December 01, 2022 - To evaluate the outcomes of TB
therapy, RVCT Follow up Report-2 was added. … These data are used to measure patient outcomes for purposes of outcome-based quality
improvement. … These data are used to measure patient outcomes for
the purpose of outcome-based quality improvement … Other Outcomes of Interest
Burn during stay Other Outcomes of Interest
Patient attempted suicide … Outcomes of Interest
Harm from accident associated with bedrails (other than
Other Outcomes
February 28, 2022 - 3
Situation Monitoring
Understand how situation monitoring affects team processes and outcomes
February 28, 2022 - Module 4
Mutual Support
Describe how mutual support affects team processes and outcomes
Searchable database of AHRQ Grants
AHRQ Projects funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes
January 01, 2019 - systems and to understand how health systems use
evidence-based practices, including patient-centered outcomes … The effective adoption and use of
PCOR evidence holds promise as a way to improve clinical outcomes … Classify and characterize types of health systems and compare their performance
on clinical and cost outcomes
April 02, 2020 - In LHSs, leaders are committed to improvement, outcomes are systematically gathered, variation in care … of “safe diagnosis” (i.e.,
correct and timely), as well as patient and healthcare outcomes (outcomes … In turn, these proximal outcomes enable overall safer diagnosis,
which contributes to both improved … patient outcomes and value of healthcare. … Providers and HCOs, often unaware of their patients’ ultimate diagnosis-related outcomes, could
January 01, 2016 - systems and to understand how health systems use
evidence-based practices, including patient-centered outcomes … The effective adoption and use of
PCOR evidence holds promise as a way to improve clinical outcomes … Classify and characterize types of health systems and compare their performance
on clinical and cost outcomes
August 01, 2017 - health literacy
barriers that have a negative impact on their experience with care and health care
outcomes … Aetna launched an initiative in 2002 to identify and address health disparities
and improve health outcomes … Education and Culturally
Appropriate Care to Ethiopian Patients, Leading to More Engagement, Better Outcomes … Benefits of These Interventions
In addition to contributing to better health outcomes for enrollees,
September 08, 2022 - sustainability of Medicare and Medicaid depends on health system transformation to
improve health outcomes … Improving health outcomes for older adults requires reimagining and strengthening primary care;
integrating … Bierman outlined the levers available for AHRQ to influence health outcomes for older
adults through … This evidence base would include outcomes such as the
proportion of residency graduates who later work … Participants identified
opportunities to encourage hard thinking about what healthcare outcomes and
November 01, 2017 - Patient-level health outcomes
3. … Practice capacity to implement new patient-centered outcomes research
(PCOR) findings
April 01, 2011 - also wish to have on hand:
– Printouts of this PowerPoint presentation
– Tool 3: Improving Discharge Outcomes … and goals for effort]
Research shows patient-centered approaches can improve:
Patient safety
Patient outcomes … Improved patient outcomes. … strategies and engaging patients actively in their health care also has the potential to improve health outcomes … that patient-centered care, realized through effective communication, had a positive effect on patient outcomes
March 01, 2019 - systems and to understand how health systems use
evidence-based practices, including patient-centered outcomes … The effective adoption and use of
PCOR evidence holds promise as a way to improve clinical outcomes … Classify and characterize types of health systems and compare their performance
on clinical and cost outcomes
January 01, 2019 - systems and to understand how health systems use
evidence-based practices, including patient-centered outcomes … The effective adoption and use of
PCOR evidence holds promise as a way to improve clinical outcomes … Classify and characterize types of health systems and compare their performance
on clinical and cost outcomes
January 01, 2019 - systems and to understand how health systems
use evidence-based practices, including patient-centered outcomes … The effective adoption and
use of PCOR evidence holds promise as a way to improve clinical outcomes … Classify and characterize types of health systems and compare their performance on clinical and cost outcomes
June 16, 2017 - 30
Examining Processes To Understand Outcomes (Example)
Before intervention
% Patients With Skin
March 01, 2016 - Identify outcomes in inpatient records.
2. Identify populations at risk.
3. … Defines a format library that contains
the diagnosis and procedure screens
necessary for assigning outcomes … SAS
Processes hospital discharge abstract
data and flags records if they contain
the outcomes of
November 01, 2017 - organizational-level mechanisms that may contribute to and
explain the impact of practice facilitation on ABCS outcomes … methods to assess factors that help and hinder practices in
implementing change and achieving ABCS outcomes
May 01, 2016 - University of Utah This project developed a 10-step protocol for disclosing
unanticipated medical outcomes … individual, team, and system failures associated with four adverse obstetric
A-4 | P a g e
outcomes … This project aimed to facilitate the disclosure of unanticipated medical
outcomes through use of a “ … It also suggested that obstetric patient outcomes could be improved through
use of a system of maternal … Further
exploration may also explain the factors that influenced the lack of significant nurse outcomes
September 01, 2017 - Searchable database of AHRQ Grants
AHRQ Projects funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes
October 01, 2017 - Searchable database of AHRQ Grants
AHRQ Projects funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes … processes to prevent falls is a measure of implementation success and should translate into better outcomes