April 01, 2021 - readability
Hanging indent
and tab after item
0.4 inch Improves readability
Response Options … Improves readability
Indentation Use vertical alignment of
response options
Creates white space … responses that are numbers
Minimizes possibility that
respondents confuse precodes
for response options … Q18 Rating of provider
Response Options
• 0-10
Page 62
Guidelines for Using … Q25 Rating of provider
Response Options
• 0-10
Guidelines for Using the CAHPS® Clinician & Group
November 01, 2018 - for Primary Care
Patient decision aids are tools for sharing evidence about treatment and screening options
January 01, 2023 - This section reviews some of the options you may want to consider for gathering quality data on health
April 01, 2021 - to each facility, these cells
are open text fields, meaning you can enter data
rather than select options … Location, and Time Block tabs offer the same graphing, summary information,
and month-to-month comparison options
October 04, 2016 - determine codes that correspond to relevant care setting(s),
diagnoses, medications and treatment options
October 04, 2016 - determine codes that correspond to relevant care setting(s),
diagnoses, medications and treatment options
January 01, 2023 - Help people narrow the number or range of their options, consistent with what is most important to them … Recommend more desirable options, either in general or based on the individual's characteristics and
June 01, 2016 - audience is choosing insurance plans:
Can your audience choose among different kinds of coverage options … Do they have multiple choices within each of those options?
January 01, 2021 - Step 2: H elp your patient explore and compare treatment options.
September 01, 2015 - There are two options for facilitating the instruction of this module.
December 01, 2022 - entirety without modifications or deletions:
No changes to any of the survey item text and response options
March 01, 2021 - sources (e.g., data known to the practice network)
Missing data for analysis
Evaluators discussed options … Missing data
Evaluators discussed options they were considering for addressing missing data (see Evaluators
August 01, 2015 - We use an evidence based
stepwise approach to identify appropriate treatment options.
We prescribe
August 15, 2012 - determine codes that correspond to relevant care setting(s),
diagnoses, medications and treatment options
November 09, 2017 - Options include walking,
transferring, toileting, in chair, bed, or other. … Options for neurological status include
usual or changes noted.
Bleeding. … Options for bleeding include none, minor, and
Injury Assessment Notes. … The options for treatment location include
the facility or the emergency room. … Options for family relationship include
daughter, son, spouse, or other.
June 01, 2021 - Work with staffing agencies to identify non-traditional options, including longer-term contracts and … Determine options for use of non-certified or non-licensed staff in your organization.
December 01, 2023 - outpatient and inpatient care, provide patients with a critical means of accessing healthcare when other options
January 20, 2006 - There are two options for facilitating the instruction of this module.
June 04, 2021 - .♦
• Work with staffing agencies to identify non-traditional options, including longer-term contracts … Determine options for use of non-certified or non-licensed staff in your
May 01, 2020 - Revising the wording or order of response options.
Changing the order of items.