
Total Results: 152 records

Showing results for "obesity screening".

    June 24, 2011 - _04_28.pdf diseases (particularly chlamydia, gonorrhea, and infectious syphilis), and overweight/obesity … This report shows the cost-effectiveness of screening measures … If the screening rates of minority populations can be brought up to the level of Whites, then the country … savings associated with eliminating health disparities by examining the additional costs of diabetes, obesity
    June 01, 2011 - sexually transmitted diseases (particularly chlamydia, gonorrhea, and infectious syphilis), and overweight/obesity … This report shows the cost-effectiveness of screening … If the screening rates of minority populations can be brought up to the level of Whites, then the country … savings associated with eliminating health disparities by examining the additional costs of diabetes, obesity
    February 11, 2011 - 1.4 Other infections, including parasitic 8 - 1.5 Immunizations and screening … 27541 27542 27549 2758 2759 3.11.2 Obesity … 316 7801 5.10 Personal history of mental disorder, 75 - screening
    August 22, 2017 - affecting 0.2 percent of people under 55 years of age but 10 percent of those over 85 years old),2 obesity … factors are becoming increasingly relevant in the United States, where the population is aging,4 the obesity … Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults and Youth: United States, 2011–2014. NCHS Data Brief #219. … 231,855 58.1 Essential hypertension 3 227,290 57.0 Disorders of lipid metabolism 4 204,345 51.2 Screening … Nearly one-third of stays involved screening and history of mental health and substance abuse (31.1
    February 01, 2018 - affecting 0.2 percent of people under 55 years of age but 10 percent of those over 85 years old), 2 obesity … be due to the increasing prevalence of some risk factors for atrial fibrillation (e.g., older age, obesity … Essential hypertension 3 227,290 57.0 Disorders of lipid metabolism 4 204,345 51.2 Screening … Nearly one-third of stays involved screening and history of mental health and substance abuse (31.1 percent … Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults and Youth: United States, 2011-2014. NCHS Data Brief #219.
    January 01, 1996 - $3,800 $6,591 $12,197 5.8 2.0 47.8 45.1 1.5 Immunizations and screening … $9,166 $3,707 $6,364 $10,707 5.4 4.5 40.2 61.4 3.11.2 Obesity … $10,025 9.6 0.1 40.1 30.2 5.10 Personal history of mental disorder, screening
    January 01, 1996 - $3,800 $6,591 $12,197 5.8 2.0 47.8 45.1 1.5 Immunizations and screening … $9,166 $3,707 $6,364 $10,707 5.4 4.5 40.2 61.4 3.11.2 Obesity … $10,025 9.6 0.1 40.1 30.2 5.10 Personal history of mental disorder, screening
    September 30, 2004 - Obesity ICD-9-CM codes: 278.0, 278.00, 278.01 Discharge does not have these DRGs: Nutrition /metabolic
    March 11, 2011 - such as avoidable hospitalizations or emergency department visits and receipt of recommended cancer screenings … BRFSS, there is a great deal of data featured across states on risk behaviors such as tobacco use, obesity … used information from the state disparities report to apply for CDC funding for a colorectal cancer screening
    July 01, 2016 - such as avoidable hospitalizations or emergency department visits and receipt of recommended cancer screenings … Receipt of recommended treatment (e.g., cancer screening, routine medical checkup) ✓ ✓       … New Mexico’s disparity ratios are another example (e.g., the youth obesity rate for American Indians … used information from the state disparities report to apply for CDC funding for a colorectal cancer screening … MOTA has educated minority communities about smoking cessation and cancer screening, and since July of
    October 01, 2022 - My current research interests include looking at the rise in the number of obesity-related procedures … What are the national trends in utilization of obesity-related procedures? … Sean: Currently, most obesity-related procedures are inpatient so I plan on focusing my research there … Follow the directions to use HCUPnet to get a national perspective on how the number of obesity-related … Because we are interested in seeing how the number of obesity-related procedures has changed through
  12. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (pdf file)
    January 01, 2020 - such as avoidable hospitalizations or emergency department visits and receipt of recommended cancer screenings … Receipt of recommended treatment (e.g., cancer screening, routine medical checkup) 4. … New Mexico’s disparity ratios are another example (e.g., the youth obesity rate for American Indians … used information from the state disparities report to apply for CDC funding for a colorectal cancer screening … MOTA has educated minority communities about smoking cessation and cancer screening, and since July
    January 01, 2020 - My current research interests include looking at the rise in the number of obesity-related procedures … What are the national trends in utilization of obesity-related procedures? … Sean: Currently, most obesity-related procedures are inpatient so I plan on focusing my research there … Type "619 O.R. procedures for obesity w mcc". This will populate in the window. … The number of operating room procedures for obesity from 2008-2014 appears in a graph.
    January 01, 2021 - My current research interests include looking at the rise in the number of obesity-related procedures … What are the national trends in utilization of obesity-related procedures? … Sean: Currently, most obesity-related procedures are inpatient so I plan on focusing my research there … Type "619 O.R. procedures for obesity w mcc". This will populate in the window. … The number of operating room procedures for obesity from 2008-2014 appears in a graph.
    October 01, 2020 - to identify four types of conditions: • Chronic o Examples include malignant cancer, diabetes, obesity … external cause of morbidity codes, injury sequela codes, and codes starting with the letter Z for screening … codes: o Codes identifying encounters for medical examinations, observation, evaluation, aftercare, screening
    May 01, 2016 - such as avoidable hospitalizations or emergency department visits and receipt of recommended cancer screenings … BRFSS, there is a great deal of data featured across states on risk behaviors such as tobacco use, obesity … used information from the state disparities report to apply for CDC funding for a colorectal cancer screening
    January 01, 2005 - level of alcohol V11.3       Personal history of mental disorder, alcoholism V79.1       Special screening … If the DRG was equal to 288 (O.R. procedures for obesity), additional bariatric surgery procedures were … : 278.0         Obesity 278.00       Obesity, unspecified 278.01       Morbid obesity V77.8         … Obesity EXHIBIT 3.6 Orthopedic procedure CCS categories: 142       Partial excision of bone … Morbid obesity Morbid obesity is defined as at least twice a person’s ideal weight, 100 pounds overweight
    October 07, 2016 - ; including parasitic 9 Sexually transmitted infections (not HIV or hepatitis) 10 Immunizations and screening … 255 Administrative/social admission 256 Medical examination/evaluation 257 Other aftercare 258 Other screening … and unspecified viral infection 1.4 Other infections; including parasitic [8] 1.5 Immunizations and screening … nutritional; endocrine; and metabolic disorders [58] 3.11.1 Disorders of mineral metabolism 3.11.2 Obesity … admission [255] 17.2.3 Medical examination/evaluation [256] 17.2.4 Other aftercare [257] 17.2.5 Other screening
    December 01, 2019 - this publication Trends in colorectal cancer admissions and stage at presentation: impact of screening … Non-Hispanic blacks bear a disproportionate burden of the growing obesity epidemic. … Read more about this publication Obesity and Pulmonary Embolism: The Mounting Evidence of Risk … in obese patients by age, sex, and comorbid conditions in an effort to examine the relationship of obesity … Read more about this publication Effects of childhood obesity on hospital care and costs, 1999
    December 28, 2023 - END007' = 'END007: Nutritional deficiencies' 'END008' = 'END008: Malnutrition' 'END009' = 'END009: Obesity … 'FAC015' = 'FAC015: Resistance to antimicrobial drugs' 'FAC016' = 'FAC016: Exposure, encounters, screening … infectious disease' 'FAC017' = 'FAC017: No immunization or underimmunization' 'FAC018' = 'FAC018: Screening … abstinence syndrome' 'PNL015' = 'PNL015: Fetal alcohol syndrome' 'PRG001' = 'PRG001: Antenatal screening

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