January 01, 2023 - Despite the success of mobile phone-based interventions for other chronic diseases, application of this … Publication Research Method: Observational Study , Quantitative Technology: Mobile Device , Mobile Phone
January 01, 2023 - Interviews can be face-to-face or conducted over the phone or with other electronic communication methods
October 01, 2007 - Revision
Guidelines for Specific Health IT
Internet Web sites
Computer Kiosks
Mobile Phone … Health Hero
A “technology
in a box” home health device that plugs into a phone line, Health Hero … Personal wireless devices
(cell phone, BlackBerrry, and PDA)
Small, portable, and private, … Mobile Phone, BlackBerry, and Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
As cell phones and
PDAs take on … Illustrated
Main steps are reviewed
Critical components or warnings emphasized
January 01, 2010 - 2010, patient and parent recruitment was initiated at the largest clinic via mailings and followup phone … During followup recruitment phone conversations, the project staff learned that most parents were not
January 01, 1997 - by patients (from 24 to 5), and hospital admission days (from 22 to 10), with a fivefold increase in phone … by patients (from 24 to 5), and hospital admission days (from 22 to 10), with a fivefold increase in phone
January 01, 2022 - Patient Portal
Maximizing the Impact of ePHIM in Low-Income, Multiethnic Populations
The goal of this research was to document the ability of low-income, multiethnic older adults to use information technology ap…
January 01, 2023 - Johnson, Kevin B.
Patient web portals to improve diabetes outcomes: a systematic review.
Osborn CY, Mayberry LS, Mulvaney SA, et al. Patient web portals to improve diabetes outcomes: a systematic review. Curr Diab Rep 2010 Dec;10(6):422-35. PMID: 20890688.
January 01, 2010 - Follow-up
For a heart appointment To help with food plan To check your heart
Office Phone … #: 617-825-
Office Phone #: 617-638-
Office Phone #: 617-555-1234 Office Phone #: 617- … Safety and
Quality (ASQ)
• Post‐discharge web‐based system designed to emulate
the post‐hospital phone … adverse events
• Identifying post‐dc “confusion”
and rectify
• Screening system for who needs 2 day phone
May 22, 2009 - It's a phone number that you can
call to get advice on how to quit smoking or cut
down on how much … I have the
phone number. Would you like me to give it to
you now? Say yes or no.
January 01, 2011 - The application provides medication information and reminders to children by cell phone. … All patient enrollment will be done by phone.
January 01, 2012 - collaboration occurs almost entirely between the physician and the poison control center, and multiple phone … Because it is difficult for the PCC staff to reach those caring for the patient on the phone, the information
November 08, 2010 - Provider reviews
electronic inbox and
reads results
Notify provider of
results via phone
January 01, 2009 - during the pilot clinic’s training, that it was detrimental to their learning to have
the patient phone … to the answering service or provide additional
resources not involved in the training to answer the phone … The users have been encouraged to call the mobile phone
number if they need immediate help or have an … SBL uses a pocket phone system (cordless
phones that work throughout the building). … Each implementation team member carries a pocket
January 01, 2023 - Reduce the time spent on phone calls, faxing, and call-backs to pharmacies.
November 05, 2009 - Please call us today at [Phone Number]. We care about your health!
January 01, 2010 - 2010, patient and parent recruitment was
initiated at the largest clinic via mailings and followup phone … During followup recruitment phone conversations, the project staff learned that most parents were not
January 01, 2009 - server.pt/document/897942/tool_-_know_your_processes_pdf
Answering Phones*
Flows for different types of phone
January 01, 2010 - Family-focused decision support will remind parents and their adolescent child that the vaccine is due through phone … Data analysis will begin in summer 2011 and will show the relative impact of phone calls and provider
July 13, 2010 - for Health IT, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Technical Contact:
Lana Lowry, NIST phone
January 01, 2023 - to Adoption of a Successful Urban Telemedicine Model Document Type: Information Sheet/Flyer
Phone … Management Algorithms in Guiding Families on Use of Telemedicine Description: This document contains phone … Link:
Phone Triage Protocols for Telemedicine, Use of Telephone Management Algorithms in Guiding