July 01, 2012 - for
potential relevance to the KQs; articles included by either
investigator underwent full-text screening … At the full-text
screening stage, two investigators independently reviewed
the full text of each article … Results of Literature Searches
Figure B depicts the flow of articles through the literature
search and screening … Of these,
610 were excluded at the full-text screening stage, leaving
85 articles (representing 58 … of
primary healthcare provider education and training using
the Chronic Care Model for childhood obesity
December 01, 2019 - diabetes
Diabetes complications
Bacterial pneumonia
Obesity … software (Thomson Reuters, New York, NY) and screened by two independent reviewers using standardized screening
March 01, 2017 - thiazide versus
placebo and angiotensin receptor blockers versus placebo
on specifically brief cognitive screening … For
example, obesity is a risk factor of concern but it can be
studied only in the context of prevention … placebo and
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) versus placebo have no benefit on brief cognitive screening … or CATD incidence.
• Low-strength evidence shows no benefit for low-dose aspirin on brief cognitive screening … function as part
of the trial design, the degree of measurement varied
widely (e.g., brief cognitive screening
March 01, 2017 - thiazide versus
placebo and angiotensin receptor blockers versus placebo
on specifically brief cognitive screening … For
example, obesity is a risk factor of concern but it can be
studied only in the context of prevention … placebo and
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) versus placebo have no benefit on brief cognitive screening … or CATD incidence.
• Low-strength evidence shows no benefit for low-dose aspirin on brief cognitive screening … function as part
of the trial design, the degree of measurement varied
widely (e.g., brief cognitive screening
July 01, 2014 - common medical and mental health comorbidities (e.g., epilepsy, sleep
disorders, motor impairments, obesity … Effectiveness of developmental screening in an urban
setting. … common medical and mental
health comorbidities (e.g., epilepsy, sleep disorders, motor impairments, obesity … common medical and
mental health comorbidities (e.g., epilepsy, sleep disorders, motor impairments, obesity
February 01, 2025 - Inflammatory bowel disease Weight-related outcomes, specifically: Weight gain velocity (birth to 24 months) Obesity … Once the title and abstract screening stage is complete, two reviewers will independently assess the
February 03, 2025 - disease
• Weight-related outcomes, specifically:
o Weight gain velocity (birth to 24 months)
o Obesity … Once the title and abstract screening stage is complete, two reviewers will independently assess
June 12, 2012 - Peer Reviewer 2 General Added value is important for screening tests and risk factors, but may
not be … Given the prevalence of obesity in the United States,
unfortunately many women are functionally limited … by their obesity and
associated health problems and routine ETT testing would not apply to
them (Shaw
December 01, 2019 - include underlying illnesses where there is poor venous return (such as congestive heart failure and obesity … collect data on subgroups of interest, including age, presence of comorbid conditions (e.g., diabetes, obesity … Transitions
Research Protocol
Jul 22, 2024
Blood-based Tests for Multiple Cancer Screening
January 12, 2022 - pseudarthrosis after cervical fusion surgery);18 (5) utility of patient
characteristics (e.g., age, gender, obesity … criteria, attrition, population and clinical
characteristics including key subgroups (e.g., age, gender, obesity … Prevalence of spine degeneration
diagnosis by type, age, gender, and obesity using Medicare data.
April 11, 2016 - Final"Recommendation"Statement:"High"Blood"Pressure"in"Adults:"
22." … monitoring,"and"echocardiographic"abnormalities"in"women"with"polycystic"ovary"
syndrome:"role"of"obesity"and"androgen"excess … Adolescent"obesity,"change"in"
weight"status,"and"hypertension:"racial/ethnic"variations." … Eligibility"for"percutaneous"
renal"denervation:"the"importance"of"a"systematic"screening." … $Screening$for$High$Blood$Pressure$in$Adults:$A$Systematic$Evidence$Review$for$the$U.S.$
August 01, 2021 - Rehabilitation or psychosocial 12 (16.0)
Device 11 (14.7)
Alternative therapeutic 7 (9.3)
Prevention or screening … Effect of motivational interviewing on
depression scale scores of adolescents with obesity and overweight … Metformin
for obesity in prepubertal and pubertal children: a randomized controlled trial. … Effects of advice to drink 8 cups of water per
day in adolescents with overweight or obesity a randomized
November 03, 2011 - such as
hormone-based birth control and hormone replacement, the onset of menarche and
menopause, obesity … Presence of aura
– Headache frequency
– Prior treatments; overuse of drugs for acute migraine
– Obesity … references that will be stored in a master library using EndNote
management system, (3) screening
April 01, 2012 - Studies included after full-text screening were removed
from data synthesis because of one or more of … PRISMA flow chart of study identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion
CVD = cardiovascular … n = 1,579) + updated search [n = 1,104])
Duplicates removed
(n = 5,791)
Records excluded at
title screening … ib
Full text not
(n = 25)
Records exluded at initial
screening … Factorial study of the effects
of atorvastatin and fish oil on dyslipidaemia in visceral obesity.
January 01, 2012 - Following screening of abstracts, full-text
articles were retrieved for all potentially relevant articles … male, and the most
commonly cited comorbid conditions in these studies were type 1 or 2 diabetes,
obesity … male, and the most
commonly cited comorbid conditions in these studies were type 1 or 2 diabetes,
October 29, 2012 - Cochrane
Library and PubMed=100) of which 30 potentially eligible records were selected for full text
January 01, 2013 - and
at least 1 of the following
risk factors: smoking,
arterial hypertension, and/or
overweight obesity
December 01, 2019 - outcome
Clarifying that “access to services” includes access to health and other services
Adding obesity … common medical and mental health comorbidities (e.g., epilepsy, sleep disorders, motor impairments, obesity … Pediatric Quality Measures Program 3.0: An Evidence Map of Measures for Vision, Hearing, and Developmental Screening
July 01, 2022 - In addition, screening and clinical evaluation of potential comorbid psychiatric conditions is a key … system (juvenile detention, probation, court-mandated interventions, need for residential placement) Obesity … paediatric[tiab] OR youths[tiab] 3 "Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders/diagnosis"[Majr] OR mass … screening[mesh] OR questionnaires[mesh] OR Interviews as Topic[Mesh] OR Psychometrics[Mesh] OR Psychiatric … and Followup
Research Protocol
Jul 22, 2024
Blood-based Tests for Multiple Cancer Screening
August 15, 2011 - populations and
pertinent treatments) Stoppa (1998)
proposed that aggravating factors (such as obesity