January 01, 2023 - postcard sent to patient as a reminder due to a researcher or clinic being unable to reach them via phone
January 01, 2023 - If the patient has questions, the clinic provides its phone number.
January 01, 2012 - It is theorized that individuals who use a mobile phone-based automated text message system will have … focus groups were African American, hypertension as documented in the electronic medical record, cell phone … Specific Aims:
Utilize patient participant feedback in the development of a mobile phone text message
January 01, 2010 - change medication
Receive renewal
request result and
chart from provider
File patient chart
Fax/phone … clinic for
Receive renewal
request result
January 01, 2011 - Key informant interviews were conducted with parents, nurses who
manage parent phone calls, telemedicine … The research team developed and implemented a phone-based community illness survey to assess how
families … Nearly half of these were unable
to be reached due to intermittent cellular phone access, use of prepaid … phone cards, or change in phone
March 30, 2015 - Version 3/12/11 - FINAL
Queries to the phone nurse who responded to the parent phone call … Phone note found in medical record? … ___no ___yes
IF YES: Nurse name _____________________________________________
IF NO: Phone … Version 3/06/11
Queries to the phone nurse who responded to the parent phone call that … Phone note found in medical record?
September 30, 2009 - . _____ Phone call
6. _____ Email contacts
7. _____Other__________________________________
8. … Person who takes phone
15. … Person who takes phone
15. LMR
20. Any work resulting from Medication Error? … Patient contacted provider
(Choose all that apply) (phone)
____ 2. … Patient contacted RN
____ 4.
January 01, 2011 - It is theorized that individuals who use a mobile phone-based
automated text message system will have … Specific Aims:
• Utilize patient participant feedback in the development of a mobile phone text message … focus groups were African American, hypertension as documented in the electronic medical
record, cell phone
January 01, 2012 - It is theorized that individuals who use a mobile phone-based
automated text message system will have … focus groups were
African American, hypertension as documented in the electronic medical record, cell phone … Specific Aims:
• Utilize patient participant feedback in the development of a mobile phone text message
January 01, 2022 - Cell-phone reminders improve attendance at
outpatient appointments16,17 and improve adherence.18,19,20 … practices, including how to lock and encrypt phone data. … CoolCraig: A smart watch/phone application supporting
co-regulation of children with ADHD. … Feasibility of mobile
phone-based management of chromic illness. … Healthcare in the pocket: mapping the space of
mobile-phone health interventions.
January 01, 2023 - Investigator
Gatwood, Justin
Project Name
Targeting Medication Nonadherence Using Mobile Phone
January 01, 2023 - Providing support and reinforcement via simple technology integrated into a smartwatch and smart phone … research developed and piloted CoolCraig, a wearable and connected system combining a smartwatch, mobile phone … Patient Portal Population: Adolescents and Young Adults , Caregiver
CoolCraig: A smart watch/phone … CoolCraig: A Smart Watch/Phone Application Supporting Co-Regulation of Children with ADHD. … wrist
The research team developed and piloted CoolCraig, a system consisting of a smartwatch, mobile phone
June 04, 2010 - Pat Johnson via phone aat 312-915-9264 or email pjohnson@himss.org . … Edna Boone via phone at 703-562-8815 or email eboone@himss.org . … Please direct all other questions to Team PSA via email at AHRQHealthIT2010Mtg@team-psa.com or phone
October 02, 2014 - Which device do you use the most (cell phone, computer, tablet, laptop, other) and why?
a. … What kind of information, if any, do you have on your phone or computer?
c. … What rules do you have around how you can use your cell phone or the internet?
d. … Do your parents check the text messages/Emails on your phone? … SCD Tool
We are thinking of developing an app – something you can use on your phone, on your iPad,
September 26, 2019 - QUESTION: The App sounds very interesting but there will be ED patients that can't respond to
their phone … was designed to have alerts repeatedly 'fire' until the
user (or someone in possession of the user's phone … We
would be happy to discuss these issues further if you want to get in touch via email or phone. … QUESTION: The App sounds very interesting but there will be ED patients that can't respond to their phone … was designed to have alerts repeatedly 'fire' until the user (or someone in possession of the user's phone
January 01, 2010 - The first support will be tailored cell phone text messaging provided to teenagers who indicate that … The second cohort will receive the post-visit supports for tobacco or exercise via cell phone text messaging … the primary care visit to tailored followup health behavior change text messages delivered by cell phone … For younger teens, who often did not have a cell phone, the enrollment rate was approximately 20 percent
January 01, 2010 - Those who frequently have higher rates of cell phone use include younger adults, socioeconomically disadvantaged … Given the pervasiveness, low cost, and convenience of cell phone technology, short message system (SMS
May 15, 2004 - findings were reported among three studies measuring health care use, with one study reporting fewer phone … calls to doctors and another reporting more phone calls to doctors.
January 01, 2023 - Effects of phone and text message reminders on completion of the human papillomavirus vaccine series. … Effects of phone and text message reminders on completion of the human papillomavirus vaccine series.
January 01, 2022 - Aim 3: Evaluate the effectiveness of phone outreach for non-responsive participants. … The
secondary goal of the trial is to evaluate the influence of phone outreach on glycemic control … Interventions
We employed a mobile phone app, ‘DIAMANTE’ developed by Audacious Software
(https: … All groups had the app downloaded on their phone and their steps were
passively tracked within the … Aim 3: Evaluate the effectiveness of phone outreach for non-responsive participants.