January 10, 2018 - interventions to improve emotional climate, indices of team skills and communication, and threat to patient outcome … July 5, 2013
The relationship of the emotional climate of work and threat to patient outcome
July 31, 2013 - July 20, 2022
Outcome of adverse events and medical errors in the intensive care unit … ICU admittance by a rapid response team versus conventional admittance, characteristics, and outcome
June 18, 2008 - A morbidity and mortality conference-based classification system for adverse events: surgical outcome … report card system using error profile analysis and concurrent morbidity and mortality review: surgical outcome
November 03, 2008 - Related Resources From the Same Author(s)
A prospective study of factors influencing the outcome … November 21, 2021
Epidemiology and patient outcome after medical emergency team calls
March 18, 2020 - The authors note that the ability to demonstrate improvements were limited
by lack of objective outcome
November 02, 2011 - infrequent-physician-use-implantable-cardioverter-defibrillators-risks-patient-
This study found evidence of a volume–outcome
July 23, 2024 - collectors and data collection training Access to electronic health records Patient inclusion criteria Outcome … collect standardized local data Access to data from other participating (and non-participating) sites Outcome … HMS determined the specific patient outcome measures, which included CLABSI, DVT, and catheter occlusion … collectors and data collection training Access to electronic health records Patient inclusion criteria Outcome … collect standardized local data Access to data from other participating (and non-participating) sites Outcome
February 01, 2017 - psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/quality-gaps-identified-through-mortality-review
Inpatient mortality represents a key outcome
October 09, 2017 - development-and-applications-veterans-health-administrations-stratification-tool-opioid-risk
September 02, 2009 - that accusations of medication error are a small portion of medical malpractice claims
with a lethal outcome
October 09, 2013 - eliminating-cauti-interim-data-report-national-patient-safety-imperative
This report provides preliminary outcome
April 06, 2011 - events, their
location of occurrence, and the low rate of incidents associated with a catastrophic outcome
May 04, 2016 - reducing-prognostic-errors-new-imperative-quality-healthcare
March 10, 2021 - For example, do they feel that their outcome was improved due to the teamwork or partnership with their … Not only can the development of PFE outcome measures help organizations systematically track the impact … There may be an opportunity to use Patient Reported Outcome Measures to assess the impact of PFE on outcomes … Why process measures are often more important than outcome measures in healthcare. HealthCatalyst. … https://www.healthcatalyst.com/insights/process-vs-outcome-measures-healthcare
July 18, 2019 - aging-gracefully-patient-safety-advocates-call-ongoing-skills-assessments-older-physicians
May 09, 2014 - Outcome of pregnancy with intrauterine device. Contraception. 1970;2:47-57. 5. Alvior GT Jr. … Pregnancy outcome with removal of intrauterine device. Obstet Gynecol. 1973;41:894-896. … Management and outcome of pregnancies associated with the copper-T intrauterine contraceptive device. … Pregnancy outcome associated with the use of IUDs. Br J Fam Plann. 1989;15:7-10. 8. Guillebaud J.
March 30, 2022 - commission (doing something wrong) or omission (failing to do the right thing) leading to an undesirable outcome … or significant potential for such an outcome." … miss : an unsafe situation that is indistinguishable from a preventable adverse event except for the outcome
February 03, 2010 - systematic-review-and-evaluation-physiological-track-and-trigger-warning-systems-identifying
April 01, 2010 - understanding-health-it
This qualitative study revealed several themes about perceived barriers and performance outcome
September 16, 2015 - provide a complete picture of the epidemiology of
adverse events and recommend review of multiple outcome