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    December 01, 2000 - MEPS also includes a nationally representative survey of nursing homes and their residents. … Nursing Home Component The 1996 MEPS NHC was a survey of nursing homes and persons residing in or admitted … to nursing homes at any time during calendar year 1996. … Nursing home administrators and designated staff also provided information on facility size, ownership … Home Component for the number of individuals admitted to nursing homes.
    February 01, 2005 - Persons in the military and those residing in nursing homes or other institutions for the entire year
    December 01, 2007 - Persons in the military and those residing in nursing homes or other institutions for the entire year
  4. Meps10S (pdf file)
    January 01, 1996 - care Other non-physician providers Outpatient prescriptions Routine dental care Orthodontic care Nursing
    April 01, 2005 - These persons include those who had periods during which they lived in an institution (e.g., nursing … For example, sample persons who lived in a nursing home for part of the year and died in 2002 were
    October 01, 2018 - Working Paper 19004: An Evaluation of the Quality of Data Reported in the MEPS Medical Organization Survey, 2015-2016 An Evaluation of the Quality of Data Reported in the MEPS Medical Organization Survey, 2015–2016 Steven R. Machlin, MS, Marc W. Zodet, MS∗, Pradip K. Muhuri, PhD, and Monica L. Wolford, MA Agen…
    July 01, 2001 - MEPS also includes a nationally representative survey of nursing homes and their residents. … Household Component (HC), the Medical Provider Component (MPC), the Insurance Component (IC), and the NursingNursing Home Component The 1996 MEPS NHC was a survey of nursing homes and persons residing in or admitted … to nursing homes at any time during calendar year 1996. … Nursing home administrators and designated staff also provided information on facility size, ownership
    September 01, 2005 - Persons in the military and those residing in nursing homes or other institutions for the entire year
    December 01, 2005 - Persons in the military and those residing in nursing homes or other institutions for the entire year
    October 01, 2006 - Persons in the military and those residing in nursing homes or other institutions for the entire year
    December 01, 2006 - Persons in the military and those residing in nursing homes or other institutions for the entire year
    June 01, 2013 - Persons in the military, those in prison, nursing homes, or other institutions for the entire year are
    November 01, 2010 - Persons in the military, those in prison, nursing homes, or other institutions for the entire year are
    May 01, 2004 - MEPS also includes a nationally representative survey of nursing homes and their residents. … Care provided in other settings such as a hospital, nursing home, or a person’s home are … care was received from any type of paid or unpaid caregiver (HHTOTD03), agencies, hospitals, or nursing … agency-sponsored home health care (includes care provided by home health agencies, hospitals, and nursing
    October 01, 2002 - MEPS also includes a nationally representative survey of nursing homes and their residents. … Care provided in other settings such as a hospital, nursing home, or a person’s home are … care was received from any type of paid or unpaid caregiver (HHTOTD00), agencies, hospitals, or nursing … agency-sponsored home health care (includes care provided by home health agencies, hospitals, and nursing
    May 01, 2004 - MEPS also includes a nationally representative survey of nursing homes and their residents. … Care provided in other settings such as a hospital, nursing home, or a person’s home are … care was received from any type of paid or unpaid caregiver (HHTOTD01), agencies, hospitals, or nursing … agency-sponsored home health care (includes care provided by home health agencies, hospitals, and nursing
    January 01, 2002 - MEPS also includes a nationally representative survey of nursing homes and their residents. … Care provided in other settings such as a hospital, nursing home, or a person’s home … was received from any type of paid or unpaid caregiver (HHTOTD98), agencies, hospitals, or nursing … agency-sponsored home health care (includes care provided by home health agencies, hospitals, and nursing
    October 01, 2002 - MEPS also includes a nationally representative survey of nursing homes and their residents. … Care provided in other settings such as a hospital, nursing home, or a person’s home are … care was received from any type of paid or unpaid caregiver (HHTOTD99), agencies, hospitals, or nursing … agency-sponsored home health care (includes care provided by home health agencies, hospitals, and nursing
    December 01, 2001 - MEPS also includes a nationally representative survey of nursing homes and their residents. … Care provided in other settings such as a hospital, nursing home, or a person=s home are not included … health care was received from any type of paid or unpaid caregiver (HHTOTD97), agencies, hospitals, or nursing … for agency-sponsored home health care (includes care provided by home health agencies, hospitals, and nursing
    May 01, 2004 - MEPS also includes a nationally representative survey of nursing homes and their residents. … Care provided in other settings such as a hospital, nursing home, or a person’s home are … care was received from any type of paid or unpaid caregiver (HHTOTD02), agencies, hospitals, or nursing … agency-sponsored home health care (includes care provided by home health agencies, hospitals, and nursing

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