
Total Results: 631 records

Showing results for "option".

  1. H3 Staff Survey (pdf file)
    January 01, 2014 - (Choose one option) ☐ I enjoy my work. … (Please select only one option) ☐ Physician (MD, DO) ☐ Nurse practitioner or Physician assistant … you have worked in the practice less than one year, please indicate that by checking that response option
    May 12, 2022 - We would discuss this option further with you while we prepare for such an event.
    September 01, 2020 - Strategy 10 is to help patients deliberate and choose the option that is the best fit with their goals … Don't just describe the option you recommend. … And remember, “all options” includes the option of doing nothing. … to seriously consider that option. … Patients may also need your help to assess the feasibility of each option, including which options are
    December 27, 2017 - Response Options • Definitely Yes • Somewhat Yes • Somewhat No • Definitely No 4 Response option … try to get an appointment with a specialist dentist for myself in the last 12 months. 5 Response option … more than 15 minutes in the waiting room before seeing someone for an appointment. 6 Response option
    August 03, 2018 - (Choose one option) ☐ Data resides only on a server in your practice ☐ Data resides in a server in … (Choose one option) ☐ A clinician or a staff person in the practice ☐ A consultant/service on retainer … ownership or president/CEO for less than one year, please indicate that by checking that response option … Please choose the option that best describes the level of care that currently exists in your practice
    September 01, 2019 - Consider how each option would affect your budget.
    October 01, 2015 - What we don’t yet know is how to present this kind of option in a way that makes sense to someone whose … A Chart with Word Icons Linked to Data Another option for using Web functionality to help people find
    May 15, 2017 - Response Code Actual response Use the corresponding survey precode indicated beside the response option … Precodes typically begin with 1 and number consecutively for each response option. … Item showed more than one response option completed when only one is appropriate (i.e., multiple marks … Frequencies Frequencies indicate the number and percentage of respondents answering each response option … Another option is to weight the item based on the number of responses to each item.
    January 01, 2014 - Demo_role Collaboratively determined core item What is your role in this practice: (select only one option … you have worked in the practice less than one year, please indicate that by checking that response option
    February 01, 2016 - Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health and Human Services Careers Contact Us Español FAQs Search all AHRQ sites Search small Search Menu …
    April 01, 2023 - kind of information to explain the issues fairly and clearly, highlighting the pros and cons of each option … to determine whether they understood that they had options, how much the risks and benefits of each option
    March 20, 2017 - Patient Experience Measures from the CAHPS® Child Hospital Survey CAHPS® Child Hospital Survey and Instructions Patient Experience Measures from the CAHPS Child Hospital Survey Document No. 909 Updated 3/20/17 Patient Experience Measures from the CAHPS® Child Hospital Survey Introduction.....................…
    March 03, 2020 - Understanding SOPS Surveys: A Primer for New Users (Webcast) - Gray (Overview) Overview of the SOPS Surveys Laura Gray, MPH Senior Study Director User Network for the AHRQ Surveys on Patient Safety Culture (SOPS) Westat 12 What is Patient Safety Culture? 13 AHRQ Surveys on Patient Safety Culture • Surveys …
    August 22, 2018 - under the current ownerships for less than one year, please indicate that by checking that response option … Prac_ACO_join_medicaid, then you can remove “Already contracting with a Medicaid ACO” as a response option … Prac_ACO_join_medicare, then you can remove “Already contracting with a Medicare ACO” as a response option … Prac_ACO_join_commercial then you can remove “Already contracting with a Private/Commercial ACO” as a response option
    April 03, 2017 - (select only one option) c1 Physician (MD, DO) c2 Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant c3 … you have worked in the practice less than one year, please indicate that by checking that response option
    September 01, 2020 - shared decisionmaking that includes exploring and comparing the benefits, harms, and risks of each option … These products are specifically designed to provide evidence-based information about a treatment option … health-care providers involve patients in decision making: a systematic review of studies using the OPTION
    March 09, 2007 - • All questions should include a “REFUSED” (“REF”) response option, which can be on the interviewer … Unless otherwise noted, “REF” responses should follow the same skip pattern as the “NO” response option … • Text in UPPERCASE LETTERS (e.g., “REF” as a response option) is intended for use in coding a response
    September 01, 2020 - and compare treatment options Slide Content: Discuss the benefits and risks of each treatment option … Know the benefits and risks of each option Understand how they relate to your patient's situation and
    January 18, 2017 - Strategy 10 is to help patients deliberate and choose the option that is the best fit with their goals … Don’t just describe the option you recommend. … And remember, “all options” includes the option of doing nothing. … How experienced the clinician is can affect the risks of an option, so be sure to tell your patient … to seriously consider that option.
    August 23, 2018 - Practice Survey Codebook: CPCQ and PCMH-A EvidenceNow Practice Survey Codebook: CPCQ and PCMH-A . Variable Name/ Core- optional Status Item We would like to learn about the strategies that your practice uses to improve cardiovascular preventive care (e.g., prescribing aspirin for patients at risk for ische…

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