AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 354 records

Showing results for "objectives".

  1. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/health-literacy/professional-training/shared-decision/workshop/mod1-guide.html
    September 01, 2020 - Decision Making and the SHARE Approach: Training Guide Contents Module Goal/Aim Module Learning Objectives … Decision Making and the SHARE Approach     Slide 3: Module 1—Purpose     Slide 4: Module 1—Learning objectives … Return to Contents Module Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this activity, the participant … Return to Contents Slide 4: Module 1—Learning objectives Training Guide Script : Say: At the
  2. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/hai/cusp/modules/apply/ac-cusp.html
    December 01, 2012 - Learning Objectives Slide 3. Introduction to Just Culture Principles Slide 4. … Learning Objectives Say: In this module, we will: Introduce Just Culture principles.
  3. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/hai/quality/tools/cauti-ltc/modules/implementation/education-bundles/indwelling-urinary-catheter-use/catheter-insertion/unlicensed-staff/unlicensed-catheter-slides.html
    March 01, 2017 - CAUTI Slide 1: Urinary Catheter Types andCare for Residents With Catheters Slide 2: Learning Objectives
  4. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/fallprevention-training/module2/module2_tools.docx
    November 16, 2011 - Fall Prevention Toolkit Fall Prevention Toolkit Module 2 Tools Tool 2A: Interdisciplinary Team Tool 2B: Quality Improvement Process Tool 2C: Current Process Analysis Tool 2D: Assessing Current Fall Prevention Policies and Practices Tool 2E: Fall Knowledge Test Tool 2F: Action Plan Tool 2G: Managing Change Checklist …
  5. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/education/curriculum-tools/teamstepps/instructor/fundamentals/module2/igteamstruct.pdf
    November 18, 2015 - instructional content and activities are recommended to ensure that participants achieve the learning objectives … education/curriculum-tools/teamstepps/rrs/ TeamSTEPPS 2.0 | Team Structure B-2-5 Team OBJECTIVES
  6. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/teamstepps-program/curriculum/mutual/teach/index.html
    August 01, 2023 - guidance that follows addresses five issues: Maximizing active learning in your trainings Teaching objectives
  7. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/teamstepps-program/curriculum/team/teach/index.html
    August 01, 2023 - The guidance that follows addresses five issues: Maximizing active learning in trainings Teaching objectives
  8. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/teamstepps-program/curriculum/situation/teach/index.html
    August 01, 2023 - The guidance that follows addresses five issues: Maximizing active learning in trainings Teaching objectives
  9. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/teamstepps/instructor/onlinecourse/tsonlinemodule8.pptx
    March 28, 2006 - slides you will use to train, just as if you're delivering this module at your facility. 5 Slide 2: Objectives … necessary to successfully change your organization’s culture You will use slide 2 to introduce the objectives … Use slide two to introduce the objectives for this module. … Module 8: Change Management ‹#› of 26 When you teach, after you've discussed the module objectives
  10. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/evidencenow/projects/heart-health/research-results/research/collection.html
    March 01, 2021 - Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health and Human Services Careers Contact Us Español FAQs Search all AHRQ sites Search small Search Menu …
  11. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/chsp/data/chsp-brief7-ma-plans.pdf
    March 01, 2019 - Specifically, the objectives of the CHSP Initiative are to: • Classify and characterize types of health
  12. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/chsp/data/chsp-brief5-insurance-products.pdf
    January 01, 2019 - Specifically, the objectives of the CHSP Initiative are to: • Classify and characterize types of health
  13. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/chsp/data/chsp-brief6-bundled-payments.pdf
    January 01, 2019 - Specifically, the objectives of the CHSP Initiative are to: • Classify and characterize types of health
  14. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/patient-safety/settings/labor-delivery/perinatal-care/modules/teamwork/assemble-slides.html
    July 01, 2023 - Perinatal Care Assemble the Team and Engage Leadership for Perinatal Safety Slide 2: Learning Objectives … Image: Four ascending steps show the learning objectives: Understand the importance of your CUSP
  15. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/news/newsletters/e-newsletter/811.html
    April 01, 2022 - framework will help guide AHRQ’s PCOR investments, long-range planning and the selection and scope of objectives
  16. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-family-engagement/pfeprimarycare/teach-back-quickstart-final508.pdf
    April 04, 2018 - Implementation Quick Start Guide: Teach-Back The Guide to Improving Patient Safety in Primary Care Settings by Engaging Patients and Families Implementation Quick Start Guide Teach-Back 1 Review intervention and training materials � Understand the purpose, use, and benefits � Review the training toolkit. of teac…
  17. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-family-engagement/pfeprimarycare/medication-mgmt-common-barriers-full.pdf
    January 11, 2017 - Medication Management: Common Barriers to Medication Adherence Common Barriers to Medication Adherence What Patients Might Say Possible Solutions My medicine makes me feel sick. Prescribe a substitute medication; suggest ways to manage or reduce side effects; change the dose. I feel fine. Explain how the patient’s …
  18. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/teamstepps/diagnosis-improvement/module5-situation-monitoring.pptx
    January 10, 2022 - Estimated Time to complete this module: 30 minutes (14 slides) 1 Slide Module 5 Objectives Define
  19. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/health-literacy/professional-training/shared-decision/workshop/mod2-slides.html
    September 01, 2020 - Module 2—Learning objectives Slide 4. What is patient-centered care? Slide 5. … Outcomes Research (PCOR) in Shared Decision Making Return to Contents Slide 3: Module 2—Learning objectives
  20. talkingquality.ahrq.gov/hai/cauti-tools/archived-webinars/navigating-hierarchy-slides.html
    December 01, 2017 - Hohenhaus, LPD, RN, CEN, FAEN Executive Director Emergency Nurses Association Slide 2 Learning Objectives

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