AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 182 records

Showing results for "objectives".

  1. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/mr22/mr22.shtml
    March 01, 2008 - There are two main objectives of the NHIS Panel subdesign structure. … Based on varying DHHS objectives coupled with the MEPS budget resources, the sample size and subdomains … and samples sizes have been specified, the targets are sometimes modified based on analytical objectives
  2. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/mr22/mr22.pdf
    March 01, 2008 - There are two main objectives of the NHIS Panel subdesign structure. … Based on varying DHHS objectives coupled with the MEPS budget resources, the sample size and subdomains … levels and samples sizes have been specified, the targets are sometimes modified based on analytical objectives
  3. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/workingpapers/wp_10002.pdf
    October 01, 2010 - This research study describes and summarizes the background, objectives, methods, research findings … The aims and primary objectives of this study were as follows: 1) To enroll a representative sample … Research Objectives 4. … Research Objectives The research study “„Health Care Utilization in Homeless People” had the following … Research Objectives 4. Methods 5. Results 6.
  4. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/workingpapers/wp_08002.pdf
    January 01, 2008 - agencies within the Federal Government to develop and use CEA for the enhancement of their goals and objectives … intervention and the health benefits that accrue over time.7 Specific Research Design: Goals, Aims and Objectives … Life Years Cost-Effectiveness Ratio Stochastic Variation Specific Research Design: Goals, Aims and Objectives
  5. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/st117/stat117.pdf
    January 01, 2010 - addition, the data presented in the brief include measures from Healthy People 2010, a set of health objectives
  6. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/st117/draft/stat117.shtml
    March 01, 2006 - addition, the data presented in the brief include measures from Healthy People 2010, a set of health objectives
  7. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/st117/stat117.shtml
    March 01, 2006 - addition, the data presented in the brief include measures from Healthy People 2010, a set of health objectives
  8. MEPS_SB529_FINAL (pdf file)

    April 01, 2020 - ) National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) have substantial differences in methodologies and objectives
  9. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/2009ConfProceed.html
    January 01, 2010 - Conference Proceeding: Issues with Measuring Activities Associated with Seeing and Hearing Across National Surveys   Issues with Measuring Activities Associated with Seeing and Hearing Across National Surveys Frances M. Chevarley, Ph.D. 1 , …
  10. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/st559/stat559.shtml
    February 01, 2025 - For instance, the methodologies and objectives of MEPS and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
  11. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/mr3/mr3.shtml
    September 01, 1998 - Information is included on the NHC objectives, sample design, instruments of data collection … Table of Contents  •  Introduction     •  References  • Objectives of the MEPS … Information is included on the NHC objectives, sample design, instruments of data collection … Return To To Objectives of the MEPS NHC The primary objective of the NHC is to estimate … Other major objectives are to permit estimates of the following measures:
  12. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/workingpapers/wp_17002.pdf
    December 31, 2018 - MEPS Medical Provider Component Medical Organizations Survey: Is a linked survey strategy more successful in getting office based medical providers to participate in a survey? 1 MEPS Medical Provider Component Medical Organizations Survey: Is a Linked Survey Strategy More Successful In Getting Office Based Medi…
  13. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/mr1/mr1.pdf
    December 31, 1997 - These are important objectives in view of the various health reform initiatives being implemented by
  14. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/st117/sb117.xml
    January 01, 2010 - addition, the data presented in the brief include measures from Healthy People 2010, a set of health objectives
  15. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/st505/draft/stat505.shtml
    November 01, 2017 - SAMSHA) National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) have substantial differences in methodologies and objectives
  16. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/st515/stat515.pdf
    September 01, 2018 - ) National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) have substantial differences in methodologies and objectives
  17. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/st505/stat505.shtml
    November 01, 2017 - SAMSHA) National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) have substantial differences in methodologies and objectives
  18. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/st529/stat529.shtml
    April 01, 2020 - SAMSHA) National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) have substantial differences in methodologies and objectives
  19. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/rf19/toc-intro.txt
    January 01, 2010 - With Understanding and Improving Health and Objectives for Improving Health. 2 vols.
  20. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/st505/stat505.pdf
    November 01, 2017 - SAMSHA) National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) have substantial differences in methodologies and objectives

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