February 01, 2011 - Conversely, the percentage of stays discharged to long term care (e.g., nursing homes and rehab) was … routine discharge to home
Percentage transferred to another facility (skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home)
10.9 … categories: routine (to home), transfer to another short-term hospital, other transfers (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home), home healthcare,
February 01, 2008 - left
against medical advice (1.8%), went to another type of long-term or intermediate care facility (nursing … left against medical advice
(1.8%), went to another type of long-term or intermediate care facility (nursing … left against medical advice (1.8%), went to another type of long-term or intermediate care facility (nursing … left against medical advice (1.8%), went to another type of long-term or intermediate care facility (nursing … left against medical advice (1.8%), went to another type of long-term or intermediate care facility (nursing
January 01, 2000 - Inclusion of Stays in Special Units
Included with the general acute care stays are stays in skilled nursing … Type of unit unknown (beginning in 1996)
1 = General acute care
2 = Not a valid code
3 = Skilled nursing … These discharges included:
• general acute care (value = 1),
• skilled nursing and intermediate care … Florida also reported
some acute care and nursing home units separately from their major facility. … Discharges from Skilled Nursing Facility units are not included.
January 01, 2008 - Discharges to nursing homes and long-term care increased by 35 percent (1.3 million discharges)
August 01, 2012 - the SDAHO source data include discharges from: Acute Care; Newborns; Medical Rehabilitation; Skilled Nursing
January 01, 2009 - Discharges to nursing homes and long-term care increased by 34 percent.
December 01, 2012 - Charges per stay—what hospitals bill patients for their rooms, nursing care, diagnostic tests, procedures … categories: routine (to home); transfer to another short-term hospital; other transfers (including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home); home healthcare; … the following data collection Partners from across the United States:
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
August 18, 2018 - treatment for medical or surgical conditions in health care settings, including
hospitals, clinics, nursing … It is possible that the CDI infection originated in another type of
health care setting, such as a nursing … APPENDIX I: HCUP PARTNERS
Alaska Department of Health and Social
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
August 18, 2018 - treatment for medical or surgical conditions in health care settings, including
hospitals, clinics, nursing … It is possible that the CDI infection originated in another type of
health care setting, such as a nursing … APPENDIX I: HCUP PARTNERS
Alaska Department of Health and Social
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
June 01, 2015 - Hospital Assocation hospital unit discharges were used instead of total facility discharges, which include nursing
August 01, 2006 - Hospitals can report acute care and nursing home units separately from their major facility.
August 01, 2006 - Stays in Special Units
The CHA does not require hospitals to submit information from their skilled nursing
January 01, 2008 - Average charges per stay—the amounts patients are billed for their rooms, nursing care, diagnostic
August 01, 2006 - Discharges are not included from the following facility types: skilled nursing facility, intermediate
August 01, 2006 - types of patients are not included: patients in swing beds, respite or long-term-care patients, skilled nursing
July 19, 2021 - Adults aged 65+ years, especially those living in nursing homes, are
vulnerable to COVID-19 due to their … About AHRQ’s Nursing Home Network.
www.ahrq.gov/nursing-home/about/index.html. … one State, to compare data from two or more States,
https://www.ahrq.gov/nursing-home … across the United States:
Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
March 01, 2012 - Readmissions are also examined for the subgroup of patients discharged to long term care and nursing … categories: routine (to home); transfer to another short-term hospital; other transfers
(including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home);
home health care … the following data collection Partners from
across the United States:
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
August 01, 2013 - The charge per stay is the amount that hospitals bill to patients for
their rooms, nursing care, diagnostic … categories: routine (to home); transfer to another short-term hospital; other transfers
(including skilled nursing … facility, intermediate care, and another type of facility such as a nursing home);
home health care … the following data collection Partners from
across the United States:
Alaska State Hospital and Nursing
September 01, 2008 - include hospitals with a ratio of .25 or higher of full-time equivalent interns and residents to non-nursing
January 01, 2009 - current contributions from the following data collection Partners:
Alaska State Hospital & Nursing