January 01, 2023 - Participants wanted alerts to be parsimonious, with the option of clicking to open a window with more … However, they felt equally strongly that doctors should not be given the option to turn off the alert
January 01, 2011 - Questions for TEP
• CDS Usability and Access
2 GLIDES Project Overview
Progress Summary
Q1 - Option … Update and Challenges Technical Expert Panel Meeting, August 2011
Progress Summary Q1 - Option
January 01, 2023 - DESIGN: We administered an 18-item, web-based questionnaire to all 368 PCPs who had the option of referring … based primary care, county funded community and non-county funded community clinics, all PCPs have option
January 01, 2011 - The provider may indicate that a particular option
is “preferred”.
• Patient request. … • Option customization. … Internal structure of an ACCORD option Routine screening by colonoscopy
Figure 9. … By
default, all ACCORDs allow a patient to choose an option to “do nothing”. … “Bladder imaging for patients at high risk for
cancer" is an example of such an option.
July 01, 2021 - To
determine when to offer patients the option to request a call from a nurse, we created simple logic … Patients with severe, worsening, or worse-
than-baseline symptoms are offered the option to request a … To determine when to offer patients the option to request a call from a nurse, we created simple logic
January 01, 2023 - to evaluate multiple options and explore what the potential outcomes are from choosing a particular option
January 01, 2005 - "There were cases in which clinicians reached a dead end within the CR system, with no reasonable option … the dialogue box of the CRs do not always match the patient's response or there is not an appropriate option … Seven nurses and seven providers reported that there was "no option" or "not enough options" in the CRs
January 01, 2023 - Decisions are enclosed within a diamond symbol, and then each action or option branches off of the diamond
April 26, 2021 - advice on appropriate management Quality of Care and Patient Safety Outcome: Use of a decision support option
January 01, 2023 - The template does not provide the option of documenting other problems in detail.
June 09, 2020 - research demonstrated the feasibility of offering telemedicine rheumatology via video teleconference as an option
August 06, 2024 - for both medication and non-medication approaches to minimize withdrawal and pain symptoms, with the option … opioid medications were tapered with accompanying dose and frequency, and potential referrals, with the option
August 06, 2024 - for both medication and non-medication approaches to minimize withdrawal and pain symptoms, with the option … opioid medications were tapered with accompanying dose and frequency, and potential referrals, with the option
retrievable medication records, d) features to detect adverse drug interactions / drug allergies and e) option
January 01, 2023 - Each treatment option brings different benefits, risks (e.g., short- and long-term side effects), and
January 01, 2017 - ■ If you wish to be unmuted, choose the “raise hand” option to
notify the host. … 5
Section 2703: State
Option to Provide Health
Homes for Enrollees with … ■ Health home is a new Medicaid State plan option that
provides a comprehensive system of care coordination … Information
■ Section 2703 adds section 1945 to the Social Security Act to allow
States to elect this option … Overview
Before We Begin
Subscribe to the Listserv
Section 2703: State Option to Provide
March 30, 2015 - Who brought up the idea that telemedicine might be a good option in caring for your child’s illness? … How has your comfort level in recommending telemedicine changed since this option became available, on … Did anyone bring up the idea that telemedicine might be a good option in caring for your child’s illness … Did you offer telemedicine to the parent as an option for care? __no __yes
4. … How has your comfort level in recommending telemedicine changed since this option became available, on
December 15, 2011 - Disclosure of PHI without Patient Authorization
There are four options available under HIPAA:
• OPTION … 1: Get an IRB or Privacy Board waiver
• OPTION 2: Provide documentation that PHI will be used only … for activities “preparatory to
• OPTION 3: Provide documentation that the research will … involve only decedent’s PHI
• OPTION 4: Use only a “limited data set” for research, public health
January 01, 2019 - was as good as the care received during an in-person visit, suggesting that telemedicine is a viable option
January 01, 2023 - Each treatment option brings different benefits, risks (e.g., short- and long-term side effects), and