December 01, 2016 - patients hospitalized for acute illness.3 It has
been associated with increased long-term risk of poor outcomes … kidney disease, accelerated progression to
end-stage renal disease, and mortality.3,4,5 These poor outcomes … Acute kidney injury: epidemiology, outcomes and
economics. … cost and quality of health
services, medical practice patterns, access to health care programs, and outcomes
January 01, 2016 - Patient characteristics and outcomes related to hysterectomy and oophorectomy
surgeries by setting, … 62.7 70.2 46.7 64.6 56.8 68.8
Uninsured 5.0 2.9 7.8 4.3 5.7 3.2
Other 4.1 4.4 3.9 3.5 3.0 2.9
Outcomes … cost and quality of health
services, medical practice patterns, access to health care programs, and outcomes … analyses, and to identify State-specific trends in inpatient care
utilization, access, charges, and outcomes
January 01, 2019 - intended to be used analytically to examine patterns of healthcare in terms of
cost, utilization, and outcomes … cost and quality of health
services, medical practice patterns, access to healthcare programs, and outcomes … analyses, and to identify State-specific trends in inpatient care
utilization, access, charges, and outcomes
December 01, 2022 - Specifically,
• If number of hospitals <2 or total discharges <=10, set all outcomes to missing. … hospitals with non-missing LOS <2 or number of discharges with non-
missing LOS <=10, set all LOS-related outcomes … with non-missing Cost <2 or number of discharges with non-
missing COST<=10, set all cost-related outcomes
November 01, 2016 - makers use the NIS to make national estimates of health care utilization, access, charges,
quality, and outcomes … systematic design reduces the
margin of error by 42 to 48 percent over the previous NIS design for the outcomes … data did not
always include discharges from those hospitals, and (2) patient characteristics and
outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in
time … Ideally, relationships among outcomes and their correlates
estimated from the NIS should accurately
December 01, 2024 - Alternatively, if the cases with and without missing values are assumed to be similar with
respect to their outcomes … finite-sample theory, which is an appropriate method
for obtaining cross-sectional, nationwide estimates of outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in
time … patient-level analysis to identify individuals with more than one ambulatory surgery
encounter or to track outcomes
April 01, 2024 - Alternatively, if the cases with and without missing values are assumed to be similar with
respect to their outcomes … finite-sample theory, which is an appropriate method
for obtaining cross-sectional, nationwide estimates of outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in
time … patient-level analysis to identify individuals with more than one ambulatory surgery
encounter or to track outcomes
January 01, 2019 - Alternatively, if the cases with and without missing values are assumed to be similar with respect to their outcomes … finite-sample theory, which is an appropriate method for obtaining cross-sectional, nationwide estimates of outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in time … patient-level analysis to identify individuals with more than one ambulatory surgery encounter or to track outcomes
January 01, 2020 - Alternatively, if the cases with and without missing values are assumed to be similar with respect to their outcomes … finite-sample theory, which is an appropriate method for obtaining cross-sectional, nationwide estimates of outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in time … patient-level analysis to identify individuals with more than one ambulatory surgery encounter or to track outcomes
January 01, 2017 - The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … Alternatively, if the cases with and without missing values are assumed to be similar with respect to their outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in time
January 01, 2016 - The Web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The Web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The Web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … Alternatively, if the cases with and without missing values are assumed to be similar with respect to their outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in time
February 01, 2018 - Individuals with a substance use disorder are at
greater risk of major medical conditions and adverse outcomes … What Are the Current Costs and Outcomes Related to Mental Health and
Substance Abuse Disorders? … Updated July
31, 2017. www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/current-costs-outcomes-
related-mental-health-substance-abuse-disorders … cost and quality of health
services, medical practice patterns, access to health care programs, and outcomes … analyses, and to identify State-specific trends in inpatient care
utilization, access, charges, and outcomes
September 01, 2013 - analyses, and to identify State-specific trends in inpatient care utilization, access, charges, and outcomes … Sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock: changes in
incidence, pathogens and outcomes. … Hospitalizations, costs and outcomes of severe septicemia in the United States, 2003 and 2007.
November 01, 2020 - The web page provides general guidance to users
analyzing outcomes that may be affected by the transition … The web page provides general guidance and
forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The web page provides general guidance and
forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … Alternatively, if the cases with and without missing values are assumed to be similar with
respect to their outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in
September 01, 2021 - The web page provides general guidance to users
analyzing outcomes that may be affected by the transition … The web page provides general guidance and
forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The web page provides general guidance and
forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … Alternatively, if the cases with and without missing values are assumed to be similar with
respect to their outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in
June 11, 2008 - Although the absolute risk of uterine rupture is small, the perinatal outcomes when this occurs can be … Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes Associated with a Trial of Labor after Prior Cesarean Delivery.
June 01, 2009 - childbirth-
related injury rates when
compared to whites, while Asian-
Pacific Islanders had worse
outcomes … better, i.e., lower, injury rates when compared to whites, while
Asian-Pacific Islanders had worse outcomes … analyses; and to identify state-specific trends in inpatient
care utilization, access, charges, and outcomes
December 01, 2014 - cost and quality of health
services, medical practice patterns, access to health care programs, and outcomes … analyses, and to identify State-specific trends in inpatient care utilization, access, charges, and outcomes
January 01, 2014 - cost and quality of health
services, medical practice patterns, access to health care programs, and outcomes … analyses, and to identify State-specific trends in inpatient care
utilization, access, charges, and outcomes
January 01, 2013 - cost and quality of
health services, medical practice patterns, access to health care programs, and outcomes … analyses, and to identify State-specific trends in inpatient
care utilization, access, charges, and outcomes