May 29, 2024 - identify patients a previous abnormal CRC screen (documentation of a previous positive at-home CRC screening … identified between October 2022 - February 2024, 40% were scheduled for a colonoscopy and 29% completed screening … The commentary discusses how biases associated with medical conditions, such as obesity and its treatment
April 07, 2021 - health app via integrated televisits (e.g., confirming medication accuracy during transitions of care, screening
January 01, 2006 - Patient Risk Factors
Congestive heart failure
Chronic lung disease
Age > 70 years
Obesity … prophylaxis
Intermittent pneumatic compression devices and/or graduated compression stockings
Perform screening … factor Points
Cancer, prior VTE, hypercoagulability 3 each
Major surgery 2
Advanced age, bed rest, obesity
June 01, 2007 - Validation of a pre-anaesthetic screening questionnaire. … Preoperative screening: value of previous tests. … , hypertension, cardiac disease, major surgery, medications that may affect renal function
Glucose Obesity
February 23, 2022 - associated with low back pain that should prompt expedited evaluation, the importance of lung cancer screening … The commentary discusses the challenges of screening for suicide risk and the importance of continuity
December 06, 2017 - likely to reflect quality or safety problems without requiring the same investment of resources as would screening … February 23, 2011
Patient safety incidents associated with obesity: a review of reports … November 18, 2020
The emergency department trigger tool: a novel approach to screening
September 26, 2023 - , 2010
‘Almost like malpractice’: to shed bias, doctors get schooled to look beyond obesity … April 15, 2020
Ireland investigates cervical cancer screening scandal.
February 01, 2023 - , and increase the percentage of LGBTQ+ patients receiving appropriate STD and HIV screenings. … We see higher levels of smoking, drinking, and obesity. … Another example is cancer screenings. … When screening for the human papillomavirus (HPV), it is often based on sexual interaction, but providers … Part of a typical x ray screening is asking if there's any chance you could be pregnant.
February 01, 2023 - We see higher levels of smoking, drinking, and obesity. … Another example is cancer screenings. … When screening for the human papillomavirus (HPV), it is often based on sexual interaction, but providers … Part of a typical x ray screening is asking if there's any chance you could be pregnant. … , and increase the percentage of LGBTQ+ patients receiving appropriate STD and HIV screenings.
June 01, 2007 - Validation of a pre-anaesthetic screening questionnaire.
Anaesthesia. 2003;58:874-877. … Preoperative screening: value of previous tests. Ann Intern
Med. 1990;113:969-973. … Sample Preoperative Screening Questionnaire and Correlation with Anesthesiologist's Evaluation
Question … Validation of a pre-anaesthetic screening questionnaire. Anaesthesia.
Table 2. … cardiac
disease, major surgery, medications that
may affect renal function
Glucose 0.5 1.6 0.85 Obesity
August 28, 2024 - tunnel release (0.32%),
independent risk factors were male sex, younger age, tobacco or alcohol use, obesity … or morbid obesity
(body mass index 30-40 or >40), diabetes, inflammatory arthritis, peripheral vascular … alcohol
or opioid dependence, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune diseases, obesity … Medical assistant protocol improves disparities in depression
screening rates.
March 01, 2015 - These measures have become popular as screening tools for hospital safety in the United Kingdom, Sweden … while associated with injury and prolonged hospital stays, do not cause death.( 5 ) Consequently, as a screening … Despite best efforts to homogenize hospital patient populations, when using R-AHMRs as a screening tool … variables, which can vary considerably.( 9 ) Certain comorbidities that impact on mortality (such as morbid obesity … April 11, 2018
An adverse event screening tool based on routinely collected hospital-acquired
May 28, 2014 - tunnel release (0.32%), independent risk factors were male sex, younger age, tobacco or alcohol use, obesity … or morbid obesity (body mass index 30-40 or >40), diabetes, inflammatory arthritis, peripheral vascular … , alcohol or opioid dependence, thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune diseases, obesity … Medical assistant protocol improves disparities in depression screening rates.
March 01, 2014 - Validation of a pre-anaesthetic screening questionnaire. Anaesthesia. 2003;58:874-877. … Preoperative screening: value of previous tests. Ann Intern Med. 1990;113:969-973. … Sample Preoperative Screening Questionnaire and Correlation with Anesthesiologist's Evaluation … Validation of a pre-anaesthetic screening questionnaire. Anaesthesia. 2003;25:874-877. Table 2. … disease, major surgery, medications that may affect renal function Glucose 0.5 1.6 0.85 Obesity
March 01, 2015 - These measures have become popular as screening tools for hospital safety in the United Kingdom, Sweden … while associated with injury and prolonged hospital stays, do not cause death.( 5 ) Consequently, as a screening … Despite best efforts to homogenize hospital patient populations, when using R-AHMRs as a screening tool … variables, which can vary considerably.( 9 ) Certain comorbidities that impact on mortality (such as morbid obesity … interrogate every death
Hospital-wide R-AHMRs based on routinely collected data are blunt and inaccurate screening
August 10, 2016 - December 19, 2018
Patient safety incidents associated with obesity: a review of reports … May 2, 2012
Multilevel factors associated with time to biopsy after abnormal screening
March 08, 2023 - obstetric ultrasounds and sonographers expressed concern that distractions increased false negative screenings … September 26, 2018
Double reading in breast cancer screening: cohort evaluation in the
February 28, 2024 - collected based on the diagnostic purpose: optimal clinical care (e.g., usefulness of testing), population screening … collected based on the diagnostic purpose: optimal clinical care (e.g., usefulness of testing), population screening
March 25, 2020 - WebM&M Cases
Endotracheal Tube Fallout in a Patient with Severe Obesity
July 28, 2021 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
'An ongoing nightmare': people with obesity face major obstacles … experienced by overweight patients such as bias, ineffective space consideration, and lack of access to screening