April 10, 2007 - How did you frame the option to the participants and can
you qualify "high" participation? … Q: How was the selective opt-in option taken to protect consumer's sensitive information. … Q: How was the selective opt-in option taken to protect consumer's sensitive information.
January 01, 2019 - This indicates that telemedicine
remains a reasonable option for follow-up of RA, and that further … difference between groups in the short study duration likely indicates that telemedicine is a
viable option … preliminary data demonstrating the characteristics associated with choosing
telemedicine when offered as an option … These findings indicate that telemedicine can reasonably be
offered as an option for RA follow-up and
January 01, 2020 - program integrates a warm handoff tool for the clinical teams at the hospital and the SNF, including an option
January 01, 2023 - research demonstrated the feasibility of offering telemedicine rheumatology via video teleconference as an option
August 24, 2009 - •
If you wish to be unmuted, choose the “raise hand”
to notify the host. … Please type your question into the chat
• If you wish to be unmuted, choose the
“raise hand”
May 23, 2013 - Health IT Hazard Manager Beta-Test Appendix C - Descriptive Analysis
Appendix C - Descriptive Analysis
A detailed descriptive analysis of the Hazard Manager was conducted in a two-step-process:
• The first step was to determine how often each question in the Hazard Manager was answered,
skipped by the user…
June 14, 2021 - Medication order triggers display of more cost-effective drug, regimen, or formulary-compliant option … Information in the table is not intended to be comprehensive and include every CDS option and objective
January 01, 2013 - Option 1: I would like the above named patient scheduled for the Direct Access
Colonoscopy Class. … Option 2: I would like the above named patient scheduled for a GI Clinic appointment. … Option 3: I do not want this patient to be scheduled for surveillance colonoscopy. … If you reply with Option 1 or 2, we will contact your patient to discuss, and we will place
the appropriate … If you reply with Option 3, or if
you do not reply to this email, we will not contact your patient.
January 01, 2008 - When the reminder popped up or was selected, the provider had the option of declining or canceling or … Choosing to give the vaccine included an option to print an immunization consent form to be placed in
January 01, 2023 - The template does not provide the option of documenting other problems in detail.
January 01, 2023 - in this study indicated their acceptance of the technology and were eager to continue exploring this option
January 01, 2023 - complex decisions patients and providers make when considering Hospital at Home (HaH) as a
viable care option … and establish the rate of
patient and provider acceptance of Hospital at Home as a potential care option … We focused our initial
investigation and design activities around Hospital at Home as a care option … the
hospital for care, how might an app help the patient and doctor choose the best hospital care
option … Potential study participants were approached in the
hospital and presented with the option of using
January 01, 2018 - weeks for which patients
completed a questionnaire and the percent of the time they received the option … If the criteria are met, the patient is given the option of requesting a call from a care
manager, … symptoms meet more severe criteria, the care manager is
auto-notified (i.e. patient is not given the option … the questions, we included a definition at the beginning of the survey and gave the patients
the option
January 01, 2019 - Helping Patients Better Understand Effective Treatment Options for Crohn’s Disease
Helping Patients Better Understand Effective Treatment Options for Crohn’s Disease
Use of the Crohn’s Disease Prediction Tool, a validated individualized risk prediction tool plus a web-based decision aid, resulted in improved sh…
January 01, 2009 - When the reminder
popped up or was selected, the provider had the option of declining or canceling or … Choosing to give the vaccine included an option to print an immunization consent
form to be placed in
January 01, 1997 - With full support, the same list was given but the doctor had the option of inspecting the computer's
January 01, 2012 - Determine whether the old system (i.e., telephone calls) will be phased out or remain
as an option. … B-1
Appendix B: Staff Manual Sample
Checking Messages from KidsAirmail
Option 1 (this option will
January 01, 2023 - Multivoting
Multivoting provides a means of reducing a large list of options to a smaller list of the best options or top priorities. It can also reduce a list to one single selection. The method can allow an idea that is liked by all members of a group to rise to the top of the list, even…
October 16, 2020 - Appendix E: Tapering Opioid Medication: Considerations for Clinical Practice
Long-term use of opioid analgesics is the largest risk factor in developing opioid use disorder (OUD).1 Therefore, it is important to carefully weigh the benefits offered by opioid therapies and compare them against risks from use of…
January 01, 2014 - Data View: Comorbid Conditions with Option to Filter (Aim 2) ........................................ … At
the UI level, this setup provided an individual clinician with the option of altering data
selection … Data View: Comorbid Conditions with Option to Filter (Aim 2)
We developed an algorithm to scan data … We embedded a filtering option at the UI level to define ad hoc
inclusion/exclusion criteria for the