April 22, 2019 - Survey basics: Select
from the following for detailed information on the objectives, … Survey basics: Select from the following for detailed
information on the objectives, instruments … Survey basics: Select from
the following for detailed information on the objectives … Survey basics: Select from
the following for detailed information on the objectives
December 02, 2022 - Survey basics: Select from the following
for detailed information on the objectives
August 23, 2017 - Survey basics: Select from the following for detailed
information on the objectives, instruments
November 23, 2022 - MEPS-IC Survey details : The following links provide the detailed information on the
January 01, 1998 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 2 (1997 – 1998) Consolidated Instrument
Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument
MEPS-Household Component: Panel 2 (1997-1998)
Consolidated Instrument
1997 Survey Questionnaires
1998 Sur…
January 01, 2002 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 6 (2001-2002) Consolidated Instrument
Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument
MEPS-Household Component: Panel 6 (2001-2002)
Consolidated Instrument
2001 Survey Questionnaires
2002 Survey Questionnai…
January 01, 2001 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 5 (2000-2001) Consolidated Instrument
Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument
MEPS-Household Component: Panel 5 (2000-2001)
Consolidated Instrument
2000 Survey Questionnaires
2001 Survey Questionnai…
January 01, 2003 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 7 (2002-2003) Consolidated Instrument
Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument
MEPS-Household Component: Panel 7 (2002-2003)
Consolidated Instrument
2002 Survey Questionnaires
2003 Survey Questionnai…
January 01, 2006 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 10 (2005-2006) Consolidated Instrument
Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument
MEPS-Household Component: Panel 10 (2005-2006)
Consolidated Instrument
2005 Survey Questionnaires
2006 Survey Questio…
January 01, 2008 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 12 (2007-2008) Consolidated Instrument
Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS-
Household Component: Panel 12 (2007-2008)
Consolidated Instrument
2007 Survey Questionnaires
2008 Survey Questi…
January 01, 1999 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 3 (1998-1999) Consolidated Instrument
Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument
MEPS-Household Component: Panel 3 (1998-1999)
Consolidated Instrument
1998 Survey Questionnaires
1999 Survey Questionna…
January 01, 2007 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 11 (2006-2007) Consolidated Instrument
Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument
MEPS-Household Component: Panel 11 (2006-2007)
Consolidated Instrument
2006 Survey Questionnaires
2007 Survey Question…
January 01, 1997 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 1 (1996 – 1997) Consolidated Instrument
Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument
MEPS-Household Component: Panel 1 (1996 – 1997)
Consolidated Instrument
1996 Survey Questionnaires
1997 Survey …
January 01, 2004 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 8 (2003-2004) Consolidated Instrument
Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument
MEPS-Household Component: Panel 8 (2003-2004)
Consolidated Instrument
2003 Survey Questionnaires
2004 Survey Questionna…
January 01, 2000 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 4 (1999-2000) Consolidated Instrument
Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument
MEPS-Household Component: Panel 4 (1999-2000)
Consolidated Instrument
1999 Survey Questionnaires
2000 Survey Questionnair…
January 01, 2005 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 9 (2004-2005) Consolidated Instrument
Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument
MEPS-Household Component: Panel 9 (2004-2005)
Consolidated Instrument
2004 Survey Questionnaires
2005 Survey Questionn…
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March 01, 2022 - Administration's National Survey on Drug Use and Health
(NSDUH) have substantial differences in methodologies and objectives
April 01, 2024 - Skip to main content
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
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January 01, 2011 - Across
both rounds of cognitive testing, it appears to meet those objectives fairly