August 27, 2009 - A National Web Conference, E-Prescribing and Medication Management: Current Realities and
Future Directions … Now I would like to turn things over to Bob
Mayes AHRQ to introduce the panel. Bob? … In the first couple of conference we looked at the current
state of electronic medication management … Fischer has done extensive research in the areas of e-prescribing and medication management
looking … There is a Q&A panel on your screen, I will monitor the submissions during the
presentations and at
January 01, 2011 - evidence-based tools to improve
healthcare decision making through the use of integrated data and knowledge management … In addition, ESP:VAERS investigators participated on a panel to explore the perspective of
July 25, 2012 - to address the issue
of data standardization, and the Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel … Population management tools
with electronic task tracking could present clinical data in a manner that … Change management obstacles and workflow redesign challenges arise because
of providers’ comfort level … The system includes chronic disease management education and has
been used with CHF patients with good … Davis has been involved in chronic care management and patient
education for the past 12 years and has
May 29, 2013 - I'd like to introduce today's moderator, Angela Lavanderos, who is a management analyst
with a Health … And also a care management system that is very
advanced. … So let's get started with some questions for the whole panel. … Another question for the whole panel. … Last question which is sort of an opinion question for the panel.
January 01, 2010 - PPRNet members and participating clinicians served as the
expert panel in this process. … to patients’ health maintenance tables along with other reminders
for preventive care and disease management … Utilize Medication Safety Practice Performance Reports
• Design and execute case management for patients