April 12, 2021 - Public Comment on Draft Recommendation Statement and Draft Evidence Review: Screening for Prediabetes … Services Task Force seeks comments on a draft recommendation statement and draft evidence review on screening … The Task Force recommends screening people ages 35 to 70 who are overweight or obese for prediabetes
August 06, 2019 - Other factors such as new-onset diabetes, preexisting diabetes, older age, cigarette smoking, obesity … Screening Tests
The USPSTF does not recommend screening for pancreatic cancer in the general population … Other factors such as new-onset diabetes, preexisting diabetes, older age, cigarette smoking, obesity … Screening Tests
The USPSTF does not recommend screening for pancreatic cancer in the general population … If a net benefit of screening is found in high-risk persons, studies of screening in persons who may
November 01, 2013 - Methods: The USPSTF reviewed the evidence on screening and
diagnostic accuracy of screening tests for … The increasing prevalence of hypertension in children
and adolescents, possibly driven by childhood obesity … included screening for hy-
pertension. … Screening Intervals
Several organizations recommend routine screening of
blood pressure at well-child … Trials focusing on high-risk adolescent populations (such
as those with obesity) that include longer-term
December 30, 2013 - events, including older age, male sex, high blood pressure, smoking, abnormal lipid levels, diabetes, obesity … artery stenosis, high blood pressure, lipid disorders, peripheral arterial disease, and obesity. … events, including older age, male sex, high blood pressure, smoking, abnormal lipid levels, diabetes, obesity … Any study of screening should also evaluate harms associated with screening as well as those related … Accuracy of Screening Tests
The USPSTF reviewed the evidence on the accuracy of screening with both
January 01, 2016 - Obesity and Cardiovascular Health
3. Behavior and Development
4. Infectious Diseases
5. … Moderate-to Low-Intensity Counseling for Obesity
2. … Gillman is a professor and director of the Obesity Prevention Program in the Department of Population … B
*Obesity: Screening and Management in Adults
The USPSTF recommends screening for obesity in all adults … B
*Obesity: Screening in Children and Adolescents Ages 6 to 17 Years
The USPSTF recommends that clinicians
January 01, 2016 - Obesity and Cardiovascular Health
3. Behavior and Development
4. Infectious Diseases
5. … Moderate-to Low-Intensity Counseling for Obesity
2. … Gillman is a professor and director of the Obesity Prevention Program in the Department of Population … B
*Obesity: Screening and Management in Adults
The USPSTF recommends screening for obesity in all adults … B
*Obesity: Screening in Children and Adolescents Ages 6 to 17 Years
The USPSTF recommends that clinicians
January 01, 1996 - There are no reliable screening tests for detecting pancreatic cancer in asymptomatic persons. … Conventional ultrasonography is limited by visualization difficulties in the presence of bowel gas or obesity … results due to the very low prevalence of pancreatic cancer in the general population. 29 A study of a mass … be false positives, screening for pancreatic cancer cannot be recommended at this time. … The study of the mass screening of persons without symptoms and of the screening of outpatients with
January 01, 1996 - Pima Indians 55 years of age and older. 14 Other risk factors for diabetes include family history, obesity … pregnancies and is the most common medical problem of pregnancy. 3 , 15 Risk factors for GDM include obesity … account for only 5% of shoulder dystocia cases in this country. 116 Other factors such as maternal obesity … those with identified risk factors for developing diabetes, including obesity, family history, history … Risk factors for GDM include obesity, older maternal age, a family history of diabetes, and a history
November 15, 2022 - White persons; some evidence suggests that these differences are partially explained by higher rates of obesity … , asthma, and tobacco use among these groups. 8
Screening Tests
There are several screening questionnaires … to maintain the airway, is the primary treatment for OSA. 15 , 16 For patients with overweight and obesity … rose by 442% between 1999 and 2010. 18 This is primarily attributed to the increase in prevalence of obesity … Few studies were available on any individual screening questionnaire or screening approach, and most
November 01, 2018 - Print
Final Research Plan
High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents: Screening … What is the diagnostic accuracy of screening tests for high blood pressure in children and adolescents … at which to repeat screening in children and adolescents? … being treated in a specialty clinic for the underlying condition (e.g., children and adolescents with obesity … that cannot be implemented in primary care settings
Screening with fewer than three separate blood
May 23, 2016 - likely to get infections such as ear infections, or to develop
chronic conditions such as asthma, obesity … all Americans by making evidence-based
recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings … epidemiologist who studies approaches to improving HIV and sexually transmitted infection prevention,
January 24, 2017 - Screening Tests
Evidence on the use of validated screening questionnaires in asymptomatic adults (or … for moderate to severe OSA. 1-3 Current prevalence may be higher, given the increasing prevalence of obesity … for moderate to severe OSA. 1-3 Current prevalence may be higher, given the increasing prevalence of obesity … role OSA plays in causing these adverse outcomes, independent from other associated factors such as obesity … routine health maintenance evaluations include questions about OSA and evaluation for risk factors (obesity
April 01, 2021 - Screening for Hypertension in Adults: Clinician Summary
www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org … Clinician Summary of USPSTF Recommendation
Screening for Hypertension in Adults
April 2021
The USPSTF … The USPSTF continues
to recommend screening for hypertension in adults 18 years or older. … Although evidence on optimal screening intervals is limited, reasonable options include:
• Screening … • Screening less frequently (ie, every 3 to 5 years) as appropriate for adults aged 18 to 39 years
January 01, 2023 - contributed significantly to the understanding of
cardiovascular disease prevention, hypertension and obesity … He practices family medicine and leads the medical obesity
treatment program. … people nationwide by making evidence-based recommendations
about clinical preventive services such as screenings
May 28, 2013 - incidence of this condition has increased over the past decades in parallel with the increase in rates of obesity … evidence from the included studies for long-term maternal outcomes, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity … the effect of screening on health outcomes ( https://effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/topics/gestational-diabetes-screening-diagnosis … or/1-9
mass screening/
prenatal diagnosis/
screen$.tw. … Effect of treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus on obesity in the next generation.
May 14, 2008 - Screening for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Clinical Summary of U.S. … Harms of screening include short-term anxiety in some women with positive screening results, and
inconvenience … Screening Tests
If a decision is made to screen for GDM:
The screening test most commonly used in … Screening Intervals
Most screening is conducted between 24 and 28 weeks gestation. … There is little evidence about the value of earlier screening.
March 26, 2020 - in progress
Draft Research Plan
Screening for Atrial Fibrillation
March 26, 2020
Recommendations … What is the accuracy of selected screening tests for diagnosing AF in asymptomatic older adults? … What are the harms of screening for AF with ECG in older adults? a. … adults (age ≥65 years); older adults selected for increased risk of nonvalvular AF (e.g., those with obesity … To approximate “screening” vs.
November 15, 2022 - The USPSTF is calling for more research on the benefits and harms of screening for OSA, as well as screening … The USPSTF found inadequate evidence on the accuracy of screening questionnaires and multistep screening … White persons; some evidence suggests that these differences are partially explained by higher rates of obesity … to maintain the airway, is the primary treatment for OSA. 15 , 16 For patients with overweight and obesity … rose by 442% between 1999 and 2010. 18 This is primarily attributed to the increase in prevalence of obesity
October 06, 2015 - Screening for High Blood Pressure in Adults: Clinical Summary
Screening for High Blood Pressure … Screening Tests
Office measurement of blood pressure is done with a manual or automated sphygmomanometer … and home blood pressure monitoring can be used to confirm a diagnosis of hypertension after initial screening … Screening Interval Adults aged ≥40 y and persons at increased risk for high blood pressure should be … Balance of Benefits
and Harms The net benefit of screening for high blood pressure in adults is substantial
July 01, 2024 - John Wong: None David Chelmow: Topic: Screening for Cervical Cancer Level 3 Disclosure: Dr. … In these roles, he was involved in the development of practice guidelines related to cervical cancer screening … participate in the topic workgroup and deliberate and vote on this topic. --------------------------- Topic: Screening … Krousel-Wood has a grant to investigate remote weight monitoring to reduce obesity in underserved populations