January 01, 2017 - Respondents were given a yes/no option. … Respondents were given another yes/no response
April 01, 2022 - needs hourly urine output measurements, then the indwelling urinary catheter is the only appropriate option … as “In and Out” catheterization
· External catheter
· Urinal or incontinence garments
More than one option … their available resources such as lift teams and lift devices, urinary catheters may be an appropriate option … External catheters are an important option to consider for all these patients prior to choosing placement … External catheters are an important option to consider for patients with severe dermatitis and stage
January 01, 2022 - 2%
Notes: 1) Percentages indicate t he database average percent response for each response option … ; 2) The percent positive displayed might not equal the sum
of the separate response option percentages
October 01, 2015 - In QI software version 5.0, the user had the option of indicating that POA should not be
considered … In version 6.0, the option to ignore POA was removed.
April 01, 2018 - Double click on the “LoadAnnotator: Table” option in the left pane, then import the Excel spreadsheet … To do this, click on the “qryInsertSSILoad” option in the left pane. … Once the new table is open, click on the External Data tab and select the Excel option. … To do this, select the qryInsertSSILoad option in the left pane. … Once the data is loaded, select the frmSSIAnnotate option from the left pane and the data entry tool
May 01, 2018 - standard list of approximately 540 categories with CDC/HL7 codes c
"Other, please specify:___" response option … of approximately 600 categories with coding to be determined
"Other, please specify:___" response option
May 01, 2018 - standard list of approximately 540 categories with CDC/HL7 codes c
"Other, please specify:___" response option … of approximately 600 categories with coding to be determined
"Other, please specify:___" response option
April 01, 2018 - Organizational Needs Assessment: No
Cultural Readiness Assessment: No
In-Service Delivery Option: … Organizational Needs Assessment: No
Cultural Readiness Assessment: No
In-Service Delivery Option:
October 15, 2007 - N/A Not applicable
Note: The response option “N/A” should ONLY be used to indicate … Appendix 3: Health Literacy Assessment
Survey of Pharmacy Staff (continued)
Note: The response option … N/A Not applicable
Note: The response option “N/A” should ONLY be used to indicate
November 01, 2019 - N/A Not applicable
Note: The response option "N/A" should ONLY be used to indicate that the statement … N/A Not applicable
Note: The response option "N/A" should ONLY be used to indicate that the statement … N/A Not applicable
Note: The response option "N/A" should ONLY be used to indicate that the statement
March 09, 2007 - · All questions should include a “REFUSED” (“REF”) response option, which can be on the interviewer … Unless otherwise noted, “REF” responses should follow the same skip pattern as the “NO” response option … · Text in UPPERCASE LETTERS (e.g., “REF” as a response option) is intended for use in coding a response
October 01, 2018 - subcommittee recommends expanding the race categories to six choices by including a "Some other race" option … limited list of categories is offered to respondents, the list should include an open-ended response option … ethnicity is not listed as a response option. … Therefore, such a response list should always include an "Other, please specify:___" option. … the service area (e.g., Census data) or service population, and any response list should include an option
January 01, 2022 - point frequency scales
(“Never” to “Always”) and include a “Does not apply or Don’t know” response option … The
final wording for the third response option has been updated from “I am definitely burning out and … Pilot test hospitals used the prior version of the third response option and the hospitals that newly … submitted their data used the updated option. … The survey items also include a “Does Not Apply or Don’t Know” response option.
October 01, 2015 - In QI software version 5.0, the user had the option of indicating that POA should not be
http://www.qualityindicators.ahrq.gov … In version 6.0, the option to ignore POA was removed.
January 01, 2024 - "Excellent or Very good" may not equal the sum of the separate
response option percentages due to rounding … "Excellent or Very good" may not equal the sum of the separate
response option percentages due to rounding … "Excellent or Very good" may not equal the sum of the separate
response option percentages due to rounding … "Excellent or Very good" may not equal the sum of the separate
response option percentages due to rounding … "Excellent or Very good" may not equal the sum of the separate
response option percentages due to rounding
September 01, 2020 - Table 1: Assessment Tour Response Options
Response Option
1. … for Pharmacy Assessment Tour
Coding Pharmacy Assessment Tour Results
Response Option … Statistical software code: 7
Response Option for Items 19a-e
December 26, 2018 - FORMCHECKBOX
What would each option cost? What can you afford?
Type your response here.
September 01, 2011 - · All questions should include a “REFUSED” (“REF”) response option, which can be on the interviewer … Unless otherwise noted, “REF” responses should follow the same skip pattern as the “NO” response option … · Text in UPPERCASE LETTERS (e.g., “REF” as a response option) is intended for use in coding a response
May 01, 2014 - Please choose the option that allows for presenting only the first organism isolated per resident.
January 01, 2007 - Each training option is described below. … This course
option is taught by – and produces – Master Trainers. … Below, details about the content associated with each option are presented. … The first option is to use the Fundamentals Course,
when participants are direct providers of care. … The second option for providing train-the-participant education is to use the TeamSTEPPS