March 01, 2016 - Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician's Checklist
Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician’s Checklist
Before… During… After…
The Clinical Encounter
Determine patient’s eligibility.
This checklist may be completed with the assistance of a
nurse, physician assistant, or other medical assistant.
The Clinical Encounter
March 01, 2016 - Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician's Checklist
Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician’s Checklist
Before… During… After…
The Clinical Encounter
Determine patient’s eligibility.
This checklist may be completed with the assistance of a
nurse, physician assistant, or other medical assistant.
The Clinical Encounter
January 26, 2021 - Topic Brief: Complication of Endotracheal Intubation
Topic Brief: Complication of Endotracheal Intubation
Date: 1/27/2021
Nomination Number: 0946
Purpose: This document summarizes the information addressing a nomination submitted on
January 26, 2021 through the Effective Health Care Website. This inf…
October 01, 2007 - Adverse Drug Events
© 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins S87
electronic medical record: ad hoc nursing
June 29, 2019 - Educational program for nursing
home physicians and staff to reduce use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory … drugs among
nursing home residents: a randomized controlled trial.
July 01, 2016 - Severe skin breakdown
and ulceration can result from fecal incontinence,
particularly in nursing home
July 01, 2012 - example, in one study of 170 journals in the fields of general
internal medicine, family practice, nursing
April 11, 2011 - Any other treatment plan for hypertension, including, but not restricted to,
nursing support, medication … two or more interventions in addition to SMBP
monitoring including, but not limited to, training, nursing
March 29, 2011 - affiliations; however, they
included individuals involved in State government, physical therapy, and nursing … such
as speech/language, occupational, and physical therapies, we will add the Cumulative Index of
Nursing … via the PubMed interface, the PsycINFO psychology and psychiatry database, the
Cumulative Index of Nursing
October 18, 2010 - labor, frequency of follow up, nurse visits,
supervision of home treatment, daily phone calls from nursing … analyses
Table 4: Criteria to assign value for level of care
Level of Care
Low Moderate High
Nursing … assessments
No nursing
assessment made
Patient questioned
regarding any
barriers to
November 01, 2016 - Behavioral Programs for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Current State of the Evidence
Behavioral Programs for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus:
Current State of the Evidence
Focus of This Summary
This is a summary of a systematic review evaluating the evidence about factors that contribute to the effectiveness of behavioral
January 01, 2010 - The AHRQ Evidence-Based Care (EBC) Challenge
The AHRQ Evidence-Based Care (EBC) Challenge
Applying Evidence in NP/PA Retail Settings
- Frequently Asked Questions –
What is the AHRQ EBC Challenge?
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Evidence-Based Care (EBC)
Challenge offers nurs…
March 01, 2020 - Technical Brief Summary - Impact of Community Health Worker Certification on Workforce and Service Delivery for Asthma and Other Selected Chronic Diseases
Technical Brief Summary
Technical Brief No. 34, Impact of Community Health Worker Certification on Workforce
and Service Delivery for Asthma and Other Select…
January 22, 2010 - We also searched other databases (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), the Cochrane … "Using the teach-back and Orem's Self-care Deficit Nursing theory to increase childhood immunization
January 22, 2010 - We also searched other databases (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health
(CINAHL), the Cochrane … Using the teach-back and Orem's Self-care Deficit
Nursing theory to increase childhood immunization
April 01, 2023 - AHRQ Evidence-based Practice Center Program Research Gaps Summary: Telehealth
An AHRQ EPC Program publication summarizing evidence gaps identified across recent
EPC Program reviews for select healthcare topics addressing telehea…
January 01, 2012 - patient immobility and risk for nosocomial
infection and delirium, and creating a staff position for a nursing … substance abuse counseling, and family
support networks; (2) outpatient home-health care; and (3) direct nursing … mobility and
increase risk of nosocomial infection and delirium; and creating a staff position for a nursing
January 01, 2012 - patient immobility and risk for nosocomial
infection and delirium, and creating a staff position for a nursing … substance abuse counseling, and family
support networks; (2) outpatient home health care; and (3) direct nursing … immobility and increase risk for nosocomial infection and delirium; and creating a staff
position for a nursing
April 11, 2016 - o" Additional"support"included"but"was"not"limited"to"educational"training,"
April 19, 2023 - Psychological Association
CAU Care as usual
CBT Cognitive-behavioral therapy
CINAHL Cumulated Index to Nursing