
Total Results: 361 records

Showing results for "obesity screening".

    June 12, 2013 - Subgroups (vasomotor symptom severity, years since menopause [age], ethnicity, comorbidities [smoking, obesity … A decision whether to adopt initial title screening instead of title/abstract screening will be based … If title screening is adopted, an analogous approach will be used for the subsequent title/abstract … screening. … include: vasomotor symptom severity, years since menopause (age), ethnicity, comorbidities (smoking, obesity
    January 22, 2010 - Newborn Screening for Cystic Fibrosis. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report . … Economic implications of newborn screening for cystic fibrosis: A cost of illness retrospective cohort
    August 13, 2012 - One possible cluster could be diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, concomitant with depression; this … interventions, especially since there are a number of public-health-based interventions (e.g., diabetes, obesity … We do not report on screening per se. Thank you. … is done in practice: starting with assessment of overall mental health and then move into specific screenings … , rather than the reductionist approach of screening for specific diseases first.
    September 01, 2009 - Methods: Eligibility Criteria (l) State the processes used to select studies for review: Screening … Rimonabant for overweight or obesity. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;(4):CD006162. … Rimonabant for overweight or obesity. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;(4):CD006162.
    February 01, 2013 - OA severity, obesity, comorbidities, and concomitant therapies-including anti-inflammatory and analgesic … defined by prevalent patient characteristics such as degree of symptoms, severity of disease, age, obesity … elements of patient management leading to optimal outcomes. 12 Examination—Patient history, screening … OA severity, obesity, comorbidities, and concomitant therapies including anti- inflammatory and analgesic … Screening identified seven relevant newly published studies and 83 recent or ongoing trials with at
    April 01, 2022 - The evidence was insufficient regarding WIC participation and child overweight or obesity.
    January 01, 2019 - adjusted life expectancy, life expectancy, events of interest); type of intervention being studied (screening … Of those, 167 were excluded after full text screening and 66 studies, reporting on 72 independent … of diagnostic strategies 2006 Int J Technol Assess Health Care 17909207 Cost-effectiveness of screening … in settings with currently established Pap screening: a systematic review commissioned by the German … 2009 Radiology 19332851 Impact of whole-body CT screening on the cost- effectiveness of CT colonography
    June 01, 2012 - Obesity can reduce serum PSA. … Obesity will likely affect all PSA-detection methods, old and new (“conditional dependence”). … Comparison of a screening test and a reference test in epidemiologic studies. II. … The estimation of false negatives in medical screening. Biometrics 1978 Mar;34(1):77-86. … Comparison of a screening test and a reference test in epidemiologic studies. II.
    June 01, 2012 - Obesity can reduce serum PSA. … Obesity will likely affect all PSA-detection methods, old and new (“conditional dependence”). … Comparison of a screening test and a reference test in epidemiologic studies. II. … The estimation of false negatives in medical screening. Biometrics 1978 Mar;34(1):77-86. … Comparison of a screening test and a reference test in epidemiologic studies. II.
    January 17, 2017 - We attempted to stratify studies based on factors such as age or obesity, but few studies reported … children with specific conditions (Down Syndrome, craniofacial or neuromuscular abnormalities, and obesity … the recommendation doesn't appear to take into account the considerable difficulty and high cost of screening
    November 01, 2013 - Following the application of full-text screening criteria, 310 papers were eligible for all research … Obesity: Three papers41,59,60 showed that increasing body mass index (BMI) was inversely associated … Obesity: A single paper74 concluded that BMI-adjusted cutpoints performed well over a wide variety of … How obesity affects the cut-points for B-type natriuretic peptide in the diagnosis of acute heart failure … B-type natriuretic peptide-guided management and outcome in patients with obesity and dyspnea--results
    January 01, 2023 - However, psychostimulants are also used in the treatment of narcolepsy, obesity, fatigue and for recovery … First, information on race/ethnicity, smoking, obesity, history of cardiovascular disease and drug abuse … Second, we obtained information on race/ethnicity, income, education, smoking, obesity, family history … Obesity, smoking, family history of cardiovascular disease were not or were only very weakly associated … While the prevalences of other established risk factors for MI or SCD, such as diabetes, obesity, and
    September 01, 2014 - these cancers is high, second only to breast cancer.3,4 Colorectal cancers may be diagnosed during screening … Preventive Services Task Force currently recommends screening for colorectal cancer in asymptomatic … patients are unlikely to affect staging accuracy, but other patient characteristics, such as race, obesity … After screening the articles in duplicate, we included 8 systematic reviews and 65 primary clinical … Screening for Colorectal Cancer.
    November 28, 2012 - hereditary hemochromatosis and iron overload syndromes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), obesity … Using the study-selection criteria for screening titles and abstracts, each citation will be marked … The first-level title screening will be performed first by two senior team members. … Senior and junior team members will conduct the second-level title and abstract screening according … Title/Abstract Screening Full Text review/Data Abstraction (Training set of 5) Evidence and
    June 10, 2013 - events CVD intermediate outcomes (diagnosis of hypertension, blood pressure, incident overweight or obesity … will be entered into the DistillerSR database (Evidence Partners, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) for screening … After practice screening of a random selection of 100 titles, titles and abstracts will be dually screened
    June 05, 2014 - progressively less able to secrete enough insulin to normalize blood glucose. 3,4 T2DM is associated with obesity … factors for diabetes-related complications included smoking (20 percent), self-reported overweight or obesity … We will use an internally developed online tool to manage the title and abstract screening and full-text … Abstract and full-text screening will be performed as described above. … for micro- or macrovascular complications (e.g., training on home foot care, reminders to attend screening
    December 01, 2014 - Effectiveness Research, AHRQ is interested in innovations in drugs and biologics, medical devices, screening … horizon scanning, AHRQ’s interests are broad and encompass drugs, devices, procedures, treatments, screening … Risk factors for developing gout include obesity, hypertension, alcohol consumption, diuretic use, … Patients had sUA levels of 6.5 mg/dL or higher at screening, were on stable allopurinol doses (≥300
    September 15, 2014 - There is no information about issues regarding vitamin D bioavailability including obesity, and factors … The concept of screening for nutritional status rather than for disease should be addressed. … If this were done, we should be screening for other biomarkers of nutritional constituents such as … It would be beyond the charge for this report to suggest screening for vitamin D or using any particular … Screening recommendations are under the purview of the USPSTF.
    October 10, 2018 - Comorbidities (tobacco abuse, pulmonary hypertension, congestive heart failure, morbid obesity, gastroesophageal … Studies included by either reviewer will be retrieved for full-text screening. … Malnutrition screening in patients admitted to hospital with an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary
    July 17, 2014 - gout has paralleled the increase in prevalence of conditions associated with hyperuricemia, including obesity … The DistillerSR software package will be used to manage the search outputs, screening, and data abstraction

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