November 01, 2019 - Slide 5
Case, Continued
His nurse asks whether he needs a PICC, or peripherally
inserted … Educate nurses about reviewing culture results. … Although nurses may not feel comfortable suggesting
antibiotics to prescribe, if they notice their patient … The
comfort level of nurses to review culture results may
vary but they should feel secure voicing … Nurses can provide an
invaluable resource in informing prescribers if they
notice concerning decreases
May 01, 2017 - Slide 7: System-Level Factors Can Predict Performance
When nurse-to-patient ratios exceed … team working on a L&D unit, hierarchy issues plagued the unit, disrupting the abilities of the unit nurses … The nurses were able to alleviate these hierarchical issues by engaging hospital administration with … With the support of the executive staff at their hospital, the nurses were empowered to enforce the labor
January 01, 2016 - ICU Triage
Mod 1 05.2 Page ‹#›
OR to ICU Transfer
Slide ‹#›
PACU nurse … boarder problem” is “A triage problem”
Current triage system lacks standardized patient handoff
PACU nurses … re-education of specific patient populations for when boarders are necessary
No easy system to alert PACU nurses … interruptions during rounds regarding PACU triage
Improved handoff
“Less angry” and more confident PACU nurses
January 01, 2017 - care rounds in the ICU by using a daily goals form, this graph shows an increase in residents’ and nurses … Over 6 weeks, the residents and the nurses developed a greater understanding of and appreciation for … Slide 10
Daily Goals and Outcomes
In addition, when residents and nurses understood and used … Supply real-time feedback by having the nurse read back the goals.
May 01, 2017 - Slide 6
When nurse-to-patient ratios exceed best practice based on the unit’s acuity and rate … team working on a L&D unit, hierarchy issues plagued the unit, disrupting the abilities of the unit nurses … The nurses were able to alleviate these hierarchical issues by engaging hospital administration with … With the support of the executive staff at their hospital, the nurses were empowered to enforce the labor
May 01, 2017 - Slide 6
When nurse-to-patient ratios exceed best practice based on the unit’s acuity and rate … team working on a L&D unit, hierarchy issues plagued the unit, disrupting the abilities of the unit nurses … The nurses were able to alleviate these hierarchical issues by engaging hospital administration with … With the support of the executive staff at their hospital, the nurses were empowered to enforce the labor
May 01, 2017 - Slide 6
When nurse-to-patient ratios exceed best practice based on the unit’s acuity and rate … team working on a L&D unit, hierarchy issues plagued the unit, disrupting the abilities of the unit nurses … The nurses were able to alleviate these hierarchical issues by engaging hospital administration with … With the support of the executive staff at their hospital, the nurses were empowered to enforce the labor
May 01, 2017 - Slide 6
When nurse-to-patient ratios exceed best practice based on the unit’s acuity and rate … team working on a L&D unit, hierarchy issues plagued the unit, disrupting the abilities of the unit nurses … The nurses were able to alleviate these hierarchical issues by engaging hospital administration with … With the support of the executive staff at their hospital, the nurses were empowered to enforce the labor
January 01, 2016 - ICU Triage
Mod 1 05.2 Page ‹#›
OR to ICU Transfer
Slide ‹#›
PACU nurse … boarder problem” is “A triage problem”
Current triage system lacks standardized patient handoff
PACU nurses … re-education of specific patient populations for when boarders are necessary
No easy system to alert PACU nurses … interruptions during rounds regarding PACU triage
Improved handoff
“Less angry” and more confident PACU nurses
January 01, 2016 - ICU Triage
Mod 1 05.2 Page ‹#›
OR to ICU Transfer
Slide ‹#›
PACU nurse … boarder problem” is “A triage problem”
Current triage system lacks standardized patient handoff
PACU nurses … re-education of specific patient populations for when boarders are necessary
No easy system to alert PACU nurses … interruptions during rounds regarding PACU triage
Improved handoff
“Less angry” and more confident PACU nurses
January 01, 2016 - ICU Triage
Mod 1 05.2 Page ‹#›
OR to ICU Transfer
Slide ‹#›
PACU nurse … boarder problem” is “A triage problem”
Current triage system lacks standardized patient handoff
PACU nurses … re-education of specific patient populations for when boarders are necessary
No easy system to alert PACU nurses … interruptions during rounds regarding PACU triage
Improved handoff
“Less angry” and more confident PACU nurses
January 01, 2016 - ICU Triage
Mod 1 05.2 Page ‹#›
OR to ICU Transfer
Slide ‹#›
PACU nurse … boarder problem” is “A triage problem”
Current triage system lacks standardized patient handoff
PACU nurses … re-education of specific patient populations for when boarders are necessary
No easy system to alert PACU nurses … interruptions during rounds regarding PACU triage
Improved handoff
“Less angry” and more confident PACU nurses
January 01, 2016 - ICU Triage
Mod 1 05.2 Page ‹#›
OR to ICU Transfer
Slide ‹#›
PACU nurse … boarder problem” is “A triage problem”
Current triage system lacks standardized patient handoff
PACU nurses … re-education of specific patient populations for when boarders are necessary
No easy system to alert PACU nurses … interruptions during rounds regarding PACU triage
Improved handoff
“Less angry” and more confident PACU nurses
May 01, 2017 - Slide 6
When nurse-to-patient ratios exceed best practice based on the unit’s acuity and rate … team working on a L&D unit, hierarchy issues plagued the unit, disrupting the abilities of the unit nurses … The nurses were able to alleviate these hierarchical issues by engaging hospital administration with … With the support of the executive staff at their hospital, the nurses were empowered to enforce the labor
January 01, 2016 - ICU Triage
Mod 1 05.2 Page ‹#›
OR to ICU Transfer
Slide ‹#›
PACU nurse … boarder problem” is “A triage problem”
Current triage system lacks standardized patient handoff
PACU nurses … re-education of specific patient populations for when boarders are necessary
No easy system to alert PACU nurses … interruptions during rounds regarding PACU triage
Improved handoff
“Less angry” and more confident PACU nurses
January 01, 2016 - ICU Triage
Mod 1 05.2 Page ‹#›
OR to ICU Transfer
Slide ‹#›
PACU nurse … boarder problem” is “A triage problem”
Current triage system lacks standardized patient handoff
PACU nurses … re-education of specific patient populations for when boarders are necessary
No easy system to alert PACU nurses … interruptions during rounds regarding PACU triage
Improved handoff
“Less angry” and more confident PACU nurses
June 05, 2024 - self-reported quality of patient care and adverse events during COVID-19: a cross-sectional online survey among nurses … September 22, 2010
Training Program for Nurses on Shift Work and Long Work Hours. … March 23, 2022
Cracking the code for quality: the interrelationships of culture, nurse … The power of collaboration with patient safety programs: building safe passage for patients, nurses
January 01, 2003 - Based on a combination of observations and interviews with nurses, Aitken17 analyzed the
nurses’ use … To
participate, nurses had to be active Registered Nurse license holders, currently working in an
ICU … Due to the high
workload of ICU nurses
(e.g., nurse-to-patient ratios
ranging from 1:1 to 1:3),
nurses … In the absence of an integrated display, a nurse
faced with a low oxygen saturation alarm must remember … As one nurse put it, “Trends kill people.”
January 01, 2016 - Facility personnel include: surgeons, physicians, proceduralists, anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists … , anesthesia technicians, nurses, scrub technicians, gastroenterologists, and all others who work in
January 01, 2016 - Facility personnel include: surgeons, physicians, proceduralists, anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists … , anesthesia technicians, nurses, scrub technicians, gastroenterologists, and all others who work in