December 01, 2017 - healthcare; transferred to a short-term hospital; transferred to other type of facility (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home); died in hospital, … the United States:
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
January 01, 2015 - Emergency Department Utilization for Low-Acuity Conditions
A Longitudinal Examination of Hospital Nursing
January 01, 2010 - coding: (1) routine, (2) transfer to short term hospital,
(5) other transfers, including skilled nursing
January 01, 2022 - quality and disparities in the United States and identifies improvements in HIV and colon cancer care, nursing
January 01, 2000 - Disposition of patient (discharge status), UB92 coding: (1) routine, (2) short term hospital,
(3) skilled nursing … coding: (1) routine, (2) transfer to short
term hospital, (5) other transfers, including skilled nursing
January 01, 2014 - reasons:
Hospital stay was transferred into the hospital from another acute care hospital, skilled nursing … the following data collection Partners from across the United States:
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
August 01, 2013 - reasons:
o Hospital stay was transferred into the hospital from another acute care hospital, skilled
nursing … the following data collection Partners from
across the United States:
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
October 01, 2016 - healthcare facility, such as an inpatient hospital, ambulatory surgical center, dialysis center, or nursing … the following data collection Partners from across the United States:
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
October 01, 2017 - United States:
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing … Public Health Nursing. 1987;4(3):135-40.
11 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
November 09, 2010 - categories: routine (to home), transfer to another short-term hospital, other transfers
(including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home),
home health care
January 01, 2017 - categories: routine (to home); transfer to another short-term hospital; other transfers (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home); home healthcare; … the following data collection Partners from across the United States:
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
January 01, 2018 - or to home healthcare; transfer to another short-term hospital;
other transfers (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a
nursing home); died in the hospital … across the United States:
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
January 01, 2009 - Therefore, it is possible that some hospitals may also have included counts from nursing homes. … referral, (2) clinic referral, (3) HMO referral, (4) transfer from a hospital, (5) transfer from a Skilled nursing … origin, (2) Clinic, (4) Transfer from a hospital (different facility), (5) Transfer from a skilled Nursing … Disposition of patient, uniform coding in 1997: (1) routine, (2) short-term hospital, (3) skilled nursing … in 1998: (1) routine, (2) transfer to short term hospital, (5) other transfers, including skilled nursing
July 01, 2014 - Post-Intervention Follow-up Survey for Hospital Staff
An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services
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January 01, 2010 - population missing from the CPS universe but included in HCUP is the aged population
residing in nursing … the data provided to HCUP
does not contain accurate information on which admissions are from or to nursing … Because many patients from nursing homes are admitted to the hospital through the
emergency department … , identifying admissions from and discharges to nursing homes from
the HCUP data elements for the patient … Counts for other populations
might be explored (e.g., the nursing home population).
January 01, 2016 - hospital, when in reality the patient is moved to another type of health facility (e.g., skilled
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing Home Association
Arizona Department of … Facility (SNF) a
Transfer Other:
Includes Skilled
Nursing Facility
(SNF), Intermediate
Care … transferred to a Medicare certified Long Term Care Hospital (LTCH) a
64 Discharged/transferred to a Nursing … Acute Care Hospital Inpatient
Readmission (Effective 10/1/13) a
Discharged/Transferred to a Nursing
November 07, 2019 - HCUPAnalysisCA2018Wildfires
Wildfires in California:
Emergency Department Visits Around November 2018
We wish to acknowledge the HCUP Partner organization from the
California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD)
that contributed to the HCUP State Databases used in this…
January 01, 2013 - HCUP PARTNERS
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing Home Association
Arizona Department of Health Services
January 01, 2021 - Rehabilitation
Facility Subprovider
Other Subprovider X
Nursery X
Skilled Nursing … Facility X
Nursing Facility X
Other Long-Term Care X
Operating Room,
January 01, 2020 - Rehabilitation
Facility Subprovider
Other Subprovider X
Nursery X
Skilled Nursing … Facility X
Nursing Facility X
Other Long-Term Care X
Operating Room,