January 01, 2010 - Because our main outcome of interest
was dietary change, we excluded studies that reported
only biochemical … baseline to
follow-up minus the change in the control group
from baseline to follow-up, as the main outcome … If studies did not provide data on our main
outcomes of interest we used the relative change in
the outcome … other measures of
fat intake, including grams of saturated or total fat
consumed or study-specific outcome … Our main outcome
measure, self-reported change in dietary behavior,
relies on individual self-report,
January 07, 2016 - In the direct pathway, Key Question 1 has an arrow from screening to a) the intermediate outcome of curve … Treatment has a line to a) the intermediate outcome and b) the health outcomes (Key Question 3).
June 11, 2019 - ART initiation at CD4 cell counts greater than 500/mm 3 associated with lower risk of a composite outcome … Both trials evaluated a composite primary outcome consisting of mortality, AIDS-defining events, and … Table 1 ). 13 , 15 In START, early ART was associated with decreased risk of the primary composite outcome … or greater at baseline, immediate ART was associated with decreased risk of the primary composite outcome … Effects on the primary composite outcome (death, serious AIDS events, and serious non-AIDS events) (6.4%
May 28, 2013 - When no studies were available for an outcome or the evidence did not permit estimation of an effect, … The second outcome was metabolic changes in the children born to mothers with GDM. … Strength of Evidence for Benefits and Harms of Treating GDM
Risk of Bias … exp Pregnancy Outcome/
pregnanc$ outcome?.tw. … Effects on perinatal outcome of treating women with 1 elevated glucose tolerance test value.
May 28, 2013 - When no studies were available for an outcome or the evidence did not permit estimation of an effect, … The second outcome was metabolic changes in the children born to mothers with GDM. … Strength of Evidence for Benefits and Harms of Treating GDM
Risk of Bias … exp Pregnancy Outcome/
pregnanc$ outcome?.tw. … Effects on perinatal outcome of treating women with 1 elevated glucose tolerance test value.
July 01, 2017 - Outcome:
How do we know that treatment is successful (health outcomes of interest to physicians, patients … If there are multiple measures of health outcome, is one (or more) most valid? … If there are multiple measures of health outcome, is one (or more) most relevant to practitioners and … for which inclusion/exclusion criteria may be defined include study aim, disease/condition, timing of outcome
July 01, 2017 - Outcome:
How do we know that treatment is successful (health outcomes of interest to physicians, patients … If there are multiple measures of health outcome, is one (or more) most valid? … If there are multiple measures of health outcome, is one (or more) most relevant to practitioners and … for which inclusion/exclusion criteria may be defined include study aim, disease/condition, timing of outcome
October 04, 2018 - specificity; studies designed to assess devices vs. blood pressure measurement standards
Timing of outcome … disease and vascular dementia as health outcomes, and retained end-stage renal disease as the renal outcome
June 20, 2017 - The dashed line indicates a relationship between
an intermediate outcome and a health outcome that is … Trials of screening or treatment benefit had to report at least
1 weight outcome. … ) z score or standard deviation score
selected as the primary outcome if available. … For trials with
interventions that lasted longer than 12 months but that reported a
12-month outcome … -Study): one year
outcome of a randomized, controlled trial.
December 15, 2020 - However, across intermediate and clinical outcome comparisons, estimates of risk consistently favored … The numbers needed to treat to achieve 1 intermediate outcome ranged from 2.6 for HBV DNA suppression … and reduced risk of mortality, hepatocellular carcinoma, cirrhosis, or a composite clinical outcome. … The long-term outcome of interferon-alpha treated and untreated patients with HBeAg-negative chronic … Long-term outcome of hepatitis B e antigen-positive patients with compensated cirrhosis treated with
January 14, 2004 - Outcome of occlusion treatment for amblyopia. J Pediatr Ophthalmol 1999;36:19-24.
24. … Occlusion for amblyopia: a comprehensive survey of outcome. Eye 1992;6:300-4.
25. … Factors affecting the outcome of children treated for amblyopia. Eye 1994;8:627-31.
26. … Preschool vision screening: outcome of children referred to the hospital eye service. … Full-time atropine, intermittent atropine, and optical penalization and binocular outcome in treatment
January 01, 2001 - We found no benefit to BV treatment in average-risk women for any pregnancy outcome. … Preterm delivery—the probability of delivery before a certain gestational age—was the primary outcome … Three studies reported results on this outcome, with two 36 , 38 suggesting a benefit to treatment ( … Bacterial vaginosis in early pregnancy and pregnancy outcome. Obstet Gynecol 1992;80:173–7. 10. … Pregnancy outcome following the use of clindamycin intravaginal cream.
September 22, 2014 - Good-quality studies had adequate randomization procedures, allocation concealment, blinding of outcome … assessors, reliable outcome measures (for example, at least standard laboratory procedures or efforts … as our primary outcome because it has the highest prevalence of the 3 STIs examined. … † Self-reported (only or in part) STI outcome. … † Self-reported (only or in part) STI outcome.
July 11, 2017 - outcome (ie, morbidity, mortality, health-related quality of life) or report adverse events related … were less consistent and generally showed no benefit, with the exception of the outcome of weight. … Healthful diet interventions (with or without physical activity messages) (7-16 trials per outcome), … A dashed line indicates a relationship between an intermediate outcome and a health outcome that is presumed … Most trials that reported a physical activity outcome were of low or medium intensity.
July 11, 2017 - outcome (ie, morbidity, mortality, health-related quality of life) or report adverse events related … were less consistent and generally showed no benefit, with the exception of the outcome of weight. … Healthful diet interventions (with or without physical activity messages) (7-16 trials per outcome), … A dashed line indicates a relationship between an intermediate outcome and a health outcome that is presumed … Most trials that reported a physical activity outcome were of low or medium intensity.
July 01, 2017 - followup or overall high loss to followup
Measurements: equal, reliable, and valid (includes masking of outcome … invalid measurement instruments are used or not applied equally among groups (including not masking outcome
July 18, 2013 - Iron status was added as an intermediate outcome in the analytic framework on routine iron supplementation … in pregnant women; the other suggested outcome is not routinely used as a screening test in the United
September 03, 2014 - the following risk factors:
• History of preeclampsia, especially when accompanied by an adverse outcome
April 06, 2004 - Minimal to no attrition, nondifferential attrition, and replacement of missing values in the outcome … Long-term outcome of the Malmo¨ preventive project: mortality and cardiovascular morbidity. … Unclear blinding of participants or outcome assessors and unclear intervention delivery. … Unclear blinding of participants or outcome assessors and unclear intervention delivery. … Unclear blinding of participants or outcome assessors.
November 01, 2013 - Observational learning
Reciprocal determinism
Outcome expectancy
Behavioral capacity