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    January 01, 1996 - The annual Pap test: a dubious policy success. … Laboratory reliability of the Papanicolaou smear. … Women's concerns about abnormal Papanicolaou test results. … The Papanicolaou test for cervical cancer detection: a triumph and a tragedy. … Papanicolaou smear quality assurance: providing feedback to physicians.
    June 01, 2007 - Introduction The main purpose of the Pap test (also called the Pap smear test) is to detect cancer or … The USPSTF suggests Pap smear screening at least every three years for women age 18-64. … Findings Evidence has been found that screening with cervical cytology (Pap smear) reduces the incidence … Pap test The Pap test (sometimes called a Pap smear) is a way to examine cells collected from the … For information on the Pap test, see the following: Pap test facts:
    June 01, 2007 - Introduction The main purpose of the Pap test (also called the Pap smear test) is to detect cancer or … The USPSTF suggests Pap smear screening at least every three years for women age 18-64. … Findings Evidence has been found that screening with cervical cytology (Pap smear) reduces the incidence … Pap test The Pap test (sometimes called a Pap smear) is a way to examine cells collected from the … For information on the Pap test, see the following: Pap test facts:
    June 01, 2007 - test (also called the Pap smear test) is to detect cancer or abnormal cells that may lead to cancer … Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) found evidence that cervical cytology (Pap smear) screening … The USPSTF suggests Pap smear screening at least every three years for women age 18–64. … Highlights Almost 14 percent of women age 18–64 reported not having received a Pap smear test within … Pap test The Pap test (sometimes called a Pap smear) is a way to examine cells collected from the cervix
    January 01, 2023 - Barriers to follow-up of an abnormal Pap smear in Latina women referred for colposcopy. … Barriers to follow-up of an abnormal Pap smear in Latina women referred for colposcopy.
    June 01, 2007 - Introduction
    The main purpose of the Pap test (also called the Pap smear test) is to detect … The USPSTF suggests Pap smear screening at least every three years for women age 18-64. … Findings
    Evidence has been found that screening with cervical cytology (Pap smear) reduces the …

    Pap test
    The Pap test (sometimes called a Pap smear) is a way to examine cells collected …

    For information on the Pap test, see the following:

    Pap test facts:
    January 07, 2003 - D Women who have had a total hysterectomy The USPSTF recommends against routine Pap smear screening … smear screening. … smear. 5 , 6 Because sensitivity of a single Pap test for high-grade lesions may only be 60-80 percent … A previous review estimated that the sensitivity of a single Pap test was 60-80 percent for high-grade … The effect of hysterectomy on the risk of an abnormal screening Papanicolaou test result.
    January 07, 2003 - D Women who have had a total hysterectomy The USPSTF recommends against routine Pap smear screening … smear screening. … smear. 5 , 6 Because sensitivity of a single Pap test for high-grade lesions may only be 60-80 percent … A previous review estimated that the sensitivity of a single Pap test was 60-80 percent for high-grade … The effect of hysterectomy on the risk of an abnormal screening Papanicolaou test result.
    January 01, 2010 - • The USPSTF recommends against routine Pap smear screening in women who have had a total hysterectomy … smear screening. … smear.5,6 Because sensitivity of a single Pap test for high-grade lesions may only be 60% to 80%, however … A previous review estimated that the sensitivity of a single Pap test was 60% to 80% for high-grade lesions … The effect of hysterectomy on the risk of an abnormal screening Papanicolaou test result.
    September 01, 2015 - Overall Rate: In 2013, the percentage of women ages 21-65 who received a Pap smear in the last 3 years … smear in the last 3 years regardless of educational level. … About half of Asian women with less than a high school education (49.8%) received a Pap smear compared … smear in the last 3 years. … smear in the last 3 years.
    January 01, 2014 - smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … Sixty percent of the diagnoses of cervical cancer today are a result of women who never had a Pap smearsmear in 100% of our urban population of patients with known abnormal Pap smears within 3 months of … and Systems Issues The abnormal Pap smear result was not verified by the provider because it was filed
  11. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    August 12, 2009 - Assessment of quality of data provided on Pap test requisitions: implications for quality of care and … Assessment of quality of data provided on Pap test requisitions: implications for quality of care and … … - care-and-patient Clinical information provided on Papanicolaou smear requisitions was generally reliable …
    January 01, 2014 - smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … Sixty percent of the diagnoses of cervical cancer today are a result of women who never had a Pap smearsmear in 100% of our urban population of patients with known abnormal Pap smears within 3 months of … and Systems Issues The abnormal Pap smear result was not verified by the provider because it was filed
    January 01, 2014 - smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … Sixty percent of the diagnoses of cervical cancer today are a result of women who never had a Pap smearsmear in 100% of our urban population of patients with known abnormal Pap smears within 3 months of … and Systems Issues The abnormal Pap smear result was not verified by the provider because it was filed
    January 01, 2014 - smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … Sixty percent of the diagnoses of cervical cancer today are a result of women who never had a Pap smearsmear in 100% of our urban population of patients with known abnormal Pap smears within 3 months of … and Systems Issues The abnormal Pap smear result was not verified by the provider because it was filed
    January 01, 2014 - smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … Sixty percent of the diagnoses of cervical cancer today are a result of women who never had a Pap smearsmear in 100% of our urban population of patients with known abnormal Pap smears within 3 months of … and Systems Issues The abnormal Pap smear result was not verified by the provider because it was filed
    January 01, 2014 - smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … Sixty percent of the diagnoses of cervical cancer today are a result of women who never had a Pap smearsmear in 100% of our urban population of patients with known abnormal Pap smears within 3 months of … and Systems Issues The abnormal Pap smear result was not verified by the provider because it was filed
    January 01, 2014 - smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … smear from January 2012 that was not followed-up at that time. … Sixty percent of the diagnoses of cervical cancer today are a result of women who never had a Pap smearsmear in 100% of our urban population of patients with known abnormal Pap smears within 3 months of … and Systems Issues The abnormal Pap smear result was not verified by the provider because it was filed
    March 15, 2017 - Study Assessment of quality of data provided on Pap test requisitions: implications … Assessment of quality of data provided on Pap test requisitions: implications for quality of care and … Clinical information provided on Papanicolaou smear requisitions was generally reliable, but the requisitions … Assessment of quality of data provided on Pap test requisitions: implications for quality of care and
    June 01, 2018 - smear in the last 3 years Same No Change Invasive cervical cancer incidence per 100,000 women … Pap Smears Women ages 21-65 who received a Pap smear in the last 3 years, by race, 2000-2013, and by … Trends: From 2000 to 2013, the percentage of women ages 21-65 who received a Pap smear in the last 3 … Groups With Disparities: In all years, the percentage of women who received a Pap smear was lower … In 2013, uninsured Black women (65.8%) were less likely to receive a Pap smear compared with Black women