July 26, 2018 - Do interventions to limit excess gestational weight gain improve health outcomes among pregnant women … Do interventions to reduce prepregnancy weight in women who are overweight or obese improve health outcomes … What is the association between gestational weight gain and adverse maternal and infant outcomes? … What is the association between high prepregnancy BMI and risk of adverse maternal and infant outcomes … The USPSTF received minor comments related to the included populations and outcomes.
December 28, 2017 - Does screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria in adults, including pregnant women, improve health outcomes … Does treatment of screen-detected, asymptomatic bacteriuria improve health outcomes? … What is the association between asymptomatic bacteriuria and health outcomes? … Kidney failure
Quality of life
Pregnancy-specific health outcomes:
Complications … In response, the USPSTF made minor changes to clarify the included population and relevant outcomes.
March 21, 2024 - be described with respect to factors that can contribute to variability in intervention access and outcomes … medications to prevent primary breast cancer
Use of medications for treatment or prevention of other outcomes … raloxifene, or aromatase inhibitors)
Comparisons with other types of medications (e.g., aspirin)
Outcomes … Adverse effects, including but not limited to:
Ophthalmologic disorders
Genitourinary outcomes … Thromboembolic events
Cardiovascular events
Risk of other cancers
Adverse outcomes related to
June 01, 2023 - limited to no more than 15 minutes of information)
Placebo required for medication trials
Outcomes … KQ 1:
Maternal health outcomes:
Depression incidence or symptoms (required)
Suicide deaths … including psychiatric hospital admissions
Marital discord and family function
Infant/child health outcomes … due to adverse events in trials of treatment benefit
KQ 1: Maternal behavioral intermediate outcomes … comment, the Research Plan was revised to clarify the list of included and excluded maternal health outcomes
July 01, 2023 - screening for or treatment of IDA on growth or child cognitive,
psychomotor, or neurodevelopmental outcomes … for or treatment of IDA; and
• The short- and long-term effects of change in iron status on health outcomes … Outcomes at one year include
cognitive and functioning measures and serum ferritin and hemoglobin levels … Iron deficiency in infancy and neurocognitive and educational
outcomes in young adulthood.
December 17, 2020 - Systematically Reviewed
Does screening for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in adults improve health outcomes … treatment with positive airway pressure or mandibular advancement devices for improving intermediate outcomes … Is there an association between the apnea-hypopnea index and health outcomes? … KQ 2: Studies with verification bias in which only a subgroup had PSG as the comparator
Outcomes … KQs 1, 5: Mortality, quality of life (both disease-specific measures, such as the Functional Outcomes
September 05, 2019 - metabolic syndrome, atrial fibrillation, renal disease, or type 2 diabetes mellitus) and precancerous outcomes … hypercalciuria)
All-cause mortality: Minimum of 1 year of followup
All other outcomes … randomized, controlled trials will be considered for studies showing paradoxical harmful effects on main outcomes … public comment, the USPSTF made a few minor clarifications to which populations, interventions, and outcomes … The USPSTF revised the language in the key questions to clarify that the health outcomes of interest
June 09, 2022 - speech and language delay or disorders in children age 5 years or younger improve speech and language outcomes … , school performance, function, or quality-of-life outcomes? … speech and language delay or disorders in children age 6 years or younger improve speech and language outcomes … disorders in children age 6 years or younger improve school performance, function, or quality-of-life outcomes … KQs 1, 4: Speech and language outcomes, including speech domains (e.g., stuttering, fluency, and
November 01, 2013 - Does Changing Individual Health Behavior Improve Health Outcomes? … search and evaluation to answer the overall question, "Does changing individual behavior improve health outcomes … The figure "reads" from left to right and connects a series of boxes (containing population groups or outcomes … questions are to be answered to understand each action or association between population groups and outcomes … Below the line is an oval labeled "Adverse Effects" and another box labeled "Other Positive Outcomes.
November 08, 2018 - Does screening for hearing loss in asymptomatic adults age 50 years or older improve health outcomes? … How efficacious are interventions for screen-detected hearing loss in improving health outcomes in adults … Does adherence to hearing aid use improve health outcomes in adults with screen-detected hearing loss … Do interventions to improve hearing aid adherence improve health outcomes? … KQs 3, 5: False-positive results, labeling, anxiety, and any other significant harms
KQs 1, 4: Outcomes
March 01, 2014 - linking behavior changes to health outcomes. … ; and use of existing data sets to link behavior change and clinical outcomes. … and assessment, and linking behavior changes to health outcomes. … and by varying validity of measured and reported outcomes. … were primary or secondary outcomes or whether trials selectively reported outcomes. 14 The evidence
January 01, 2022 - The Task Force recognizes that disparities persist in healthcare and health outcomes based on age, race … equity by highlighting research gaps related to healthy behaviors, high-risk populations, and health outcomes … Address the effects of screening on health outcomes in children and adolescent populations reflective … lifestyle interventions and medical treatments for screen-detected prediabetes and diabetes on health outcomes … primary care settings and determine how referral to dental care by primary care clinicians affects caries outcomes
May 27, 2021 - are not FDA-approved
Control interventions
Placebo, no treatment
Active comparator
Outcomes … to chronic conditions of interest)
Functional capacity
Urinary incontinence
Any outcomes … that are not health outcomes of chronic conditions associated with HT; intermediate outcomes, such as … :
Controlled clinical trials
Systematic reviews
For outcomes or subgroups with no evidence … Several comments requested that the USPSTF include intermediate outcomes, such as cholesterol levels
March 30, 2015 - Health outcomes included long- or short-term maternal and infant morbidity (including birth outcomes) … infant health outcomes. … Maternal clinical outcomes
Limited evidence showing improved clinical outcomes
5 RCTs
Outcomes … A dotted line leads from the intermediate outcomes to the health outcomes examined, representing the … Health outcomes include maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, including birth outcomes and quality
March 30, 2015 - Health outcomes included long- or short-term maternal and infant morbidity (including birth outcomes) … infant health outcomes. … Maternal clinical outcomes
Limited evidence showing improved clinical outcomes
5 RCTs
Outcomes … A dotted line leads from the intermediate outcomes to the health outcomes examined, representing the … Health outcomes include maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, including birth outcomes and quality
May 14, 2015 - improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior may result in improved health outcomes … to improve diet, increase physical activity, and/or reduce sedentary behavior improve intermediate outcomes … What is the relationship between behavioral outcomes (i.e., healthful diet, physical activity, and sedentary … that behavioral counseling interventions have an effect and health outcomes? … (i.e., physical activity, dietary intake or patterns, sedentary behavior)
KQ 4: Adverse outcomes,
May 14, 2015 - improve diet, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behavior may result in improved health outcomes … to improve diet, increase physical activity, and/or reduce sedentary behavior improve intermediate outcomes … that behavioral counseling interventions have an effect and health outcomes? … KQ 1: Health outcomes (i.e., CVD events [stroke, myocardial infarction], cardiovascular and all-cause … (i.e., physical activity, dietary intake or patterns, sedentary behavior)
KQ 4: Adverse outcomes,
November 10, 2020 - in childhood and health outcomes in adulthood, however, is unclear. … Studies reporting multiple outcomes may have been assigned different quality ratings for different outcomes … None of the studies provided efficacy outcomes beyond 4 weeks. … The questions are depicted by linkages that relate interventions to outcomes. … A dashed line indicates a health outcome that precedes subsequent outcomes.
February 01, 2004 - Even in the absence of screening, the
current treatment interventions provide very favorable
health outcomes … Clinical Considerations
• The low incidence of testicular cancer and
favorable outcomes in the absence … The USPSTF
found at least fair evidence that [the service] can improve health outcomes but concludes … Fair: Evidence is sufficient to determine effects on health outcomes, but the strength of the evidence … Poor: Evidence is insufficient to assess the effects on health outcomes because of limited number or
May 25, 2021 - Main Outcomes and Measures: Gestational weight–related outcomes; maternal and infant morbidity and mortality … Outcomes were classified as weight-related intermediate outcomes (GWG, exceeding or adhering to NAM GWG … For dichotomous outcomes with at least 5 trials, sufficient sample size, and comparable outcomes, risk … Benefits for Health Outcomes
Key Question 1a. … twelve-month outcomes of the Fit for Delivery randomized trial.