February 10, 2022 - of small reductions in weight in childhood or adolescence as they relate to the likelihood of adult obesity … or health outcomes associated with obesity? … nonmedical centers
College settings
Mental health clinics (unless recruitment is through primary care screening
February 10, 2022 - of small reductions in weight in childhood or adolescence as they relate to the likelihood of adult obesity … or health outcomes associated with obesity? … nonmedical centers
College settings
Mental health clinics (unless recruitment is through primary care screening
September 15, 2013 - Important risk factors for PAD include older age, diabetes, smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol level, obesity … Screening Tests
Resting ankle–brachial index (ABI) is the most commonly used test in screening … older age, major risk factors for PAD include diabetes, smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol level, obesity … Screening Tests
Resting ABI is the most commonly used test in screening for and detection of PAD … Screening Intervals
No studies provided evidence about the intervals for screening for PAD with the
May 18, 2021 - syndrome or familial adenomatous polyposis), 8 men, 2 and persons with other risk factors (such as obesity … When performed alone, direct visualization tests allow for a much longer time between screenings compared … Colonoscopy has the longest length between screenings (10 years when screening results are negative), … whereas flexible sigmoidoscopy and CT colonography allow 5 years between screenings if performed alone … results reflect accuracy after only a single application of the test rather than a program of repeated screenings
January 25, 2022 - Continuous screening strategies yield the longest overall duration of screening. … cardiothoracic surgery, smoking, prior stroke, underlying heart disease, hypertension, sleep apnea, obesity … screening are discussed below. … vs no screening at 12 months. … vs no screening or delayed screening.
May 14, 2015 - at increased risk for CVD (e.g., due to family history, overweight [BMI of 25.0 to 29.9 kg/m 2 ] or obesity … interventions for weight management are included in a separate review commissioned by the USPSTF on screening … for and management of adult obesity (available at http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/ ).
May 14, 2015 - at increased risk for CVD (e.g., due to family history, overweight [BMI of 25.0 to 29.9 kg/m 2 ] or obesity … interventions for weight management are included in a separate review commissioned by the USPSTF on screening … for and management of adult obesity (available at http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/ ).
October 26, 2021 - Risk factors for AMD are not completely understood, but are thought to include older age, smoking, obesity … Accuracy of Screening Tests and Risk Assessment
Eight studies (n=7,398) examined the accuracy of screening … There was limited evidence on the accuracy of other screening methodologies such as computerized screening … in primary care–applicable settings vs. no screening, usual care, or delayed screening on vision and … These trials found no difference between vision screening vs. no screening, usual care, or delayed screening
March 01, 2021 - for screening, this approach could underemphasize the value of screening for a hearty 80-year-old or … First, many screening studies do not even consider harms of screening, so their extent is unknown. … Harms of screening tests. … those with a less healthy lifestyle (54% if a man regularly exercised, did not smoke, and did not have obesity … with screening and not screening.
November 24, 2020 - Adults with other cardiovascular disease risk factors, like diabetes, smoking, or obesity, are not
included … all Americans by making evidence-based
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings
January 01, 1996 - Associations between breast cancer and oral contraceptives, long-term estrogen replacement therapy, obesity … screening. … Screening for breast cancer in Nijmegen. Report of 6 screening rounds, 1975-1986. … Mammographic screening and mortality from breast cancer: the Malmo mammographic screening trial. … Reduction in mortality from breast cancer after mass screening with mammography.
August 01, 2023 - difficulties absorbing the nutrients from food
because of weight loss surgery, and having diabetes or obesity … people nationwide by making evidence-based recommendations
about clinical preventive services such as screenings
April 13, 2021 - Print
Final Recommendation Statement
Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults: Screening … avoidance) and older age are also associated with an increased risk for low vitamin D levels. 8-12 Obesity … for vitamin D deficiency, including the benefits and harms of screening and early treatment. … Screening for vitamin D deficiency in adults: U.S. … Screening for Vitamin D deficiency in Adults: An Evidence Review for the U.S.
January 01, 2018 - B
Obesity-Related Morbidity and Mortality: Behavioral Weight Loss Interventions in Adults
Obesity: Screening in Children and Adolescents Age 6 Years and Older
The USPSTF recommends that … clinicians screen for obesity in children and adolescents age
6 years and older and offer or refer them … recommends that primary care professionals individualize the decision to offer
or refer adults without obesity … Preventive Services Task Force | 57
Topic Recommendation
Morbidity and Mortality
November 24, 2020 - Behavioral weight loss interventions to prevent obesity-related morbidity and mortality in adults (B … interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant women (B recommendation)
Screening … interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant women (B recommendation); 7 and screening … Screening for abnormal blood glucose and type 2 diabetes mellitus: U.S. … Behavioral weight loss interventions to prevent obesity-related morbidity and mortality in adults: US
June 08, 2020 - Adults with other cardiovascular disease risk factors, like diabetes, smoking or obesity, are not included … all Americans by making evidence-based
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings
April 01, 2016 - screening frequency. … screening initiation, and screening fre-
quency. … The association between obesity and screening mammog-
raphy accuracy. … screening program. … Obesity, mammography use and accuracy, and
advanced breast cancer risk.
May 15, 2012 - Grade: D
Screening Tests
Contemporary recommendations for prostate cancer screening all incorporate … no screening. … conditions and hypertension (even if it was well-controlled), diverticulosis, gallbladder disease, and obesity … reasons, that the positive interaction seems to be largely driven by the inclusion of hypertension and obesity … False-positive screening results in the Finnish prostate cancer screening trial.
December 01, 2015 - Collaborative modeling of the impact of obesity on race-specific breast cancer
incidence and mortality … Collaborative modeling of optimal
screening, treatment, and obesity prevention. … Obesity, mammography use and accuracy, and advanced breast cancer risk. … Benefits of Screening Strategies Based on Starting Ages and Intervals
Number of
screenings … Harms of Screening Strategies Based on Different Starting Ages and Intervals
Number of
December 01, 2010 - The considered ben-
efits of this screening included nontraditional outcomes,
such as improved ability … targeted in the screening. … Similarly, the systematic review to update
the 2003 recommendation on screening for obesity in
adults … an analytic framework that addresses the impor-
tance of elevated body mass index and the effect of obesity … Screening for dementia: recommenda-
tion and rationale. Ann Intern Med. 2003;138:925-6.