April 07, 2022 - For the pre-implementation planning
phase, facility efforts should focus on:
Determining the problem
March 11, 2011 - Review
Medication-related clinical decision support in computerized provider order entry systems: a review.
Citation Text:
Kuperman GJ, Bobb A, Payne TH, et al. Medication-related clinical decision support in computerized provider order entry systems: a review. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2…
November 27, 2012 - Commentary
The Team Checkup Tool: evaluating QI team activities and giving feedback to senior leaders.
Citation Text:
Lubomski LH, Marsteller JA, Hsu Y-J, et al. The team checkup tool: evaluating QI team activities and giving feedback to senior leaders. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2008;3…
February 18, 2011 - Study
Time trends in pulmonary embolism in the United States: evidence of overdiagnosis.
Citation Text:
Wiener RS, Schwartz LM, Woloshin S. Time trends in pulmonary embolism in the United States: evidence of overdiagnosis. Arch Intern Med. 2011;171(9):831-7. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.20…
September 19, 2012 - Study
Impact of the unit-based patient safety officer.
Citation Text:
Nedved P, Chaudhry R, Pilipczuk D, et al. Impact of the unit-based patient safety officer. J Nurs Adm. 2012;42(9):431-434. doi:10.1097/NNA.0b013e318266810e.
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July 13, 2010 - Study
Personalised performance feedback reduces narcotic prescription errors in a NICU.
Citation Text:
Sullivan KM, Suh S, Monk H, et al. Personalised performance feedback reduces narcotic prescription errors in a NICU. BMJ Qual Saf. 2013;22(3):256-62. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2012-001089.
May 28, 2008 - Commentary
The creation and impact of a dedicated section on quality and patient safety in a clinical academic department.
Citation Text:
Boudreaux AM, Vetter TR. The Creation and Impact of a Dedicated Section on Quality and Patient Safety in a Clinical Academic Department. Academic Medi…
October 15, 2016 - Study
Hospital ethical climate and teamwork in acute care: the moderating role of leaders.
Citation Text:
Rathert C, Fleming DA. Hospital ethical climate and teamwork in acute care: the moderating role of leaders. Health Care Manag Rev. 2008;33(4):323-331. doi:10.1097/01.HCM.0000318769.7…
January 04, 2024 - January 17, 2024 Weekly Issue
PSNet highlights the latest patient safety literature, news, and expert commentary, including Weekly
Updates, WebM&M, and Perspectives on Safety. The current issue highlights what's new this week in patient
safety literature, news, conferences, report…
March 01, 2017 - At some point, do we reach a more mature phase,
where we've gotten through all these trends and we're
May 14, 2020 - The next phase that I am starting to work on now is remote patient monitoring.
March 24, 2019 - An upslope during the plateau phase of the capnography trace is suggestive of bronchospasm.
March 15, 2023 - conditions, use of different healthcare institutions, poor cognition, availability of family/caregivers) and phase
December 04, 2016 - First, it highlights that the last phase of most people's lives is an extended period of geriatric multimorbidity
November 30, 2021 - Hidden Danger! Insidious Postpartum Bleeding After
Emergency Cesarean Delivery.
November 30, 2021
Leiserowitz GS, Hedriana H. Hidden Danger! Insidious Postpartum Bleeding After Emergency Cesarean
Delivery. PSNet [internet]. 2021.
May 01, 2017 - out that there is an initial period where the benefits may exceed the harms, and then
this chronic phase
January 01, 2022 - Angiography and Perfusion Imaging (6)
• However, best practice strategies described in AHA Target Stroke
January 31, 2024 - consecutive cases of
elective epinephrine use in the fingers and hand: the Dalhousie Project clinical phase
January 01, 2024 - Consecutive Cases of Elective Epinephrine Use in the Fingers
and Hand: The Dalhousie Project Clinical Phase
August 01, 2013 - Who knew that health care quality improvement would go
through a phase where the path to better patient