
Total Results: 906 records

Showing results for "outcomes".

    September 01, 2010 - preventable hospitalizations would help guide development of strategies to improve care and patient outcomes … analyses; and to identify state-specific trends in inpatient care utilization, access, charges, and outcomes … Sheryl Davies, Ellen Schultz, and Kathryn McDonald of Stanford University, Center for Primary Care and Outcomes
    September 01, 2022 - The web page provides general guidance to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected by the transition … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … Alternatively, if the cases with and without missing values are assumed to be similar with respect to their outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in time
    December 01, 2019 - The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … Alternatively, if the cases with and without missing values are assumed to be similar with respect to their outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in time
    January 01, 2019 - The web page provides general guidance to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected by the transition … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … Alternatively, if the cases with and without missing values are assumed to be similar with respect to their outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in time
    January 01, 2017 - Alternatively, if the cases with and without missing values are assumed to be similar with respect to their outcomes … finite-sample theory, which is an appropriate method for obtaining cross-sectional, nationwide estimates of outcomes … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in time … patient-level analysis to identify individuals with more than one ambulatory surgery encounter or to track outcomes
    September 01, 2016 - questions about the quality of maternal care and has important implications for maternal and neonatal outcomes … cost and quality of health services, medical practice patterns, access to healthcare programs, and outcomes … analyses, and to identify State-specific trends in inpatient care utilization, access, charges, and outcomes
    January 01, 2013 - questions about the quality of maternal care and has important implications for maternal and neonatal outcomes … cost and quality of health services, medical practice patterns, access to health care programs, and outcomes … analyses, and to identify State-specific trends in inpatient care utilization, access, charges, and outcomes
    January 01, 2021 - For years 2019 and 2021, outcomes are stratified by patient characteristics, including age group, sex … cost and quality of health services, medical practice patterns, access to healthcare programs, and outcomes
    January 01, 2020 - intended to be used analytically to examine patterns of healthcare in terms of cost, utilization, and outcomes … cost and quality of health services, medical practice patterns, access to healthcare programs, and outcomes
    June 01, 2014 - ethnicity and language data to: Improve quality and reduce disparities in healthcare processes and outcomes
    July 01, 2016 - The result is improved outcomes measurement using existing data with a cost much lower than the collection
    July 01, 2009 - Quality databases, outcomes studies, infectious disease reporting all benefit from standardized data
    November 17, 2022 - Outcomes of interest include national readmission rates, reasons for returning to the hospital for care
    October 01, 2021 - policymakers use the KID to make national estimates of healthcare utilization, cost, quality, and outcomes
    April 01, 2012 - medical costs that include longer stays in the hospital, additional procedures, and poorer health outcomes … analyses; and to identify State-specific trends in inpatient care utilization, access, charges, and outcomes
    August 01, 2006 - Although the absolute risk of uterine rupture is small, the perinatal outcomes when this occurs can … Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes Associated with a Trial of Labor after Prior Cesarean Delivery.
    March 11, 2011 - Health Disparities Report Y Y Georgia Health Disparities Report 2008: A County-Level Look at Health Outcomes … In order to compare health status and health outcomes between racial and ethnic minority populations
    March 01, 2006 - data have been widely used for examining issues related to payment, cost, utilization, and patient outcomes
    December 09, 2005 - data have been widely used for examining issues related to payment, cost, utilization, and patient outcomes
    January 01, 2018 - Frequency and outcomes for the five most common principal diagnoses among nonmaternal, nonneonatal inpatient … Regional variation in frequency and outcomes for the five most common principal diagnoses among nonmaternal … intended to be used analytically to examine patterns of healthcare in terms of cost, utilization, and outcomes … cost and quality of health services, medical practice patterns, access to healthcare programs, and outcomes

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