March 01, 2016 - Clinicians should understand the
evidence but individualize decision making to the specific patient
or … professional judgment and patient preferences. … A systematic review of the
safety and efficacy of elective photorefractive
USPSTF Recommendation: Screening … Powe NR, Schein OD, Gieser SC, et al;
Cataract Patient Outcome Research Team. … Rigor of research methods in studies of the
effectiveness and safety of cataract extraction with
June 03, 2003 - Thus the potential benefits and harms of testing for an individual patient are uncertain. … or the caregiver, in improving patient or caregiver outcomes. … the screening itself distressing, intrusive or depressing;46 no studies were found of patient attitudes … Efficacy and safety of rivastigmine in patients with Alzheimer's disease: international randomised controlled … Efficacy and safety of nimodipine in subcortical vascular dementia: a subgroup analysis of the Scandinavian
June 01, 2003 - Thus the potential benefits and harms
of testing for an individual patient are uncertain. … or the
caregiver, in improving patient or caregiver
outcomes. … screening itself distressing,
intrusive, or depressing46; no studies were found of
patient attitudes … Efficacy and
safety of rivastigmine in patients with Alzheimer’s
disease: international randomised controlled … Efficacy and
safety of nimodipine in subcortical vascular dementia:
a subgroup analysis of the Scandinavian
April 07, 2020 - Clinicians should understand the evidence but individualize
decision-making to the specific patient or … : The USPSTF makes
recommendations about the effectiveness of
specific preventive care services for patients … Safety of metronidazole in pregnancy:
a meta-analysis. … Safety
of metronidazole during pregnancy: a cohort study
of risk of congenital abnormalities, preterm … Effect of
metronidazole in patients with preterm birth in
preceding pregnancy and bacterial vaginosis
February 02, 2021 - 481. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.26988
Editorial page 443
Related article page 487 and
JAMA Patient … Practice Considerations
Patient Population Under Consideration
This recommendation applies to adults … Clinicians should understand the evidence but individualize
decision-making to the specific patient or … Clinicians should understand the
evidence but individualize decision-making to the
specific patient or … Age modifies the efficacy
and safety of carotid artery revascularization
March 01, 2004 - Little is known about
patient preferences for screening. … Safety
and immunogenicity of hepatitis A vaccine in
patients with chronic liver disease. … the
low prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies (0.2% to
0.4% in those 6 to 19 years old)3 and the unclear
safety … and efficacy of treatment in this population.172
We also excluded pregnant women because of
unclear safety … For treatment of chronic HCV infection, we
focused on evidence regarding efficacy and safety
June 09, 2020 - frequency of use, or both), (2) risk assessment (addressing the consequences of drug use, typically indicators … No study was conducted in adolescents, and no trial stratified outcomes by patient sex. … for illicit drugs linked to the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) in clients … Brief intervetion for problem drug use in safety-net primary care settings: a randomized clinical trial … the key questions that the review will address to allow the USPSTF to evaluate the effectiveness and safety
March 08, 2004 - Little is known about patient preferences for screening. … Safety and immunogenicity of hepatitis A vaccine in patients with chronic liver disease. … low prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies (0.2% to 0.4% in those 6 to 19 years old) 3 and the unclear safety … and efficacy of treatment in this population. 172 We also excluded pregnant women because of unclear safety … For treatment of chronic HCV infection, we focused on evidence regarding efficacy and safety of pegylated
April 05, 2021 - This definition acknowledges the importance of the patient clinician relationship as facilitated and … be answered by the literature review in order for the Task Force to evaluate the effectiveness and safety … Similarly, analytic frameworks do not guide clinical decisionmaking for an individual patient, nor do … A clinical "sign" is not a health outcome that is not sensed by the patient; a clinical sign is analogous … These are not direct measures of health but are indicators of positive or negative effects on the larger
February 01, 2013 - Inves-
tigators created an analytic framework incorporating the
key questions and outlining the patient … Mean injury
score (CIS)
spanking (FSS,
neglect (FSS)
Mean home
safety … Conflict Tactics Scale; ED �
emergency department; FSC � Kempe Family Stress Checklist; FSS � Framingham Safety … nurse practitioners in 18 private
practices in mostly suburban areas with primarily white,
middle-class patients … Provision of study materials or patients: H.D. Nelson.
Statistical expertise: H.D. Nelson.
March 02, 2020 - the USPSTF uses to determine net benefit, see the
USPSTF Procedure Manual.8
Practice Considerations
Patient … Editorial
Related article and JAMA
Patient Page
Audio and Supplemental
Related articles at … Clinicians should understand the evidence but individualize
decision-making to the specific patient or … centers and
from the National Health Interview Study were 8.3% and 17.3%, re-
spectively; 1 study of 4 safety-net … Antiviral therapy is not generally consid-
ered during pregnancy because of the lack of data on the safety
March 01, 2019 - 2018;320(5):485-498. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.4190
Editorial page 447
Related article page 478 and
JAMA Patient … the key questions
that the review will address to
allow the USPSTF to evaluate the
effectiveness and safety … : 3 were traditional systematic reviews with
meta-analyses,36-38 3 were meta-analyses of individual patient … An individual patient
data meta-analysis reported that warfarin was associated with a
reduction in stroke … reduction, 60%
[95% CI, 35%-76%] for men and 84% [95% CI, 55%-95%] for
women).39 Another individual patient
April 18, 2023 - Studies of patient skin self-examination were excluded be-
cause this topic is covered in the 2018 USPSTF … Overdiagnosis can result in overtreatment
that may not benefit the patient.14
Data Extraction and Quality … questions (KQs) that the review
will address to allow the USPSTF to evaluate the effectiveness and safety … Studies used large databases with patient information from
the US (SEER [Surveillance, Epidemiology, … Effects of the German skin cancer screening
programme on melanoma incidence and indicators
of disease
July 01, 2012 - Investigators created an analytic
framework incorporating the key questions and outlining
the patient … Extraction and Quality Assessment
From the included studies, an investigator abstracted
details of the patient … The data and safety monitoring boards stopped both
trials early because of increased adverse effects … Provision of study materials or patients: H.D. Nelson.
Statistical expertise: H.D. Nelson. … outcomes: 82
Superseded by another trial or
review or had no new data: 29
Follow-up <1 y: 9
<100 patients
March 15, 2022 - Screening for binge eating disorders using the Patient Health Questionnaire in a community sample. … Efficacy and safety of lisdexamfetamine for treatment of adults with moderate to severe binge-eating … the key questions that the review will address to allow the USPSTF to evaluate the effectiveness and safety … Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview; NR, not reported; PHQ-ED, eating disorder module of the Patient … Care; KQ, key question; LR, likelihood ratio; NR, not reported; PHQ-ED, eating disorder module of the Patient
November 27, 2018 - It focused on behavioral therapy for male patients entering outpatient alcohol treatment who had legal … following activities: assessing family needs; developing a relationship between the home visitor and the client … These measures included physical abuse, 38 neglect, 38 and results from the Framingham Safety Survey … Survey score is unclear. 40 That trial reported mean values on the Framingham Safety Survey score of … 1.72 (intervention) vs 1.68 (comparator); higher scores represent greater safety.
November 27, 2018 - It focused on behavioral therapy for male patients entering outpatient alcohol treatment who had legal … following activities: assessing family needs; developing a relationship between the home visitor and the client … These measures included physical abuse, 38 neglect, 38 and results from the Framingham Safety Survey … Survey score is unclear. 40 That trial reported mean values on the Framingham Safety Survey score of … 1.72 (intervention) vs 1.68 (comparator); higher scores represent greater safety.
July 01, 2003 - Beta-carotene
supplementation for patients with low baseline
levels and decreased risks of total and … Randomised
controlled trial of vitamin E in patients with
coronary disease: Cambridge Heart Antioxidant … Effect of vitamin A, C,
and E supplementation on rectal cell proliferation
in patients with colorectal … Vitamin E supplementation and cardiovascular
events in high-risk patients. … at increased risk of coronary heart disease
death: early safety and efficacy experience.
April 26, 2022 - the key questions
that the review will address to allow
the USPSTF to evaluate the
effectiveness and safety … patient data meta-analysis is anticipated
in 2022. … Safety
and efficacy of aspirin for primary prevention of
cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled … Efficacy and safety of aspirin for
primary prevention of cardiovascular events:
a meta-analysis and trial … Safety of proton pump
inhibitors based on a large, multi-year, randomized
trial of patients receiving
May 06, 2022 - Editorial page 1552
Related articles pages 1577
and 1598 and JAMA Patient
Page page 1624 … the key questions
that the review will address to allow
the USPSTF to evaluate the
effectiveness and safety … patient data meta-analysis is anticipated
in 2022. … Safety
and efficacy of aspirin for primary prevention of
cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled … Safety of proton pump
inhibitors based on a large, multi-year, randomized
trial of patients receiving