January 01, 2023 - Write the action from the second player's point of view: "Mary receives a phone call."
February 01, 2012 - related to reviewing
and responding to eReferrals, including review of medical records and pages and phone … This procedure was initiated to
reduce the number of phone calls and e-mail messages from referring … clinic at particular times of day because
they knew that some staff would accept changes over the phone … PCP submits
referral request
and hands it over
to MEA
Is phone call
to specialty clinic
required … In paper-based system, one-eighth of the referrals required a
phone call, but in eReferral less than
January 01, 2017 - consisted of an electronic pill bottle cap,
bottle and a wireless unit (roughly the size of a smart phone … the letter
how their name was obtained, briefly described the study and explained that they could phone … the
health plan study staff to opt-out of a phone call about the study. … Study staff
reached 233 individuals by phone to
further assess their eligibility and 49
individuals … For
an individual, the system requires special pill bottles with wireless technology as well as a phone
January 01, 2009 - electronic prescribing; electronic ordering of patient homecare supplies; fax server
implementation, phone … Recruitment materials included a postcard and a flyer and were
followed by a phone call with more information … registries to
the addition of laptops to access patient records to Problem Knowledge Coupler (PKC) for phone … Referral template 4 4
E-prescribing 1 2 3
Implementation of Problem Knowledge
Coupler (PKC) for phone … formal meetings but got
together informally when possible
54% 32% 43%
Communicated in other ways (phone
June 01, 2003 - no to two or more of these questions, your
practice can gain efficiencies by transferring routine phone … improve service to patients while increasing productivity
and reducing the hassle associated with phone
January 01, 2007 - societies,
quality improvement organizations or health plans, and in some cases, direct visits and phone … Initiative and Foundation
818 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20006
September 01, 2022 - Pilot #1
Workflow Opportunities
Themes Existing Tools Pilot Tracker
Daily patient reminders Phone … time patient
None Decision tree directed
actions via app
Escalate based on
Phone … generated to care team
• Patients are instructed to call care team if sBP>160
Telehealth visit or phone … time patient
None Decision tree directed
actions via app
Escalate based on
May 25, 2010 - Most phone calls have not been private
July 12, 2011 - Foundation, AHRQ grantees, and the Technical Assistance team
• Discussion
• All phone … Access to EHR
• Milwaukee School of Engineering
• Education & research collaborative
• Mobile phone … Paths We are Taking
• Pilot funding through Clinical Translational Science Institute
• Smart phone
January 01, 2023 - features included an initial assessment of home-based eligibility factors (e.g., access to a working phone
January 01, 2019 - $1,249,994
Communication between poison control centers and emergency departments is based on phone
July 25, 2012 - Alerts are generated when a patient’s symptoms reach 20 percent severity, and a phone
call is made to … Phone calls between the patient, program coordinator, and the vendor’s remote monitoring nurses
took … Of the patients who received a final ECA interaction and a
phone call, the relative risk of reutilization … Jack’s team is also working on a postdischarge Web-based system designed to emulate the
post-hospital phone … The system is a more
robust intervention than a 2-day postdischarge phone call, because patients have
January 01, 2018 - we constructed two models, one for video use, the other for
phone use. … Two growth classes were identified
for both video and phone, with two video use classes of 12.4% use … versus 87.6% non-use, and two phone
classes of 22.2% use and 77.8% non-use. … Figure 5: Multilevel Technology Adoption Relationships for Phone-based Therapy
The summary of this … • An additional assessment of the accessibility of remote therapy was conducted via phone calls to
May 27, 2015 - Dear Pharmacist:
My prescription(s) have been sent to your computer electronically, not by fax or phone
January 01, 2009 - prescribing; scanned paper medical records; electronic tasking (communication between office staff and phone
January 01, 2023 - Method: Interview , Mixed Methods , Survey Technology: Clinical Decision Support System , Mobile Phone
January 01, 2017 - Eligible women who provided consent were scheduled for a baseline phone
assessment. … Final
evaluation included a survey and phone interview. … More
often participants identified MyFoxChase had saved patients a phone call to FCCC versus saving … call
Yes 53.4%
Use of portal saves a visit
Preference of scheduling via online portal vs. phone … Portal 11.4%
June 01, 2011 - The vendor participated actively in bi-
weekly phone calls with the study investigators and field staff … Phone (%)d: Very comfortable 63.1 50.0 71.2
Comfort Level with Cellular Phone (%)d: Somewhat Comfortable … 26.2 34.4 21.2
Comfort Level with Cellular Phone (%)d: Somewhat Uncomfortable 8.3 9.4 7.7
Comfort … Level with Cellular Phone (%)d: Very Uncomfortable 2.4 6.3 0.0
Ever used BP device? … In some cases,
by the time nurses reached the participant by phone for followup, the participant had
January 01, 2020 - Engaging Disadvantaged Patients by Using Mobile Technology to Share Patient Reported Outcomes
Engaging Disadvantaged Patients by Using Mobile Technology to Share Patient Reported Outcomes
Commercial off-the-shelf technology, including mobile phones, can successfully engage disadvantaged patients to collect pati…
October 01, 2008 - Decrease the number of phone calls