
Total Results: over 10,000 records

Showing results for "outcome".

    November 15, 2023 - Commentary Are clinical instructors preventing or provoking adverse events involving students: a contemporary issue. Citation Text: Christensen L. Are clinical instructors preventing or provoking adverse events involving students: A contemporary issue. Nurse Educ Today. 2018;70:121-123. …
    April 16, 2010 - Commentary Bedside shift report improves patient safety and nurse accountability. Citation Text: Baker SJ. Bedside shift report improves patient safety and nurse accountability. Journal of emergency nursing: JEN : official publication of the Emergency Department Nurses Association. 201…
    April 03, 2005 - Study Racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in estimates of AHRQ patient safety indicators. Citation Text: Coffey RM, Andrews RM, Moy E. Racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in estimates of AHRQ patient safety indicators. Med Care. 2005;43(3 Suppl):I48-I57. Copy Cita…
    April 12, 2023 - Study Findings of a naloxone database and its utilization to improve safety and education in a tertiary care medical center. Citation Text: Rosenfeld DM, Betcher JA, Shah RA, et al. Findings of a Naloxone Database and its Utilization to Improve Safety and Education in a Tertiary Care Med…
    March 23, 2022 - Study The necessary leadership skillsets for the high-reliability organization framework adoption within acute healthcare organizations. Citation Text: Logan‐Athmer AL. The necessary leadership skillsets for the high‐reliability organization framework adoption within acute healthcare org…
    February 10, 2015 - Study Michigan Health & Hospital Association Keystone Obstetrics: a statewide collaborative for perinatal patient safety in Michigan. Citation Text: Simpson KR, Knox GE, Martin M, et al. Michigan Health & Hospital Association Keystone Obstetrics: A Statewide Collaborative for Perinatal…
    May 05, 2021 - Review Clinicians' expectations of the benefits and harms of treatments, screening, and tests: a systematic review. Citation Text: Hoffmann TC, Del Mar C. Clinicians' Expectations of the Benefits and Harms of Treatments, Screening, and Tests: A Systematic Review. JAMA Intern Med. 2017;17…
    January 29, 2020 - Study The ability of intensive care units to maintain zero central line–associated bloodstream infections. Citation Text: Lipitz-Snyderman A. The Ability of Intensive Care Units to Maintain Zero Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections. Arch Intern Med. 2011;171(9). doi:10.1001/a…
    December 23, 2011 - Study A simulation-based evaluation of methods to estimate the impact of an adverse event on hospital length of stay. Citation Text: Samore MH, Shen S, Greene T, et al. A simulation-based evaluation of methods to estimate the impact of an adverse event on hospital length of stay. Med C…
    March 18, 2020 - Study Do my feelings fit the diagnosis? Avoiding misdiagnoses in psychosomatic consultation services. Citation Text: Seidl E, Seidl O. Do my feelings fit the diagnosis? Avoiding misdiagnoses in psychosomatic consultation services. J Healthc Risk Manag. 2021;41(2):9-17. doi:10.1002/jhrm.2…
    April 24, 2018 - Review The patient is in: patient involvement strategies for diagnostic error mitigation. Citation Text: McDonald KM, Bryce CL, Graber ML. The patient is in: patient involvement strategies for diagnostic error mitigation. BMJ Qual Saf. 2013;22 Suppl 2:ii33-ii39. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2012-…
    October 26, 2010 - Outcome of 6 years of protocol use for preventing wrong site office surgery. … February 10, 2012 Outcome of 6 years of protocol use for preventing wrong site office … August 2, 2015 Outcome of 6 years of protocol use for preventing wrong site office surgery
    November 01, 2005 - is problematic on many levels, this commentary focuses on the three likely causes of the unfortunate outcome … transfer can be discussed and improved upon.( 11 ) Several best practices might have led to a different outcome … overcome those barriers to effectively communicate.( 7 ) Such practices might have led to a better outcome
  14. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    October 14, 2004 - studies cite practitioner communication skills as a factor in malpractice.(1,2) Furthermore, the tragic outcome … / were made NPO pending the outcome … clinicians at the time, could have led to follow-up actions to mitigate or avert an adverse patient outcome
  15. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    June 01, 2018 - challenges us to review potential system and cognitive factors that could have contributed to this outcome … This case represents the treatment of a stroke mimic or misdiagnosis that contributed to an adverse outcome … Association of outcome with early stroke treatment: pooled analysis of ATLANTIS, ECASS, and NINDS rt-PA
    March 02, 2010 - October 26, 2010 EMS helicopter crashes: what influences fatal outcome?
    May 11, 2016 - May 11, 2016 A human factors intervention in a hospital--evaluating the outcome of a
    July 18, 2016 - surgery using criteria validated from the adult population: justifying the need for pediatric-focused outcome
    April 06, 2016 - June 28, 2017 Improving the Measurement of Surgical Site Infection Risk Stratification/Outcome
    October 27, 2010 - surgery using criteria validated from the adult population: justifying the need for pediatric-focused outcome

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