
Total Results: 560 records

Showing results for "obesity screening".

    February 10, 2022 - of small reductions in weight in childhood or adolescence as they relate to the likelihood of adult obesity … or health outcomes associated with obesity? … nonmedical centers College settings Mental health clinics (unless recruitment is through primary care screening
    February 10, 2022 - of small reductions in weight in childhood or adolescence as they relate to the likelihood of adult obesity … or health outcomes associated with obesity? … nonmedical centers College settings Mental health clinics (unless recruitment is through primary care screening
    September 15, 2013 - Important risk factors for PAD include older age, diabetes, smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol level, obesityScreening Tests Resting ankle–brachial index (ABI) is the most commonly used test in screening … older age, major risk factors for PAD include diabetes, smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol level, obesityScreening Tests Resting ABI is the most commonly used test in screening for and detection of PAD … Screening Intervals No studies provided evidence about the intervals for screening for PAD with the
    May 18, 2021 - syndrome or familial adenomatous polyposis), 8 men, 2 and persons with other risk factors (such as obesity … When performed alone, direct visualization tests allow for a much longer time between screenings compared … Colonoscopy has the longest length between screenings (10 years when screening results are negative), … whereas flexible sigmoidoscopy and CT colonography allow 5 years between screenings if performed alone … results reflect accuracy after only a single application of the test rather than a program of repeated screenings
    January 25, 2022 - Continuous screening strategies yield the longest overall duration of screening. … cardiothoracic surgery, smoking, prior stroke, underlying heart disease, hypertension, sleep apnea, obesityscreening are discussed below. … vs no screening at 12 months. … vs no screening or delayed screening.
    May 14, 2015 - at increased risk for CVD (e.g., due to family history, overweight [BMI of 25.0 to 29.9 kg/m 2 ] or obesity … interventions for weight management are included in a separate review commissioned by the USPSTF on screening … for and management of adult obesity (available at ).
    May 14, 2015 - at increased risk for CVD (e.g., due to family history, overweight [BMI of 25.0 to 29.9 kg/m 2 ] or obesity … interventions for weight management are included in a separate review commissioned by the USPSTF on screening … for and management of adult obesity (available at ).
    October 26, 2021 - Risk factors for AMD are not completely understood, but are thought to include older age, smoking, obesity … Accuracy of Screening Tests and Risk Assessment Eight studies (n=7,398) examined the accuracy of screening … There was limited evidence on the accuracy of other screening methodologies such as computerized screening … in primary care–applicable settings vs. no screening, usual care, or delayed screening on vision and … These trials found no difference between vision screening vs. no screening, usual care, or delayed screening
    March 01, 2021 - for screening, this approach could underemphasize the value of screening for a hearty 80-year-old or … First, many screening studies do not even consider harms of screening, so their extent is unknown. … Harms of screening tests.   … those with a less healthy lifestyle (54% if a man regularly exercised, did not smoke, and did not have obesity … with screening and not screening.
    November 24, 2020 - Adults with other cardiovascular disease risk factors, like diabetes, smoking, or obesity, are not included … all Americans by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings
    January 01, 1996 - Associations between breast cancer and oral contraceptives, long-term estrogen replacement therapy, obesityscreening. … Screening for breast cancer in Nijmegen. Report of 6 screening rounds, 1975-1986. … Mammographic screening and mortality from breast cancer: the Malmo mammographic screening trial. … Reduction in mortality from breast cancer after mass screening with mammography.
    August 01, 2023 - difficulties absorbing the nutrients from food because of weight loss surgery, and having diabetes or obesity … people nationwide by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings
    April 13, 2021 - Print Final Recommendation Statement Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults: Screening … avoidance) and older age are also associated with an increased risk for low vitamin D levels. 8-12 Obesity … for vitamin D deficiency, including the benefits and harms of screening and early treatment. … Screening for vitamin D deficiency in adults: U.S. … Screening for Vitamin D deficiency in Adults: An Evidence Review for the U.S.
    January 01, 2018 - B Obesity-Related Morbidity and Mortality: Behavioral Weight Loss Interventions in Adults The USPSTF … B Obesity: Screening in Children and Adolescents Age 6 Years and Older The USPSTF recommends that … clinicians screen for obesity in children and adolescents age 6 years and older and offer or refer them … recommends that primary care professionals individualize the decision to offer or refer adults without obesity … Preventive Services Task Force | 57 Topic Recommendation Obesity-Related Morbidity and Mortality
    November 24, 2020 - Behavioral weight loss interventions to prevent obesity-related morbidity and mortality in adults (B … interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant women (B recommendation) Screening … interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant women (B recommendation); 7 and screeningScreening for abnormal blood glucose and type 2 diabetes mellitus: U.S. … Behavioral weight loss interventions to prevent obesity-related morbidity and mortality in adults: US
    June 08, 2020 - Adults with other cardiovascular disease risk factors, like diabetes, smoking or obesity, are not included … all Americans by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings
    April 01, 2016 - screening frequency. … screening initiation, and screening fre- quency. … The association between obesity and screening mammog- raphy accuracy. … screening program. … Obesity, mammography use and accuracy, and advanced breast cancer risk.
    May 15, 2012 - Grade: D Screening Tests Contemporary recommendations for prostate cancer screening all incorporate … no screening. … conditions and hypertension (even if it was well-controlled), diverticulosis, gallbladder disease, and obesity … reasons, that the positive interaction seems to be largely driven by the inclusion of hypertension and obesity … False-positive screening results in the Finnish prostate cancer screening trial.
    December 01, 2015 - Collaborative modeling of the impact of obesity on race-specific breast cancer incidence and mortality … Collaborative modeling of optimal screening, treatment, and obesity prevention. … Obesity, mammography use and accuracy, and advanced breast cancer risk. … Benefits of Screening Strategies Based on Starting Ages and Intervals Scenario Number of screenings … Harms of Screening Strategies Based on Different Starting Ages and Intervals Scenario Number of Screenings
    December 01, 2010 - The considered ben- efits of this screening included nontraditional outcomes, such as improved ability … targeted in the screening. … Similarly, the systematic review to update the 2003 recommendation on screening for obesity in adults … an analytic framework that addresses the impor- tance of elevated body mass index and the effect of obesityScreening for dementia: recommenda- tion and rationale. Ann Intern Med. 2003;138:925-6.

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