AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 182 records

Showing results for "objectives".

  1. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/hl11/hl11.shtml
    May 01, 2000 - Health Accounts (NHA) have substantial differences in methodologies and objectives
  2. meps.ahrq.gov/survey_comp/overall_p2.pdf
    January 01, 1998 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 2 (1997 – 1998) Consolidated Instrument Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS-Household Component: Panel 2 (1997-1998) Consolidated Instrument 1997 Survey Questionnaires 1998 Sur…
  3. meps.ahrq.gov/survey_comp/overall_p4.pdf
    January 01, 2000 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 4 (1999-2000) Consolidated Instrument Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS-Household Component: Panel 4 (1999-2000) Consolidated Instrument 1999 Survey Questionnaires 2000 Survey Questionnair…
  4. meps.ahrq.gov/survey_comp/overall_p6.pdf
    January 01, 2002 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 6 (2001-2002) Consolidated Instrument Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS-Household Component: Panel 6 (2001-2002) Consolidated Instrument 2001 Survey Questionnaires 2002 Survey Questionnai…
  5. meps.ahrq.gov/survey_comp/overall_p7.pdf
    January 01, 2003 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 7 (2002-2003) Consolidated Instrument Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS-Household Component: Panel 7 (2002-2003) Consolidated Instrument 2002 Survey Questionnaires 2003 Survey Questionnai…
  6. meps.ahrq.gov/survey_comp/overall_p9.pdf
    January 01, 2005 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 9 (2004-2005) Consolidated Instrument Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS-Household Component: Panel 9 (2004-2005) Consolidated Instrument 2004 Survey Questionnaires 2005 Survey Questionn…
  7. meps.ahrq.gov/survey_comp/overall_p10.pdf
    January 01, 2006 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 10 (2005-2006) Consolidated Instrument Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS-Household Component: Panel 10 (2005-2006) Consolidated Instrument 2005 Survey Questionnaires 2006 Survey Questio…
  8. meps.ahrq.gov/survey_comp/overall_p11.pdf
    January 01, 2007 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 11 (2006-2007) Consolidated Instrument Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS-Household Component: Panel 11 (2006-2007) Consolidated Instrument 2006 Survey Questionnaires 2007 Survey Question…
  9. meps.ahrq.gov/survey_comp/overall_p12.pdf
    January 01, 2008 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 12 (2007-2008) Consolidated Instrument Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS- Household Component: Panel 12 (2007-2008) Consolidated Instrument 2007 Survey Questionnaires 2008 Survey Questi…
  10. meps.ahrq.gov/survey_comp/overall_p1.pdf
    January 01, 1997 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 1 (1996 – 1997) Consolidated Instrument Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS-Household Component: Panel 1 (1996 – 1997) Consolidated Instrument 1996 Survey Questionnaires 1997 Survey …
  11. meps.ahrq.gov/survey_comp/overall_p3.pdf
    January 01, 1999 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 3 (1998-1999) Consolidated Instrument Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS-Household Component: Panel 3 (1998-1999) Consolidated Instrument 1998 Survey Questionnaires 1999 Survey Questionna…
  12. meps.ahrq.gov/survey_comp/overall_p5.pdf
    January 01, 2001 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 5 (2000-2001) Consolidated Instrument Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS-Household Component: Panel 5 (2000-2001) Consolidated Instrument 2000 Survey Questionnaires 2001 Survey Questionnai…
  13. meps.ahrq.gov/survey_comp/overall_p8.pdf
    January 01, 2004 - Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument, MEPS-Household Component: Panel 8 (2003-2004) Consolidated Instrument Context/Flow Specifications for the Overall CAPI Instrument MEPS-Household Component: Panel 8 (2003-2004) Consolidated Instrument 2003 Survey Questionnaires 2004 Survey Questionna…
  14. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/mr19/mr19.pdf
    March 01, 2007 - The objectives of the imputations are to create data sets for analysis that preserve sample sizes and … In summary, the dual objectives of imputing missing expenditure data in MEPS are to maximize sample
  15. meps.ahrq.gov/communication/employer_participant_faqs.jsp
    Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - Employer Participant Frequently Asked Questions   Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services More Back…
  16. meps.ahrq.gov/mepsweb/communication/employer_participant_faqs.jsp
    Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - Employer Participant Frequently Asked Questions   Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services More Back…
  17. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/mr27/toc_template.shtml
    March 01, 2013 - Provider Type Classification 2.2.4 Priority Codes 2.3 Integrated Data Collection System 2.3.1 Objectives
  18. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/mr19/mr19.shtml
    March 01, 2007 - The objectives of the imputations are to create data sets for analysis that preserve sample … In summary, the dual objectives of imputing missing expenditure data in MEPS are to maximize sample
  19. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/mr23/mr23.pdf
    November 01, 2008 - ................................................................................................ 1 ObjectivesObjectives of MPC The primary objective of the MPC data collection effort described in this report
  20. meps.ahrq.gov/data_files/publications/mr23/mr23.shtml
    November 01, 2008 - ._ Objectives of MPC _._ Sample Selection: Design and Implementation _._ Instruments and Data … Return to Table of Contents Objectives of MPC The primary objective of the MPC data collection effort

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