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    May 01, 2012 - categories: routine (to home); transfer to another short-term hospital; other transfers (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home); home healthcare; … the following data collection Partners from across the United States: Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
    July 09, 2008 - from long-term care facility indicates the patient was admitted from a long-term facility such as a nursing … categories: routine (to home), transfer to another short-term hospital, other transfers (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home), home health care
    July 01, 2008 - from long-term care facility indicates the patient was admitted from a long-term facility such as a nursing … categories: routine (to home), transfer to another short-term hospital, other transfers (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home), home healthcare,
    February 01, 2012 - categories: routine (to home), transfer to another short-term hospital, other transfers (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home), home healthcare, … the following data collection Partners from across the United States: Alaska State Hospital & Nursing
    June 01, 2012 - categories: routine (to home); transfer to another short-term hospital; other transfers (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home); home healthcare; … following data collection Partners from across the United States: Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
    January 01, 2013 - categories: routine (to home); transfer to another short-term hospital; other transfers (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home); home healthcare; … the following data collection Partners from across the United States: Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
    January 01, 2019 - Datapalooza Conference Exhibit Booth April 3-5, 2019: 31st Annual Eastern Nursing
    January 01, 2014 - population missing from the CPS universe but included in HCUP is the aged population residing in nursing … the data provided to HCUP does not contain accurate information on which admissions are from or to nursing … Because many patients from nursing homes are admitted to the hospital through the emergency department … , identifying admissions from and discharges to nursing homes from the HCUP data elements for the patient … Counts for other populations might be explored (e.g., the nursing home population).
    January 01, 2013 - population missing from the CPS universe but included in HCUP is the aged population residing in nursing … the data provided to HCUP does not contain accurate information on which admissions are from or to nursing … Because many patients from nursing homes are admitted to the hospital through the emergency department … , identifying admissions from and discharges to nursing homes from the HCUP data elements for the patient … Counts for other populations might be explored (e.g., the nursing home population).
    January 01, 2017 - population missing from the CPS universe but included in HCUP is the aged population residing in nursing … the data provided to HCUP does not contain accurate information on which admissions are from or to nursing … Because many patients from nursing homes are admitted to the hospital through the emergency department … , identifying admissions from and discharges to nursing homes from the HCUP data elements for the patient … Counts for other populations might be explored (e.g., the nursing home population).
    January 01, 2015 - population missing from the CPS universe but included in HCUP is the aged population residing in nursing … the data provided to HCUP does not contain accurate information on which admissions are from or to nursing … Because many patients from nursing homes are admitted to the hospital through the emergency department … , identifying admissions from and discharges to nursing homes from the HCUP data elements for the patient … Counts for other populations might be explored (e.g., the nursing home population).
    January 01, 2016 - population missing from the CPS universe but included in HCUP is the aged population residing in nursing … the data provided to HCUP does not contain accurate information on which admissions are from or to nursing … Because many patients from nursing homes are admitted to the hospital through the emergency department … , identifying admissions from and discharges to nursing homes from the HCUP data elements for the patient … Counts for other populations might be explored (e.g., the nursing home population).
    January 01, 2014 - population missing from the CPS universe but included in HCUP is the aged population residing in nursing … the data provided to HCUP does not contain accurate information on which admissions are from or to nursing … Because many patients from nursing homes are admitted to the hospital through the emergency department … , identifying admissions from and discharges to nursing homes from the HCUP data elements for the patient … Counts for other populations might be explored (e.g., the nursing home population).
    January 01, 2018 - population missing from the CPS universe but included in HCUP is the aged population residing in nursing … the data provided to HCUP does not contain accurate information on which admissions are from or to nursing … Because many patients from nursing homes are admitted to the hospital through the emergency department … , identifying admissions from and discharges to nursing homes from the HCUP data elements for the patient … Counts for other populations might be explored (e.g., the nursing home population).
  15. Ff 2009 Section1 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - , 2009 12  Average inflation-adjusted charges per stay—what patients are billed for their rooms, nursing …  Discharges to nursing homes and long-term care increased by 34 percent.
    May 01, 2011 - categories: routine (to home), transfer to another short-term hospital, other transfers (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home), home healthcare,
    May 12, 2016 - includes routine (to home), transfer to another short-term hospital, other transfers (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home), home healthcare,
    January 01, 2011 - Therefore, it is possible that some hospitals may also have included counts from nursing homes. … 2011 Data Sources for the NIS* State Data Organization AK Alaska State Hospital and Nursing … sources required that hospitals not be identified in the NIS: AK: Alaska State Hospital and Nursing … AK: Alaska State Hospital and Nursing Home Association GA: Georgia Hospital Association HI: Hawaii … origin, (2) Clinic, (4) Transfer from a hospital (different facility), (5) Transfer from a skilled Nursing
    January 01, 2010 - Therefore, it is possible that some hospitals may also have included counts from nursing homes. … 2010 Data Sources for the NIS* State Data Organization AK Alaska State Hospital and Nursing … sources required that hospitals not be identified in the NIS: AK: Alaska State Hospital and Nursing … AK: Alaska State Hospital and Nursing Home Association GA: Georgia Hospital Association HI: Hawaii … origin, (2) Clinic, (4) Transfer from a hospital (different facility), (5) Transfer from a skilled Nursing
    August 13, 2015 - Disposition of patient, uniform coding used prior to 1998: (1) routine, (2) short-term hospital, (3) skilled nursing … DISPUB92 Core Disposition of patient, UB-92 coding: (1) routine, (2) short term hospital, (3) skilled nursing … approved swing bed, (62) another rehabilitation facility, (63) long term care hospital, (64) certified nursing … in 1998: (1) routine, (2) transfer to short term hospital, (5) other transfers, including skilled nursing

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