March 01, 2006 - group plan
coverage for medical or related expenses and prepaid health
plans such as health maintenance organizations
November 01, 2000 - Associated with a 75-percent sample of households
receiving care through an HMO (health maintenance
organization … Data are
collected from the selected organizations through a
prescreening telephone interview, a mailed … the 1997 MEPS sample to
Westat and the National Opinion Research Center (the
MEPS data collection organizations
January 01, 1996 - health insurance, also enter the number
of employees eligible and enrolled for coverage through
your organization
October 01, 2010 - In particular, the findings from this study are
relevant to health care organizations and insurers … Organization
a. … Health Care for
the Homeless Program (administered by HRSA) makes grants to 205 community-based
organizations … of Homeless Persons Program (administered by SAMHSA) provides
funds to community-based nonprofit organizations … The National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) is a national
organization of clinicians,
March 01, 2006 - group plan coverage for medical or related expenses and prepaid health plans such as health maintenance organizations
December 01, 2005 - Associated with a 75 percent sample of households receiving care
through an HMO (health maintenance organization … Data are
collected from the selected organizations through a prescreening
telephone interview
December 01, 2005 - Associated with a 75 percent sample of households receiving care through an HMO
(health maintenance organization … Data are collected from the selected
organizations through a prescreening telephone interview, a mailed
January 01, 2007 - Associated with a 75 percent sample of households receiving care through an HMO
(health maintenance organization … Data are collected from the selected
organizations through a prescreening telephone interview, a mailed
November 01, 2010 - an employer, union, self-employed business, directly from an insurance company or health maintenance organization
November 01, 2010 - an employer, union, self-employed business, directly from an insurance company or health maintenance organization
November 01, 2010 - employer, union, self-
employed business, directly from an insurance company or health maintenance organization
November 01, 2010 - an employer, union, self-employed business, directly from an insurance company or health maintenance organization
November 01, 2010 - an employer, union, self-employed business, directly from an insurance company or health maintenance organization
February 01, 2017 - A firm represents the entire organization,
including the company headquarters and all divisions, subsidiaries
July 01, 1999 - Associated with a 75-percent sample of households
receiving care through an HMO (health maintenance
organization … Data are
collected from the selected organizations through a
prescreening telephone interview, a mailed … employer, union, self-employed business, directly from
an insurance company or a health maintenance
July 01, 2004 - Associated with a 75-percent sample of households
receiving care through an HMO (health maintenance
organization … Data are
collected from the selected organizations through a
prescreening telephone interview, a mailed … an employer, union, self-employed business,
directly from an insurance company or health
maintenance organization
February 01, 2002 - Associated with a 75-percent sample of households
receiving care through an HMO (health maintenance
organization … Data are
collected from the selected organizations through a
prescreening telephone interview, a mailed … the underreporting of these benefits in the CPS.
Increased enrollment in health maintenance
organizations … the family head, region of residence, receipt of means-
tested cash assistance, health maintenance organization
April 01, 2000 - Associated with a 75-percent sample of households
receiving care through an HMO (health maintenance
organization … Data are
collected from the selected organizations through a
prescreening telephone interview, a mailed … employer, union, self-employed business, directly from
an insurance company or a health maintenance
October 01, 2017 - Accessibility Report
Accessibility Report
Report created by:
Organization … :
[Enter personal and organization information through the Preferences > Identity dialog.]
January 01, 2007 - Associated with a 75 percent sample of households receiving care through an HMO
(health maintenance organization … Data are collected from the selected
organizations through a prescreening telephone interview, a mailed