
Total Results: 94 records

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    March 01, 2008 - In general, a numerator weight reflects the amount of harm in the outcome of interest, in this case … In general, a denominator weight reflects the amount of risk of experiencing the outcome of interest … for each patient (e.g., P=pr(outcome=1)). … Notation Yij = 0 or 1, outcome for patient j in hospital i Xij = covariates (e.g., gender, age, DRG … Therefore, the “average outcome for the entire sample” is the population rate.
    March 01, 2008 - In general, a numerator weight reflects the amount of harm in the outcome of interest, in this case … for each patient (e.g., P=pr(outcome=1)). … Therefore, the “average outcome for the entire sample” is the population rate. … for each patient (e.g., P=pr(outcome=1)). … Therefore, the “average outcome for the entire sample” is the population rate.
    January 27, 2010 - Removal of risk adjustment (continued) – Risk adjustment has also been removed from the following outcome … topics Draft list of topics – Provider level risk-adjustment model  Incorporating POA into the outcome
    August 01, 2011 - In general, a numerator weight reflects the amount of harm in the outcome of interest, in this case … In general, a denominator weight reflects the amount of risk of experiencing the outcome of interest
  5. AHRQ Slide Template (ppt file)
    January 01, 2005 - procedures (C/S, VBAC, bilateral cardiac cath, incidental appendectomy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy) Outcome … Use structural indicators when acceptable process or outcome measures are not available (“free ride” … are salient to providers, and for which there is clear opportunity for improvement Key features of outcome … Morbidity measures tend to be reported inconsistently (due to poor MD documentation and/or coding) Outcome … Is the outcome indicator associated with implicit process of care (e.g., global ratings of quality)?
    January 01, 2012 - Are Hospital Admissions an Appropriate Outcome? … How closely related are the services and the outcome? … Her overall preference, however, would be not to rely on hospital admissions as an outcome. … Are Hospital Admissions a Sufficiently Sensitive Outcome? … (See the section titled, “Is Hospitalization an Appropriate Outcome?”)
    January 01, 2011 - The NQF defines the following measure types: outcome, intermediate outcome, process, structure, patient … During literature review and panel assessment, potential risk factors for the outcome of interest are … It is particularly important to avoid adjusting for the outcome of interest when the definitions of … risk factors are confounded with the outcome of interest. … • Indicator type Structure Process Proxy-outcome Outcome Don’t know • Calculation type Rate
  8. PQI Change Log (pdf file)
    August 01, 2011 - In general, cases where the outcome of interest is present on admission will be excluded from the … denominator, as these cases are no longer at risk of having the outcome of interest occur during the
    August 01, 2011 - In general, a numerator weight reflects the amount of harm in the outcome of interest, in this case … In general, a denominator weight reflects the amount of risk of experiencing the outcome of interest
    October 05, 2016 - Disutility is the measure of the severity of the adverse events associated with each of the harms (i.e., outcome … captured in the AHRQ Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version of PSI 90) Outcome
    October 05, 2016 - Disutility is the measure of the severity of the adverse events associated with each of the harms (i.e., outcome … captured in the AHRQ Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version of PSI 90) Outcome
  12. PSI 90 Fact Sheet (pdf file)
    August 31, 2016 - Disutility is the measure of the severity of the adverse events associated with each of the harms (i.e., outcome … harms captured in the AHRQ Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version of PSI 90) Outcome
  13. PSI 90 Fact Sheet (pdf file)
    August 31, 2016 - Disutility is the measure of the severity of the adverse events associated with each of the harms (i.e., outcome … harms captured in the AHRQ Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version of PSI 90) Outcome
  14. Psi90 Factsheet Faq (pdf file)
    August 31, 2016 - Disutility is the measure of the severity of the adverse events associated with each of the harms (i.e., outcome … harms captured in the AHRQ Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (modified version of PSI 90) Outcome
    November 02, 2015 - Expected value = discharge level outcome based on discharge level data (age, sex, etc.) calculated with … If the CI is above the population rate then the outcome of interest is significantly higher than expected … However, if the CI is below the population rate then the outcome of interest is significantly lower than … Beginning in Version 4.3, the determination of whether a case is in the outcome of interest (TPPS06=1 … In other words, death is not an expected outcome for these DRGs.
    November 02, 2015 - Expected value = discharge level outcome based on discharge level data (age, sex, etc.) calculated with … If the CI is above the population rate then the outcome of interest is significantly higher than expected … However, if the CI is below the population rate then the outcome of interest is significantly lower than … Beginning in Version 4.3, the determination of whether a case is in the outcome of interest (TPPS06=1 … In other words, death is not an expected outcome for these DRGs.
  17. DFWHC (ppt file)
    January 01, 2005 - _8_2000Excel 2000 Rates per 100,000 Population County Numerator (Outcome … 0 0 &A Page &P _8_2001Excel 2001 Rates per 100,000 Population County Numerator (Outcome … &A Page &P Sheet1 2002 Rates per 100,000 Population County Numerator (Outcome … _8_2003Excel 2003 (PQI 08) Rates per 100,000 Cases County Numerator (Outcome … )o YOUNG913,40867.10.0( 0.0, 0.0 ) 2003 (PQI 08)Rates per 100,000 Cases County Numerator (Outcome
  18. AHRQ Slide Template (ppt file)
    January 01, 2005 - discharge disposition, discharge quarter (new) Numerator is the number of cases “flagged” with the outcome
    January 25, 2010 - topics Draft list of topics – Provider level risk-adjustment model  Incorporating POA into the outcome
    January 01, 2005 - September 26, 2005 © 2005 University HealthSystem Consortium * Baseline and Outcome … Measures # of RRT calls Average time from call to arrival Common presenting early warning signs Outcome

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