June 01, 2011 - Workforce/Workflow Approaches (All Clinicians) Dedicated care coordination staff in the PCMH Systematizing … care coordination activities within the PCMH Getting PCCs more involved in inpatient care Referral Practices … Discussions with patients about their responsibilities in the PCMH Use of decision aids about treatment … , local medical, and specialty societies Orienting hospitalists to the role of primary care and the PCMH
June 01, 2010 - Potential policy actions that could facilitate practices’ adoption of the PCMH model with health IT support … Key: RECS = Regional Extension Centers Include PCMH-specific certification criteria in the EHR certification … meaningful-use criteria HITECH: meaningful-use regulations for stages 2 and 3 High to moderate Add PCMH
September 01, 2015 - The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) (also referred to as the primary care medical home, advanced … Many studies also estimated the costs of attaining and maintaining PCMH recognition. … The PCMH Model
AHRQ’s PCMH model includes five critical functions: comprehensive, team-based care; … For additional information about the PCMH, visit: http://pcmh.ahrq.gov/ .
August 01, 2013 - The primary care medical home, also referred to as the patient-centered medical home (PCMH), advanced … The PCMH Resource Center provides objective, evidence-based information to policymakers, researchers, … Products
Searchable citations database; PCMH-focused white papers, decisionmaker briefs, and research … methods briefs; catalogue of Federal PCMH activities; care coordination measures atlas; practice facilitation … Audiences
The PCMH Resource Center provides policymakers, researchers, and implementers with access
March 01, 2013 - What Is the PCMH, and How Might It Improve Outcomes? … Our review of the PCMH reveals that most of the current evidence on the PCMH has limited direct applicability … to the PCMH model being tested today, for two reasons. … to ongoing learning on PCMH effectiveness. … Also available at: http://pcmh.ahrq.gov/page/defining-pcmh.
June 01, 2013 - The series is designed to expand the toolbox of methods used to evaluate and refine
PCMH models. … Contextual Factors in Research
The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) is diversely manifested in … In this regard, the PCMH is like health care and health. … the PCMH, are described and related to the state of the PCMH movement as it evolved
during the time … Defining the PCMH.
March 01, 2013 - This brief focuses on using statistical process control in studies of patient-centered medical home (PCMH … under contract, with input from other nationally recognized thought leaders in research methods and PCMH … The series is designed to expand the toolbox of methods used to evaluate and refine PCMH models. … PCMH models emphasize patient-centered, comprehensive, coordinated, accessible care, and a systematic … Statistical Process Control
One issue in evaluating PCMH models is that reporting of changes in process
February 01, 2011 - The PCMH is a promising model that aims to strengthen the health care system by reorganizing the way … Many believe the PCMH model can achieve its objectives only by fully engaging patients. … However, patients are unlikely to be familiar with this model of care and may think that the PCMH is … Engage patients in discussing what they can expect and what might be expected of them in the PCMH. … Available at: page/what-pcmh .
June 01, 2011 - Specifically, the paper addresses (1) key components of the medical neighborhood and how the PCMH is … Within the PCMH, the primary clinician caring for the patient may be a physician, nurse practitioner, … Systematizing care coordination approaches within the PCMH. … with activities led jointly by hospitals, the PCMH, relevant specialists, and other clinicians. … back to top
See http://www.pcmh.ahrq.gov/page/what-pcmh for AHRQ’s definition of the PCMH
June 01, 2010 - Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Pilot, Group Health Cooperative (Reid et al., 2009)
Self-care … The evaluation compared patients receiving care in PCMH pilot sites to patients receiving care in other … The evaluation showed that, compared to patients served in traditional clinics, patients at PCMH sites … Leaders convened focus groups with consumers to make sure that the PCMH model anticipates and integrates
January 01, 2011 - HITECH, as well as recently enacted health reform legislation, supports many facets
of the PCMH model … Three policy recommendations—developing PCMH-specific certification
criteria for electronic health … It does not assess whether the PCMH or health IT can improve quality and reduce costs. … If physicians oppose HITECH’s EHR Incentive Program, PCMH adoption may be unwittingly slowed. … But as noted, health IT is just one potential
enabler of the PCMH model.
June 01, 2010 - Potential unintended consequences of the HITECH Act and their relation to the PCMH Model Source: Mathematica … If physicians oppose HITECH’s EHR Incentive Program, PCMH adoption may be unwittingly slowed. … not specifically defined by meaningful-use criteria, hedging the practice’s transformation into the PCMH
March 01, 2013 - using fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to evaluate patient-centered medical home (PCMH … under contract, with input from other nationally recognized thought leaders in research methods and PCMH … The series is designed to expand the toolbox of methods used to evaluate and refine PCMH models. … PCMH models emphasize patient-centered, comprehensive, coordinated, accessible care, and a systematic … Advantages
fsQCA has many advantages when evaluating the PCMH.
February 01, 2012 - The PCMH is a promising innovation, and the model is rapidly evolving. … Results
Evaluations to date have assessed PCMH precursors. … In other words, the modern PCMH is a very young model. … The challenges to conducting strong evaluations are not unique to the PCMH. … to the
ongoing learning on PCMH effectiveness.
February 01, 2011 - of Primary Care
Question: How can decisionmakers encourage the patient-centered medical home (PCMH … The PCMH is a promising model that aims to strengthen 5. … Communicate with patients about how the PCMH
patient perspectives. … To put patients at the center of the PCMH, decisionmakers
2. … Available at:
February 01, 2011 - of Primary Care
Question: How can decisionmakers encourage the patient-centered medical home (PCMH … The PCMH is a promising model that aims to strengthen 5. … Communicate with patients about how the PCMH
patient perspectives. … To put patients at the center of the PCMH, decisionmakers
2. … Available at:
March 01, 2013 - M A R Y C A R E
Prevention & Care Management Portfolio
PCMH … under contract, with input from
other nationally recognized thought leaders in research methods and PCMH … The series is
designed to expand the toolbox of methods used to evaluate and refine PCMH models. … PCMH models emphasize patient-centered, comprehensive, coordinated, accessible care, and a
systematic … There are several SPC tools that can be applied to the evaluation of PCMH and other health services
September 01, 2015 - Describe clinical decision supports and how they support PCMH and quality.
5. … Describe patient portals and how they support PCMH and quality.
6. … Create a vision chart for enhancing PCMH with a practice HER. (45 min)
1. … Provide each group with a copy of the PCMH-EHR vision chart.
3. … support key principles of the PCMH.
July 01, 2013 - Harrison, PhD Sponsored by AHRQ's Delivery System Initiative in partnership with the AHRQ PCMH program … Harrison, PhD Sponsored by AHRQ’s Delivery System Initiative in partnership with the AHRQ PCMH program … This AHRQ PCMH Research Methods Brief is posted on the AHRQ PCMH website. … For example, the fuzzy set of practices with NCQA PCMH certification may look like: PCMH Certification … In a study of 21 Level 3 PCMH clinics, low preventive service use (PSUTD) was found to be related to
March 01, 2013 - This brief focuses on using formative evaluation methods in studies of patient-centered medical home (PCMH … under contract, with input from other nationally recognized thought leaders in research methods and PCMH … The series is designed to expand the toolbox of methods used to evaluate and refine PCMH models. … PCMH models emphasize patient-centered, comprehensive, coordinated, accessible care, and a systematic … To be successful, ongoing PCMH interventions may wish to include formative feedback.