September 21, 2012 - Most importantly, investigators must specify a
primary study outcome and a minimum treatment
effect … of interest for that outcome. … In trials with a continuous outcome (e.g.,
LDL cholesterol), investigators must make
assumptions about … the standard deviation of the
outcome in each trial arm; when the outcome
is the occurrence of an … Describe:
- The primary outcome on which the study size
or power estimate is based.
May 06, 2011 - in two and as a secondary outcome in four others. … Additional nonrandomized controlled trials that had cesarean rate as a primary or secondary outcome ( … We will capture all relevant outcome measures available and report them as part of the data extraction … Each key outcome on each comparison of interest will be given an overall evidence grade based on the … We will record strength of evidence assessments in tables, summarizing for each outcome.
January 01, 2010 - in two and as a
secondary outcome in four others. … Additional nonrandomized controlled trials
that had cesarean rate as a primary or secondary outcome … Abbreviations: PICOTS = population, intervention, comparator, outcome, timing, and setting. … of
interest, comparability of cohorts, assessment of outcome, adequate duration of followup, and … We will record strength of
evidence assessments in tables, summarizing for each outcome.
March 13, 2013 - Combining Composite Outcomes
A composite outcome can be binary (0/1) or time-to-event. … Although the use of a composite outcome as the primary outcome in a clinical trial can reduce sample … Interpretation of composite outcome results is fraught. … Criteria for selecting outcomes for combining
Outcome definitions
Specify whether outcome definitions … This should be done for each outcome considered.
January 01, 2010 - First, it is helpful
to lay out a theoretical link between the exposure and the event/outcome of interest … because all of the exposure necessary to
cause the event or outcome has been completed. … The latent period is the time from when the
outcome starts to when the outcome is identified. … In other words, it is the period between when the
disease or outcome begins and when the outcome
is … of Outcome
interest complete Identi�ed/Diagnosed
Start of outcome
x x x xx x xxx xxx
June 18, 2020 - assessors, and subjective outcome assessors; incomplete outcome data; selective outcome reporting; and … assessors, and subjective outcome assessors; incomplete outcome data; selective outcome reporting; and … data, selective outcome reporting, and other issues that could be related bias. … Development of a core outcome set for research and audit studies in reconstructive breast surgery. … Developing core outcome sets for clinical trials: issues to consider.
June 02, 2011 - Blinding of outcome
assessors, especially with
subjective outcome
assessments, bias in
inferential … reporting for another outcome. … Alternatively, with no evidence of selective outcome reporting for an individual outcome, EPCs
may … still judge that selective outcome reporting exists for the body of evidence for that outcome
alone … of the outcome data in studies reporting that outcome.
This overall risk-of-bias is
dictated by
January 01, 2022 - Outcome Data (Cochrane) or Attrition Bias (AHRQ); Attrition Bias Due to Missing Outcome Data (Cochrane … Measurement Risk of Bias in Measurement of the Outcome (Cochrane) or Detection Bias (AHRQ); Outcome … Risk of Bias in Measurement of the Outcome (Cochrane) or Detection Bias (AHRQ); Outcome Measurement … Risk of Bias in Measurement of the Outcome (Cochrane) or Detection Bias (AHRQ); Outcome Measurement Risk … of Bias in Measurement of the Outcome (Cochrane) or Detection Bias (AHRQ); Outcome Measurement: RoB
March 01, 2013 - If a composite
outcome is time-to-event, it takes the value of the time until the first event. … Although the use of a
composite outcome as the primary outcome in a clinical trial can reduce sample … • Interpretation of composite outcome results is fraught. … Criteria for selecting
outcomes for
Specify whether outcome definitions … This should be done
for each outcome considered.
April 19, 2023 - Population, intervention, comparator, outcome, timing, setting (PICOTS)
Population … blinding (performance and detection
bias), completeness of follow-up (attrition bias), analyses and outcome … Overall risk of bias assessments for each
study-outcome will be classified as low, high, or unclear … Based on these factors, the overall strength of evidence for each intervention/comparator/
outcome will … Childhood maltreatment predicts unfavorable course of illness
and treatment outcome in depression: a
April 08, 2014 - Children with infantile hemangiomas
Intervention(s): Early referral
Comparator(s): Delayed referral
Outcome … resonance imaging (MRI),
computed tomography (CT), or ultrasound
Comparator(s): No use of imaging
Outcome … Intervention(s): Pulsed dye laser treatment
Comparator(s): Observation
Outcome … ,
medical therapy using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
(e.g., captopril), observation
April 20, 2015 - Detection bias
Blinding of outcome assessment
Assessments should be made for
each main outcome (or … Attrition bias
Incomplete outcome data
Assessments should be made for
each main outcome (or class … 3.3 Was information on intervention status unaffected by knowledge of the outcome or risk
of the outcome … measurements within the outcome domain? … (i.e., for each outcome separately).
May 01, 2012 - The presence of each of the correlates of outcome confers a different
probability of the outcome and … combinations of the variables confer a different probability of the
outcome. … In the case of the propensity score, the
outcome is treatment choice. … effectiveness
outcome. … for a
binary outcome with fixed follow-up).
April 09, 2020 - assessors, and subjective outcome assessors; incomplete outcome data;
selective outcome reporting; … assessors, and subjective outcome assessors;
incomplete outcome data; selective outcome reporting; … data, selective outcome reporting,
and other issues that could be related bias. … Development of a core outcome set for research and audit
studies in reconstructive breast surgery. … Developing core outcome sets for clinical trials:
issues to consider.
December 01, 2017 - allow for different ratings by
• Risk-of-bias ratings for a study may vary
according to outcome … to account for outcome specific variations in potential types or extent of bias. … • If presenting a summary, make judgments about overall risk of
bias for each included outcome of … Present judgment criteria on individual categories or items, or as a summary for each outcome. … Finally, resolve differences in judgment and record final rating for each outcome.
Stage 4.
August 15, 2011 - Outcome data. … Was the outcome measure of interest
objective and was it objectively
measured? … assessors (#10) (or NR blinded
outcome assessors), then it was an objective outcome (#11)
o ≤15% … After hernia repair, a key outcome is hernia recurrence, and for this
outcome, we define the MCSD as … Thus we propose setting the
MCSD at one day for this outcome.
April 11, 2011 - Outcome data. … If NOT blinded outcome assessors (item 10) (or NR blinded outcome assessors), then it was an objective … outcome (item 11) … After hernia repair, a key outcome is hernia recurrence; for this outcome, we define the MCSD as 3 percentage … Thus we propose setting the MCSD at one day for this outcome.
November 01, 2012 - We aggregated all relevant outcome measures
within a particular outcome domain and evaluated
strength … Since
the outcome domains were assessed as aggregates
of relevant outcome measures, the precision score … also reflected how fully the set of outcome measures
described the outcome domain. … Summary of key findings and strength of evidence for outcome domains
Domain/Outcome Key Findings/Strength … Outcome measures and data collection varied across
January 01, 2013 - DEcIDE Center (Quintiles Outcome, Cambridge, MA) for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality … interest for that outcome. … In trials with a continuous outcome, investigators must make assumptions about the standard deviation … of the outcome in each trial arm; when outcome is the necessary occurrence of an event (e.g., death) … Report the primary outcome on which the study size or power estimate is based.
May 01, 2012 - Summary of RCT risk of bias domain scores, by condition and outcome
Number … Summary of RCT consistency domain scores, by condition and outcome
Number of … Summary of RCT directness domain scores, by condition and outcome
# of Studies … Summary of RCT precision domain scores, by condition and outcome
# of Studies … Strength of evidence grades, by condition and outcome
Outcome Individual SOE Grades