 01, 2010 - Those who
frequently have higher rates of cell phone use include younger adults, socioeconomically disadvantaged … Given the pervasiveness, low cost, and convenience of cell phone
technology, short message system (SMS
January 01, 2010 - The first support will be
tailored cell phone text messaging provided to teenagers who indicate that … The second cohort will receive
the post-visit supports for tobacco or exercise via cell phone text messaging … the primary care visit to tailored followup health behavior change text
messages delivered by cell phone … For younger teens, who
often did not have a cell phone, the enrollment rate was approximately 20 percent
May 27, 2015 - authorization requests from pharmacies that are connected to this network as an alternative to time-consuming phone
June 11, 2009 - Comments
Other Notes:
Working Group Structure: (include names, organization, phone … number and e-mail address)
Name Organization Phone number e-mail address
January 01, 2010 - Implementation of the PhaST system involves seven phone calls over the three months
following a new … The
respondent answers the questions by pushing numbers on the phone. … The research team then called the family and described the study on
the phone. … Agitation or
“Since the last doctor visit or phone check
up, have you had changes in mood, … “Since the last doctor visit or phone check up,
have you noticed any new problem
behaviors, changes
February 23, 2021 - group that is for a health issue that you or your family member has
�Used an application on a cell phone … that apply)
�From staff at the check in desk �From your doctor’s nurse
�From your doctor �On the phone … or from an email before an office visit
�On the phone or from an email after an office visit �On the
January 01, 2023 - Project Dates
04/01/2014 - 03/31/2017
Artificial Intelligence
Mobile Phone … Journal Publication Research Method: Pre-Post Study , Quantitative , Retrospective Technology: Mobile Phone … Type: Report Research Method: Mixed Methods , Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) Technology: Mobile Phone
June 01, 2005 - Phone in advance
Phone for same day appointment
Previous visit
Does anything happen between … Regular appointments
Same day appointments/nurse visits
Phone calls
When the chart is pulled … Letter
Phone call
What happens if patient can’t be reached?
September 29, 2008 - records his vital signs, including weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar, and sends the data across phone … Patients track and transmit their vitals -- using a small machine that connects to a home phone line. … "To the patient on the other end of the phone, that algorithm translates to an automated series of questions
January 01, 2012 - Funds budgeted for the feasibility study, including participant fees and cell phone and data service,
January 01, 2023 - Attitude Assessment Population: Adults Care Setting: Patient Home Technology: Internet , Mobile Phone … Attitude Assessment Population: Adults Care Setting: Patient Home Technology: Internet , Mobile Phone
April 09, 2009 - If you want to change your call time, change your phone number, or if you plan on
traveling outside … Each research interview should take 20-30
minutes to complete over the phone. … *Please log in to the system using your 7 digit phone number
• If you have any questions about the research
May 22, 2009 - It's a phone number
that you can call to get advice on
how to quit smoking or cut down
on how much … I can
give you the phone number now.
January 01, 2023 - Illinois
Project Dates
03/01/2011 - 02/28/2014
Mobile Phone … completed by the patients or their parents via the Internet or interactive voice response (IVR) by phone … Reporting System for Pediatric Chronic Illness Document Type: Report Technology: Internet , Mobile Phone
January 01, 2011 - Verbal consent was obtained at the
time of the phone call. … made the phone calls. … We collected data on the costs of recruiting subjects for the study as well as conducting the
phone … In addition, those who said they received a phone call were pleased with
the call. … $3.50 per call, not including the actual phone