
Total Results: 906 records

Showing results for "outcomes".

    August 01, 2011 - Healthcare Cost http://hcupnet.ah HM, Lin Z, Drye hospital performa Qual Outcomes HEA UT for Heart … analyses; and to identify State-specific trends in inpatient care utilization, access, charges, and outcomes
    January 01, 2017 - The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … systematic design reduces the margin of error by 42 to 48 percent over the previous NIS design for the outcomes … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in time … Ideally, relationships among outcomes and their correlates estimated from the NIS should accurately represent
    December 01, 2019 - The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … data did not always include discharges from those hospitals, and (2) patient characteristics and outcomes … • Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point … Ideally, relationships among outcomes and their correlates estimated from the NIS should accurately
    November 01, 2020 - The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … data did not always include discharges from those hospitals, and (2) patient characteristics and outcomes … • Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point … Ideally, relationships among outcomes and their correlates estimated from the NIS should accurately
    September 01, 2022 - The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … data did not always include discharges from those hospitals, and (2) patient characteristics and outcomes … • Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point … Ideally, relationships among outcomes and their correlates estimated from the NIS should accurately
    September 01, 2021 - The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … policymakers use the NIS to make national estimates of health care utilization, cost, quality, and outcomes … The web page provides general guidance and forewarning to users analyzing outcomes that may be affected … • Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point … Ideally, relationships among outcomes and their correlates estimated from the NIS should accurately
    September 19, 2018 - policymakers use the KID to make national estimates of health care utilization, access, charges, quality, and outcomes
    July 01, 2014 - Process Diagram for Linking Data An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Search All AHRQ Websites Careers Contact Us Espanol FAQs Email Updates …
    August 11, 2013 - Medication-Related Adverse Outcomes in U.S. Hospitals and Emergency Departments, 2008. … Medication-Related Adverse Outcomes in U.S. Hospitals and Emergency Departments, 2008. … analyses, and to identify State-specific trends in inpatient care utilization, access, charges, and outcomes
    September 01, 1999 - The QIs assess three dimensions of care: 1) potentially avoidable adverse hospital outcomes, such as … Tables 1 and 2 can be used to evaluate the costs, length of stay, patient characteristics, and outcomes … Evaluating the variability in resource use and outcomes among similar conditions or procedures.
    January 01, 2025 - intended to be used analytically to examine patterns of healthcare in terms of cost, utilization, and outcomes
    January 01, 2008 - readmissions, cost and quality of health services, preventable hospitalizations, payer trends, and outcomes
    January 01, 2007 - readmissions, cost and quality of health services, preventable hospitalizations, payer trends, and outcomes
    January 01, 2019 - with comorbidities is examined by patient characteristics and the reason for the hospital stay, and outcomesOutcomes of adult inpatient stays with and without comorbidities, by reason for the stay, 2019 Figure … Outcomes of adult inpatient stays with and without comorbidities, by service line, 2019 Abbreviation … cost and quality of health services, medical practice patterns, access to healthcare programs, and outcomes
    July 01, 2016 - of Health & Human Services, The National Partnership for Action to End Health Disparities: Changing Outcomes … the steps necessary to address the problem identified by the data report and to achieve any target outcomes … The behaviors that are surveyed include tobacco use, alcohol use, and others that can affect health outcomes … States noted that disparities in health outcomes and access are very compelling issues, and it is important … Ibid., 22. 39 Debbie Hall et al., Health Disparities Report 2008: A County-Level Look at Health Outcomes
    January 01, 2019 - Racial disparities in surgical care and outcomes in the United States: a comprehensive review of patient … intended to be used analytically to examine patterns of healthcare in terms of cost, utilization, and outcomes … cost and quality of health services, medical practice patterns, access to healthcare programs, and outcomes
    January 01, 2006 - The KID is the only dataset on hospital use, outcomes, and charges designed to study children’s use … Alternatively, in the study of hypothetical population outcomes not limited to a specific point in time … Ideally, relationships among outcomes and their correlates estimated from the KID should accurately … We sampled uncomplicated births at a lower rate because they have little variation in their outcomes … Therefore, researchers will not be able to calculate hospital-specific outcomes with certainty.
    July 01, 2016 - their coding Reports that employ clinically-enhanced data to compare their risk-adjusted clinical outcomes
    July 01, 2014 - while Q3 had 20 hospitals with at least 1 Native American identified under race) Specific Anticipated Outcomes
    August 01, 2014 - Transmission Laboratory Data Minnesota Hospital Association Logo MPA Logo Slide 2 Databases for Outcomes

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