
Total Results: 560 records

Showing results for "obesity screening".

    January 01, 2022 - Alaska Native, and Hispanic/Latino persons; and populations with increased rates of overweight and obesity … Alaska Native, and Hispanic/Latino persons; and populations with increased rates of overweight and obesity … death in the United States.11 Known modifiable risk factors for CVD include smoking, overweight and obesity … Alaska Native, and Hispanic/Latino persons; and populations with increased rates of overweight and obesity … Adults Screening for Eating Disorders Screening for Genital Herpes Screening for Glaucoma Screening
    March 24, 2014 - Final Research Plan Vitamin D Deficiency: Screening March 24, 2014 Recommendations made by … The figure shows that adults who undergo screening for vitamin D deficiency may be identified as being … vitamin D deficient or experience adverse effects related to screening. … What are the harms of screening (e.g., risk of procedure, false-positive or false-negative results)? … based on certain characteristics, including older age, darker skin pigmentation (black or Hispanic), obesity
    January 02, 2017 - The Task Force’s recommendation applies to adults age 18 and older without obesity and who have not … behavioral counseling for people at high risk for heart disease due to cardiovascular risk factors, such as obesity … all Americans by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings
    February 01, 2010 - systematic review to support the updated US Pre- ventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendation on screeningScreening and interventions for childhood overweight: a summary of evi- dence for the US Preventive Services … Screening and interventions for childhood overweight: where is the evi- dence? … Who benefits from intervention in, as op- posed to screening of, overweight and obese children? … Diagnostic accuracy studies Screening test relevant, available for primary care, adequately described
    May 15, 2008 - 15 November 2007 Diabetes, Gestational/ gestational diabet$.ti,ab. 1 or 2 Mass … Pregnancy in Diabetics/ 1 or 2 or 3 Mass Screening/ screen$.ti,ab. 5 or 6 … Obesity or diabetes: what is worse for the mother and for the baby? … Obesity, obstetric complications and cesarean delivery rate-a population-based screening study. … Obesity in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 2005;106:671-5.
    May 15, 2008 - 15 November 2007 Diabetes, Gestational/ gestational diabet$.ti,ab. 1 or 2 Mass … Pregnancy in Diabetics/ 1 or 2 or 3 Mass Screening/ screen$.ti,ab. 5 or 6 … Obesity or diabetes: what is worse for the mother and for the baby? … Obesity, obstetric complications and cesarean delivery rate-a population-based screening study. … Obesity in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 2005;106:671-5.
    July 14, 2016 - to Email Print archived Final Research Plan Atrial Fibrillation: Screening … There are potential harms of screening with ECG (KQ6). … What are the harms of screening for atrial fibrillation with ECG in older adults? … years); older adults selected for increased risk of nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (e.g., those with obesity … To approximate “screening” vs.
    May 01, 2021 - persons; some evidence suggests that these differ- ences are partially explained by higher rates of obesity … , asthma, and tobacco use among these groups.8 Screening Tests There are several screening questionnaires … air to maintain the airway, is the primary treatment for OSA.15,16 For pa- tients with overweight and obesity … Few studies were available on any individual screening questionnaire or screening approach, and most … rose by 442% between 1999 and 2010.18 This is primarily attributed to the increase in prevalence of obesity
    January 01, 2015 - These areas include mental health conditions and substance abuse, obesity and cardiovascular health, … to comment on 15 draft research plans and 11 draft recommendation statements on topics ranging from screening … all Americans by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings
    March 26, 2020 - in progress Draft Research Plan Atrial Fibrillation: Screening March 26, 2020 Recommendations … What is the accuracy of selected screening tests for diagnosing AF in asymptomatic older adults? … What are the harms of screening for AF with ECG in older adults?       a.  … adults (age ≥65 years); older adults selected for increased risk of nonvalvular AF (e.g., those with obesity … To approximate “screening” vs.
    August 01, 2019 - We could not calculate the screening rate for repeat screenings alone because the number of participants … undergoing repeated screenings was not clearly or consistently reported across studies. … as well as four other time points during subsequent screenings (up to 2 years and 2 subsequent screenings … A meta-analysis of obesity and the risk of pancreatic cancer. Br J Cancer. 2003;89(3):519-23. … Visceral Obesity is Associated with Poor Prognosis in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.
  12. untitled (pdf file)
    January 03, 2017 - 6.5% for moderate to severe OSA; current prevalence may be higher, given the increasing prevalence of obesity … moderate to severe OSA.1-3 Current prevalence may be higher, given the increasing prevalence of obesity … for moderate to severe OSA.1-3 Current prevalence may be higher, given the increasing prevalence of obesity … role OSA plays in causing these adverse outcomes, indepen- dent from other associated factors such as obesity … routine health maintenance evaluations include questions about OSA and evaluation for risk factors (obesity
    June 06, 2019 - † Screening using two-step (screening first and, when indicated, diagnostic tests second) or one-step … OGTT (using any GDM criteria) Screening strategies may vary the timing of screening based on patient … characteristics (e.g., early screening for patients with risk factors vs. later screening for those … in each participant KQ 3: Another screening strategy, such as one- vs. two-step screening, different … Long-term: Maternal and childhood development of metabolic impairment (impaired glucose tolerance) or obesity
    November 01, 2020 - adolescent health and health inequities, including mental and behavioral health, substance use, and obesity … which the current evidence was insufficient for the Task Force to make a recommendation, including screening … for celiac disease and screening for obstructive sleep apnea. … These gaps include screening for prostate cancer in African American men and screening for illicit drug … The Task Force also identified specific populations for which evidence gaps exist, such as screening
    March 24, 2014 - Email Print archived Final Research Plan Vitamin D Deficiency: Screening … The figure shows that adults who undergo screening for vitamin D deficiency may be identified as being … vitamin D deficient or experience adverse effects related to screening. … What are the harms of screening (e.g., risk of procedure, false-positive or false-negative results)? … based on certain characteristics, including older age, darker skin pigmentation (black or Hispanic), obesity
    October 01, 2012 - Screening for Coronary Heart Disease with Electrocardiography: USPSTF Recommendation Statement Screening … events, including older age, male sex, high blood pressure, smoking, abnormal lipid levels, diabetes, obesity … disorders, peripheral arterial disease, and obesity. … events, including older age, male sex, high blood pressure, smoking, abnormal lipid levels, diabetes, obesity … Any study of screening should also evaluate harms associated with screening as well as those related
    July 26, 2022 - morbidity and mortality in adults 20 Screening for high blood pressure in adults 33 Interventions … Screening for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement … Screening for hypertension in adults: US Preventive Services Task Force reaffirmation recommendation … recommendation statement addresses individuals with a BMI of 30 or greater. c The USPSTF recommends screening … Clinicians should consider screening at an earlier age in persons from groups with disproportionately
    August 01, 2019 - We could not calculate the screening rate for repeat screenings alone because the number of participants … undergoing repeated screenings was not clearly or consistently reported across studies. … as well as four other time points during subsequent screenings (up to 2 years and 2 subsequent screenings … A meta-analysis of obesity and the risk of pancreatic cancer. Br J Cancer. 2003;89(3):519-23. … Visceral Obesity is Associated with Poor Prognosis in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.
    June 30, 2022 - Are there harms associated with diagnosing children and adolescents as being overweight or having obesity … What level of weight or relative weight decrease in children or adolescents with obesity reduces the … likelihood of obesity in adulthood or health outcomes associated with obesity? … nonmedical centers College settings Mental health clinics (unless recruitment is through primary care screening
    September 13, 2022 - One randomized clinical trial (RCT) (TODAY; n = 699 adolescents with obesity; mean age, 14 years) comparing … One RCT of 75 adolescents (mean age, 13 years) with obesity with prediabetes compared an intensive lifestyle … prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes are increasing.3,4 Risk factors include overweight and obesity … for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in adults aged 35 to 70 years with overweight or obesity (B recommenda … Among adults with obesity and over- weight, recent meta-analyses for the USPSTF found high strength

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