September 01, 2010 - diseases‖
―I like this idea [weight loss as therapy] because of the huge public health burden of the
obesity … Common genetic variations in the LEP
and LEPR genes, obesity and breast cancer
incidence and survival … Tailored supplemental screening
for breast cancer: what now and what next? … What is the point: will
screening mammography save my life? … Cigarette Smoking,
Alcohol, Obesity, Leisure-time Physical
Activity and Quality O. 2008.
December 08, 2010 - invasive catheterization or for those who would be put at higher risk for complications with invasive screening … valve prolapse)
Less predictive symptomatology
Limited exercise tolerance because of older age, obesity … demographic factors
Sample size
We will not exclude articles based on sample size during the full-text screening … methodology for literature search strategies, inclusion/exclusion of studies in our review, abstract screening
April 20, 2015 - No test is effective at screening for renal cell carcinoma, and most tumors are
detected incidentally … Demographic characteristics: Age, sex, smoking, race, marital status, education
Clinical characteristics: obesity … characteristics: Age, sex,
smoking, race, marital status, education
Ø Clinical characteristics: obesity … We will use DistillerSR (Evidence Partners, 2010) to manage the screening process. … Abstract screening: Two reviewers will independently review abstracts, which will be
excluded if both
March 01, 2013 - We conducted
screening in two phases: abstract and full-text screening. … Two
reviewers independently reviewed each publication at the
full-text screening phase. … We conducted
a separate search and screening process for KQ2. … We
identified 2,730 titles and abstracts for screening. … Screening for and
Management of Obesity and Overweight in Adults. Evidence
Report No. 89.
October 11, 2016 - Literature screening will be performed in duplicate using the database Distiller SR (Evidence Partners
January 01, 2014 - gout has paralleled the increase in prevalence of
conditions associated with hyperuricemia, including obesity … The DistillerSR software package will be used to manage the search outputs,
screening, and data abstraction
March 20, 2012 - , hereditary hemochromatosis and iron overload syndromes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), obesity … Using the study-selection criteria for screening titles and abstracts, each citation will be marked as … The first-level title screening will be performed first by two senior team members. … Senior and junior team members will conduct the second-level title and abstract screening according to … 25 to 50 references will be examined initially by two team members to assure uniform application of screening
June 05, 2014 - progressively less able to secrete enough
insulin to normalize blood glucose.3, 4 T2DM is associated with obesity … factors for diabetes-related complications
included smoking (20 percent), self-reported overweight or obesity … We will use an internally developed online tool to manage
the title and abstract screening and full-text … Abstract and full-
text screening will be performed as described above. … for micro- or macrovascular complications (e.g., training on home foot care,
reminders to attend screening
November 01, 2016 - Effectiveness Research, AHRQ is interested in innovations in drugs and
biologics, medical devices, screening … horizon scanning, AHRQ’s interests are broad and encompass drugs,
devices, procedures, treatments, screening … Safer (MOMS) initiative to improve maternal
health focuses on prematurity causes and interventions, obesity
November 01, 2016 - Effectiveness Research, AHRQ is interested in innovations
in drugs and biologics, medical devices, screening … horizon scanning, AHRQ’s interests are broad and encompass drugs,
devices, procedures, treatments, screening … Safer (MOMS) initiative to improve maternal
health focuses on prematurity causes and interventions, obesity
November 03, 2014 - gout has paralleled the increase in prevalence of conditions associated with hyperuricemia, including obesity … The DistillerSR software package will be used to manage the search outputs, screening, and data abstraction … Cholesterol screening guidelines. Consensus, evidence, and common sense.
September 13, 2013 - events
• CVD intermediate outcomes (diagnosis of hypertension, blood pressure, incident
overweight or obesity … will be entered into the DistillerSR
database (Evidence Partners, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) for screening … After practice screening of a random selection of 100 titles,
titles and abstracts will be dually screened
December 10, 2013 - abstracts) will be screened by all reviewers, and discrepancies will be discussed in order to standardize screening … practices and ensure understanding of screening criteria by all team members. … We may reconsider this decision if large relevant studies are identified during full text screening. … We will generate a list of reasons for exclusion for all studies excluded at the full text screening … Abstract and full-text screening will be performed as described above.
January 01, 2021 - Project WINGS (Women Initiating New Goals of Safety):
A randomised controlled trial of a screening, … Computer-assisted screening for intimate partner violence
and control: a randomized trial. … In person versus computer screening for intimate partner violence
among pregnant patients. … Obesity (Silver Spring). 2016;24(1):30-6. doi:
10.1002/oby.21240. PMID: 26592857. … Approaches to screening for intimate partner violence in
health care settings: a randomized trial.
October 25, 2010 - diseases”
“I like this idea [weight loss as therapy] because of the huge public health burden of the
obesity … Common genetic variations in the LEP
and LEPR genes, obesity and breast cancer
incidence and survival … Tailored supplemental screening
for breast cancer: what now and what next? … What is the point: will
screening mammography save my life? … Cigarette Smoking,
Alcohol, Obesity, Leisure-time Physical
Activity and Quality O. 2008.
December 27, 2016 - reference list of key articles and
systematic reviews or guidelines identified during the article screening … Articles identified for inclusion will advance to the full-
text screening. … Results from other searches will be recorded in a
Microsoft Excel database, as will the screening and … subgroup analyses and they include asthma severity, asthma control, age, ICS dose,
onset of asthma, obesity
June 06, 2011 - invasive catheterization or for those
who would be put at higher risk for complications with invasive screening … valve prolapse)
Less predictive symptomatology
Limited exercise tolerance because of older age, obesity … demographic factors
Sample size
We will not exclude articles based on sample size during the full-text screening … methodology for literature search strategies,
inclusion/exclusion of studies in our review, abstract screening
October 01, 2021 - • Reviewers did not identify any studies that were missed by our search and screening
June 11, 2014 - Factors underlying the increase remain unknown; however, studies investigating changes in maternal age, obesity … Data Abstraction and Data Management
Screening and extraction forms
We will develop data collection … The full-text screening form will be used to examine the full text of papers that met initial criteria … After reviewing a sample of relevant articles, the team will test and revise the screening and data collection … forms before beginning each stage of screening or data extraction.
June 07, 2013 - The comment on indication to alter
cervical cancer screening for women using OCs is not
justified based … I would think that cervical cancer mortality
would be more of a factor where there is no screening … nonsmokers or ever vs never
We have added a discussion of the potential impact
of smoking and obesity … Peer Reviewer 1 Appendix E: Modeling
More detail on the relationship of smoking and obesity … among OC users, and in terms of potential
interactions between OC use, smoking, obesity, and