August 08, 2012 - What was the final outcome for the patient (e.g., delay in care)? … If yes, what was the outcome for the patient? … If the medications were delayed, could this affect the patient’s outcome (e.g., delay in discharge to
January 01, 2013 - Purpose of measurement
• PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act)
• Examples of process measures
• Examples of outcome … Process measures answer the question: “Are we
doing the things we think will lead to
improvement in outcome … Examples of Outcome Measures
• Fall incidence rate
• Fall prevalence rate
How To Measure … Use of Cycle
Overallaim:lower fall rate 40% in 7 months
Examples of Process Measures
Examples of Outcome
March 01, 2013 - This is due to several factors: the burden of frequent data collection, the fact that outcome metrics … statistical methods based on the theory of variation that can be used to make sense of any process or outcome … One can observe process or outcome variables over time in the absence of an intervention to establish … Uses of the Method
In addition to monitoring changes in outcome measures such as the proportion of … The authors note that observers should not equate statistical control in a process or outcome to clinical
March 07, 2019 - Team Outcome Aim(s)
Clinical Outcome Aim(s)
3. … Consider including team process, team outcome, and office outcome aims
Module 11: Implementation Planning … The outcome aims should focus on changes that occur because your staff carries out the interventions … , listed under the Clinical Outcome Aims, so that a team outcome might be changes in the perception of … aim, and a clinical outcome aim.
March 01, 2014 - Remember that enhanced patient safety is the ultimate outcome of consistently using the TeamSTEPPS tools … How would the outcome have been different if the TeamSTEPPS tools and strategies had been used? … Which of the TeamSTEPPS tools and strategies could have been used, and how would the outcome have been … analyzed the scenario and identified opportunities to use TeamSTEPPS strategies and tools to improve the outcome … How did the use of these TeamSTEPPS tools and strategies affect the course and outcome of the scenario
March 01, 2013 - This is due to
several factors: the burden of frequent data collection, the fact that outcome metrics … statistical methods based on the theory of variation that can
be used to make sense of any process or outcome … One can observe
process or outcome variables over time in the absence of an intervention to establish … Uses of the Method
In addition to monitoring changes in outcome measures such as the proportion of patients … The authors note that observers should not equate statistical control in a
process or outcome to clinical
July 01, 2023 - Handoff (Subacute Care)
Huddle in Emergency Department
Labor and Delivery: Successful Outcome
July 01, 2023 - Handoff (Subacute Care)
Huddle in Emergency Department
Labor and Delivery: Successful Outcome
July 01, 2023 - Handoff (Subacute Care)
Huddle in Emergency Department
Labor and Delivery: Successful Outcome
July 01, 2023 - Handoff (Subacute Care)
Huddle in Emergency Department
Labor and Delivery: Successful Outcome
July 01, 2023 - Handoff (Subacute Care)
Huddle in Emergency Department
Labor and Delivery: Successful Outcome
July 01, 2023 - Handoff (Subacute Care)
Huddle in Emergency Department
Labor and Delivery: Successful Outcome
November 01, 2018 - State at least one team outcome aim . … A team outcome aim is directed at the changes that occur in team performance as a result of your staff … State at least one clinical outcome aim. … The clinical outcome aim is your goal for improvements in clinical results due to improved team performance
September 01, 2019 - What could you do differently next time to create a better process and a better outcome?
July 01, 2023 - Explain how the skill of situation monitoring leads to situation awareness and supports the team outcome … Situation Awareness
Note that situation awareness is the outcome achieved by situation monitoring.
July 01, 2023 - Handoff (Subacute Care)
Huddle in Emergency Department
Labor and Delivery: Successful Outcome
July 01, 2023 - Handoff (Subacute Care)
Huddle in Emergency Department
Labor and Delivery: Successful Outcome
July 01, 2023 - Handoff (Subacute Care)
Huddle in Emergency Department
Labor and Delivery: Successful Outcome
July 01, 2023 - Handoff (Subacute Care)
Huddle in Emergency Department
Labor and Delivery: Successful Outcome
June 01, 2023 - Handoff (Subacute Care)
Huddle in Emergency Department
Labor and Delivery: Successful Outcome