AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 398 records

Showing results for "objectives".

  1. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/RoboticAmbulatorySurgery.pdf
    October 20, 2021 - RoboticAmbulatorySurgery UTILIZATION OF ROBOTIC TECHNOLOGY IN HOSPITAL AMBULATORY SURGERY SETTINGS Recommended Citation: Fingar KR, Stocks C, Gibson TB, McDermott KW, Pickens G, Utter GH, Karaca Z. Utilization of Robotic Technology in Hospital Ambulatory Surgery Settings. ONLINE. October 20, 2021. U.S. Agency f…
  2. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/methods/1999NISComparisonReportFinal.pdf
    March 08, 2002 - Table 2: NIS and NHDS Comparisons by Region, 1999 HCUP Methods Series kbr33831 Contact Information: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850 http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov For Technical Assistance with HCUP Produ…
  3. 2015-05 Public (pdf file)

    January 01, 2015 - The objectives of this report include the following: 1.
  4. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/tech_assist/centdist/HCUP-State-Data-Application-Kit-2021-08-04.pdf
    January 01, 2021 - Project description, including the goals and objectives, specific research questions, level of analysis
  5. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/tech_assist/centdist/HCUP-State-Data-Application-Kit-2021-08-18.pdf
    January 01, 2021 - Project description, including the goals and objectives, specific research questions, level of analysis
  6. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/tech_assist/centdist/HCUP-State-Data-Application-Kit-2021-08-18-v2.pdf
    January 01, 2021 - Project description, including the goals and objectives, specific research questions, level of analysis
  7. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports//methods/2014-02.pdf
    January 01, 2014 - POPULATION DENOMINATOR DATA FOR USE WITH THE HCUP DATABASES HCUP Methods Series kbr33831 Contact Information: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850 http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov For Technical Assistance with HCUP…
  8. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/db/nation/kid/reports/CalculatingKIDVariances.pdf
    December 16, 2005 - Calculating Variances Using the 1999 Nationwide Inpatient Sample December 16, 2005 Methods Series Report # 2005-5 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 2085…
  9. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/methods/2013_01.pdf
    January 01, 2013 - Methods – Applying HCUP Quality Indicators HCUP Methods Series kbr33831 Contact Information: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850 http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov For Technical Assistance with HCUP Products: E…
  10. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/methods/2017-04.pdf
    January 01, 2017 - POPULATION DENOMINATOR DATA FOR USE WITH THE HCUP DATABASES HCUP Methods Series kbr33831 Contact Information: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 5600 Fishers Lane Room 07W17B Mail Stop 7W25B Rockville, MD 20857 http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov Fo…
  11. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/methods/2015-07.pdf
    January 01, 2015 - POPULATION DENOMINATOR DATA FOR USE WITH THE HCUP DATABASES HCUP Methods Series kbr33831 Contact Information: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850 http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov For Technical Assistance with HCUP…
  12. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/methods/2016-04.pdf
    January 01, 2016 - POPULATION DENOMINATOR DATA FOR USE WITH THE HCUP DATABASES HCUP Methods Series kbr33831 Contact Information: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 5600 Fishers Lane Room 07W17B Mail Stop 7W25B Rockville, MD 20857 http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov Fo…
  13. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/methods/2014-02.pdf
    January 01, 2014 - POPULATION DENOMINATOR DATA FOR USE WITH THE HCUP DATABASES HCUP Methods Series kbr33831 Contact Information: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850 http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov For Technical Assistance with HCUP…
  14. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/methods/2018-03.pdf
    January 01, 2018 - POPULATION DENOMINATOR DATA FOR USE WITH THE HCUP DATABASES HCUP Methods Series kbr33831 Contact Information: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 5600 Fishers Lane Room 07W17B Mail Stop 7W25B Rockville, MD 20857 http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov Fo…
  15. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/tech_assist/software/508course.jsp
    September 05, 2020 - HCUP Software Tools Tutorial - Accessible Version Skip Navigation An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Search All AHRQ Sites Careers Contact Us Español …
  16. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/ToolsVirtualWkshp_Day1_102721.pdf
    June 14, 2021 - AHRQ Slide Template 2019-Regular The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) HCUP Data Analytic Tools Day 1: Introduction to HCUP and Tools for ICD-10-PCS and CPT/HCPCS Level II Procedures Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Virtual Workshop  October 27, 2021 Workshop Agenda Day 1 Topic Durat…
  17. MS2020-03 (pdf file)

    January 01, 2020 - MS2020-03 HCUP Method Series An Examination of Ambiguous Source Payer Codes Among Individuals Aged 65+ Years in HCUP Data: Final Report Report #2020-03 Contact Information: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 5600 Fishers Lane Room 07W17B Mail Sto…
  18. MAINTAIN AND EXPAND (pdf file)

    February 28, 2003 - MAINTAIN AND EXPAND HCUP Methods Series kbr33831 Contact Information: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850 http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov For Technical Assistance with HCUP Products: Email: hcup@ahrq.go…
  19. hcup-us.ahrq.gov/tech_assist/centdist/HCUP-State-Data-Application-Kit-2021-09-15.pdf
    January 01, 2021 - Project description, including the goals and objectives, specific research questions, level of analysis
  20. 2016-05 (pdf file)

    January 01, 2016 - The objectives of this report include the following: 1.

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